Thursday, 31 August 2017

Voice mail users guide

Voice mail provides each user with a private "voice" mailbox. This mailbox can be accessed via a simple set of commands issued by pressing designated keys on the telephone keypad. Voice prompts offer guidance at every step. The online help service, accessed by pressing * (star key), supplements the prompts if required and speeds the learning process.

Mail box access numbers
  • On campus: 70000

  • Off campus: 519-888-4966

Express messaging number
  • On campus: 70001

  • Off campus: 519-888-4967


  1. Log on

  2. Log off

  3. Change password

  4. Personal verification

  5. To record or change mailbox greeting

  6. Playing your messages

  7. Compose a message

  8. Reply or forward a message

  1. Bypass greeting

  2. Tagging messages

  3. Personal distribution list

  4. Alternative log on

  5. The help service

  6. Thru-dial

  7. Call sender

  8. Express messaging

  9. Express messaging - transfer

1. Log on

From your own telephone:

  1. Lift receiver

  2. Dial 70000 (mailbox access)

  3. When connected: press #; enter password followed by #

You are now logged on.

From another telephone within system:

  1. Lift receiver

  2. Dial 70000 (mailbox access)

  3. When connected: enter your mailbox number (extension) followed by #; enter your password followed by #

You are now logged on.

From a telephone outside the system:

  1. Lift receiver

  2. Dial 519-888-4966 (mailbox outside access)

  3. When connected: enter your mailbox number (extension) followed by #; enter your password followed by #

You are now logged on.

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2. Log off

  • Press 83 - "Goodbye"

Note: "Log Off" ensures the ports are free for the next user.

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3. Change password

  1. Log on (see above)

  2. Press 84

  3. Enter your old password followed by #

  4. Enter your new password followed by #

  5. Enter your new password again followed by #
    Your password has been changed.

  6. Exit by pressing 83

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4. Personal verification

The personal verification is a recording of your name used by the system in place of your mailbox number (extension).

Note: This is not the greeting played to your callers.
  1. Log on

  2. Press 82

  3. Press 9

  4. Press 5 to record. Say your name.

  5. Press #. The system will play the name back to you.

  6. Exit by pressing 83

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5. To record or change greetings

  1. Log on

  2. Press 82

To record external greeting (mandatory). It will be played to all incoming calls from external numbers and to internal calls as well unless unless an internal greeting has been recorded.
  1. Press 1 - external greeting

  2. Press 5 - start your greeting

  3. Press # - when finished

  4. Press 2 - to replay greeting

  5. Press 76 - to delete greeting

  6. Press 4 - to return to messages

  7. Exit 83 to log off

To record internal greeting (optional). The greeting is only used if internal callers need to receive a different greeting than the one played to all other callers.
  1. Press 2 - internal greeting

  2. Press 5 - start your greeting

  3. Press # - when finished

  4. Press 2 - to replay greeting

  5. Press 76 - to delete greeting

  6. Press 4 - to return to messages

  7. Exit 83 - to log off

To record temporary greeting (optional). Played to all callers and will expire at the time and date indicated.
  1. Press 3 - temporary greeting

  2. Press 5 - start your greeting

  3. Press # - when finished

  4. Press 2 - to replay greeting

  5. Press 76 - to delete greeting

  6. Press 9 - to set expiry date & time

  7. Press # - when finished

  8. Press 4 - to return to messages

  9. Exit 83 - to log off

To bypass greeting: if you are calling another mailbox user on your system and wish to bypass their greeting press 5 and you will go directly into their mailbox.

