Monday, 26 June 2017

Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator

Certification Requirements

The following standards have been approved by the Executive Council of the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council as the minimum requirements for being awarded the designation of a Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator or C.C.D.I. The C.C.D.I. designation is awarded to professional criminal defense investigators who have met the minimum training and experience requirements required to perform effectively within the discipline of criminal defense investigation as an expert. Investigators seeking the C.C.D.I. designation are evaluated by the Academic Director and Executive Council on an individual basis. The applicants must meet the minimum requirements enacted by the board in order to qualify for the C.C.D.I. designation.


Successfully complete 40 hours of formal training in the discipline of criminal defense investigation. The training program must be approved and accredited by the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council.*

Provide documentation supporting the successful investigation of a minimum of twenty-five (25) criminal defense assignments. The assignments must be comprehensive in nature and not merely single task oriented. A notarized affidavit from a supervisor or defense counsel attesting to the fact must be provided to the Advisory Board.

Two written recommendations from defense counsel noting the investigator’s reputation, intellectual acuity, ability, accomplishments, and skill level as a criminal defense investigator.

A minimum of two (2) years professional experience as a criminal defense investigator, either working for a state public defender's office or as a licensed private investigator.

Sign a sworn affidavit attesting to the investigator’s dedication and commitment to conducting impartial, objective, and ethical investigations as an advocate of the truth.

Adhere to the continuing education requirements mandated to maintain the C.C.D.I. designation. Ten (10) continuing education units must be satisfied every two years. CEU requirements must be obtained from approved programs providing training in the discipline of criminal investigation.

*Investigators seeking the C.C.D.I. designation who have successfully investigated a minimum of fifty (50) comprehensive criminal defense assignments may attend an eight (8) hour approved and accredited training program in place of the forty (40) hour program. An objective written test is required for those individuals who opt for the eight hour program. The test is comprehensive in nature and covers material from the required text, "Uncovering Reasonable Doubt, The Component Method". The test is administered via email, as are the tests for the Distance Learning Program.


The CDITC Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator maintains a philosophy as an "impartial and objective advocate of the truth". Many do not understand how this can be so. After all, are we not working on behalf of the defense and therefore committed to defending the guilty as well as the innocent? Indeed. The Constitution of the United States calls for the defense of the accused and ensures that all be afforded a fair trial. Our critics fail to accept that idea than one is innocent until proven guilty. Thus, we assist and defend the "accused". It is in this spirit and in accordance with the letter of the law that we do what we do. In essence, we are defending not any one individual but in fact an idea defined by truth, liberty, and justice. As a group we work on behalf of all when we ensure one is granted their constitutional right to a fair trial. We do this by pursuing the truth and ensuring that all of the facts are brought to light. This is done while working as an agent of counsel with all the privileges afforded such a role. We uncover and report the truth to defense counsel so that they may properly advise and defend the accused. If all parties were to act in such an impartial and objective manner, the truth would be revealed and justice would be served without prejudice. A lofty idea but an objective nonetheless. Too many in our system, on both sides, have lost sight of what it is that we do and why we do it. Fundamentally, it is about fairness to all. A victim of crime is always a tragic event that demands justice by a fair and just system. Yet, we must also acknowledge and remind our criminal justice colleagues that a victim of the system is also a tragic and appalling crime and in many ways a much larger injustice. In fact, it is an insult to every American who has lost their life defending this great nation.

What of the claims often promoted by narrow minded individuals? I have yet to meet a professional criminal defense investigator who wishes to free the guilty. Such an objective would be outrageous by any standard. Would it not? Of course! However, it is a fact. No, it is a truth that our entire system of juris prudence is based upon the Blackstonian view that it is "better to let ten guilty escape than allow one innocent to suffer". It is the innocent that our system is designed to protect. The innocent! Consider the meaning of this word. Such a designation comes in many forms. Again, many in the criminal justice system never fail to declare that laws are created to protect the innocent from crime. However, those same fair minded people tend to forget that laws are also created to protect the innocent from the very laws designed to punish the guilty. In other words, laws are created to defend us from ourselves. The greatest threat to freedom and truth comes not from a foreign power but from within. We are our own worst enemy. This is where the criminal defense professional comes into play. We NEVER forget and function as a constant reminder to the fair minded but often forgetful. The reminder is aggressively delivered in the form of facts, evidence, and truth and it is delivered without apology.

The CDITC Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator represents the virtual Knighthood of the faithful. We recognize the need, accept the responsibility, and stand watch as defenders of the constitution and the right of the accused to a fair trial. If you are not a CDITC Board Certified Criminal Defense Investigator, I encourage you to apply and join the ranks of the ever faithful and courageous elite. Our ranks are growing. The monumental task of promoting and defending truth demands no less.

Mandamus Veritas!

certified criminal defense investigator

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