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6. Playing your messages

  1. Log on

  2. Press 2 to play messages

Once the message starts playing the following commands are available:
  • # - to pause during playback

  • 6 - go to the next message

  • 4 - go to the previous message

  • 2 - to continue

  • 1 - to skip backward 5 seconds

  • 3 - to go forward 5 seconds

  • 76 - deletes message

  • 72 - more information about the message

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7. Compose a message

Enables you to leave messages for someone without calling their extension number.
  1. Log on

  2. Press 75

  3. Enter mailbox number (extension) or distribution list followed by #

  • 5 - wait for tone to speak

  • # - to stop recording

  • 79 -to send message

  • 83 - to log off

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8. Reply and forward messages

To reply to the sender of a message:

  • Press 71 - to reply

  • Press 5 - wait for tone to speak

  • Press # - when finished recording

  • Press 79 - to send message

To reply to the sender of a message and to everyone else who received it:

  • Press 74 - to reply all

  • Press 72 - to hear list of people who will receive your reply

  • Press 5 - wait for tone to speak

  • Press # - when finished recording

  • Press 79 - to send the message

To forward a message that you have received:

  • Press 73 - enter mailbox number (extension)

  • Press ##

  • Press 5 - to record additional information prior to sending

  • Followed by #

  • Press 79 - to send message

  • Press 2 - to return to listening to your message

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9. Bypass greeting

If you are calling another mailbox user on your system and wish to bypass their greeting, press 5 and you will go directly into their mailbox.

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10. Tagging messages

When you create messages you can tag them using the message options command, to indicate that you want a message handled in a special way.
  • Acknowledge: when you tag a message for "Acknowledgement", you receive a notification when each recipient hears your message.

  • Private: if a message is confidential, you can tag it as "Private". The recipient of the message tagged private can't forward it.

  • Timed Delivery: when you tag a message with "Timed Delivery", the message is sent at the date and time you specify.

  • Urgent: an "Urgent" message is announced when the recipient logs in. In networking systems "Urgent" messages are sent immediately.

Before you send your message:

  • Press 70 - message option

  • Press 1 - Urgent

  • Press 4 - Private

  • Press 5 - Acknowledge

  • Press 6 - Time Delivery

  • Press 79 - to send message

Example of time delivery, you want message delivered on July third at four in the afternoon.

  • Enter the month 7#

  • Enter the day 3#

  • Enter the hour and minute 4#

  • Enter the morning or afternoon # (note: the number is 1 if AM and 2 if PM)

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11. To compose a personal distribution list

A personal distribution list is a list of often-used mailbox numbers (extension). You can create up to nine personal distribution lists, each containing a maximum of 99 entries.
  1. Press 85

  2. Choose distribution list by pressing 5

  3. Enter the distribution list number (1 - 9) followed by #.

  4. Press 5 to compose the distribution list.

  5. Enter the mailbox numbers or distribution list numbers, separating each with a #.

  6. Press # when finished.

  7. Press 2 to listen to the distribution list.

To check the contents of a personal distribution list - follow steps 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 above.

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12. Alternative log on

After you have called a CallPilot Mail user and have left a message, you can log on to CallPilot Mail without hanging up and dialing the access number.

To log on to your mailbox after leaving a message:
  1. Finish recording the message by entering #

  2. Press 81

You can now log on to your mailbox as usual.

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13. The help service

You can get help at any time while using CallPilot Mail - press * (the star key).

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14. Thru-dial

When you are logged onto your mailbox, you may make an internal call without disconnecting from CallPilot Mail.

Press 0 followed by the extension number. Do not pause for more than two seconds after pressing zero or you will be connected to the attendant.

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15. Call sender

After listening to a message, you may want to speak immediately with the person who left the message. That extension number can be automatically dialed for you by using the "Call Sender" feature. It is not applicable to outside callers.
  1. After hearing the message, press 9

  2. Talk to the sender or leave a message

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16. Express messaging

May be used by mailbox and non-mailbox users. This feature lets you send a message without having to log onto your mailbox.
  1. Dial the express message access number 70001 from within the system or 519-888-4967 from outside the system.

  2. Enter the mailbox extension number of the person for whom you want to leave a message, followed by #.

  3. Leave your message after the tone.

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17. Transferring a caller to express messaging

If you answer a call meant for another person and that individual is not available, you can transfer the caller to express messaging to leave a message in the other person's mailbox.
  1. Activate transfer on your telephone.

  2. Call the express messaging access number x70001

  3. Enter the mailbox extension number of the person for who the caller wants to leave a message, followed by # (note: this step is necessary if the caller does not have a touchtone phone).

  4. Complete the call transfer as quickly as possible so that the caller can hear the entire prompt to record a message.


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