Monday 31 July 2017

Facing Criminal Charges? Contact Our NYC Criminal Lawyers Right Away

If you are facing criminal charges, you stand to lose your freedom, liberty and personal assets. The stakes are far too high to leave your criminal defense representation to just any NYC Criminal Lawyer.Whether you are facing a federal or state charge for white collar or violent crime, our NYC criminal lawyers have the skills, experience and judgment needed to help you avoid the upending experience of facing a guilty verdict and extensive prison sentence. By contrast, we can help you negotiate a workable plea bargain or engage in a trial on the merits of your case, meeting the prosecution’s evidence against you with exculpatory or mitigating evidence of our own. To get started with your representation, please contact our office right away. There is virtually no criminal case we cannot handle.

High Profile Criminal Defense

The media loves a controversial criminal case, particularly if the defendant is a celebrity or high profile individual. Managing the media during the months leading up to trial can be a daunting task, even for a defendant accustomed to the limelight.

However, our criminal lawyers in NYC have been working in high profile criminal defense litigation for decades, and we can make certain that you are painted in a positive light whenever we address the media. What’s more, we are not deterred or intimidated by the attention garnered by a high profile case and will make certain your defense is handled with poise and professionalism. By working with our criminal attorneys in NYC, you can rest assured that any details provided to the media about your case are accurate, correct and not open to interpretation.

Defense Against Major Violent Crimes

Our NYC criminal lawyers are well-versed in the New York Penal Laws as pertaining to violent crimes, and are prepared to mount a defense to your recent violent crime charge. Whether you are facing murder, assault, manslaughter or kidnapping charges. Our NYC Criminal lawyers will work overtime to protect your rights and ensure you are given a fair and unbiased trial. It is not uncommon for violent crime allegations to receive invasive media coverage, sometimes with misreported facts or unchecked assertions that may affect potential jurors’ views and create an unfair prejudice. As experienced criminal defense practitioners, we will employ tactics to work against this prejudice and help you achieve the fair trial you deserve.

Violent crimes typically involve an expansive assortment of forensic evidence. From blood samples to ballistics, we have a team of experts readily available to review your case from a microscopic level, allowing us to create a defense capable of raising that necessary reasonable doubt. Moreover, our NYC criminal attorneys are accustomed to the tactics often utilized by the prosecution to secure a victory, including shoddy police work, unlawful searches and seizures and use of questionable experts. In your case, you can rest assured we will be prepared with an argument to prevent the use of any evidence against you that does not comport with evidentiary rules, is overly prejudicial or was not collected pursuant to constitutional principles.

Non-judgmental Sex Crimes Representation

Facing a sex crime charge is a humiliating experience, and our team of professionals is ready to help guide you through the process of defending against these heinous charges and moving on with your life. Even if a defendant is cleared of a sex crime, lingering doubt tends to hover around the defendant for months or years following the acquittal. For this reason, our NYC criminal law firm will work diligently to ensure that your sex crimes defense is thorough and meticulous, digging up every detail from the incident in question and ensuring all forensic evidence is brought to light.

Drug Crimes

Drug crime legislation is changing regularly, and our criminal defense attorneys work tirelessly to keep abreast of the amendments to the state and federal drug code. Whether you are facing a misdemeanor drug crime or a major trafficking indictment, we can help mount a credible and aggressive defense to the government’s charges. Our criminal law firm in NYC is unafraid of state prosecutors and their attempts to intimidate our clients, particularly clients who are facing minor, first-time drug offenses. If rehabilitation is a better treatment option for you, we will fight for a sentence or probation condition that upholds your needs and will reduce your likely recidivism behavior. Likewise, if you are facing a major drug crime charge, particularly a drug trafficking charge under federal laws, we will fight for the lightest possible sentence as well as work to keep your legal status in the United States if a conviction would place you in jeopardy.

Fraud Charges

The number of fraud crimes in the federal and state penal codes is ever-expanding, and our office is ready to help you defeat this serious criminal charge. Wire fraud and mail fraud are often charged against our clients as an ancillary crime occurring pursuant to another alleged criminal fraud scheme. However, as our NYC criminal attorneys will explain, the prosecution must prove intent to defraud as part of its case, and mere accident or negligence is insufficient to support a charge of criminal fraud. Whether you are facing health care, banking, securities or any other type of fraud, we encourage you to contact us right away. If you are under investigation for fraud but have not been formally charged yet, our office can help secure your constitutional criminal procedure rights by ensuring your property is not searched or seized illegally without a proper warrant and probable cause. If you have already been charged, our attorneys will work to have any improperly obtained evidence excluded.

Computer Crimes

Computer crimes can include any computer theft or Internet-based offense, including unauthorized use of a computer, hacking, phishing, transmission of contraband (i.e., pornographic material) over the Internet, identity theft, unlawful email spamming, using the Internet to commit a crime and more. Our computer crimes representation has assisted clients in avoiding prosecution by making the simple argument that “it wasn’t him!” More specifically, we recently defended against computer crime allegations that were actually perpetrated by a remote hacker having accessed our client’s IP address using an unsecured wireless network. When the forensic team tracked the IP address, it came back to our client, even though he was not involved in the crime at all. Fortunately, further investigation corroborated our assertion, and our client was exonerated of culpability in the matter. For assistance with your computer crimes charge under investigation, our attorneys can use their knowledge of the intersection of law and technology to help you avoid an unwarranted conviction.

Federal Charges

Federal charges can often carry stiffer fines and penalties than the New York version of the same law, meaning you need an attorney able to effectively argue on your behalf under both state and federal statutes. NYC criminal attorney Frederick Sosinsky is admitted to practice before all New York state courts, as well as the United States District Court for the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York. Attorney Sosinsky is also admitted to practice before the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which handles appellate review of federal cases.

Contact a Reputable Attorney Today

Attorney Sosinsky is a preeminent source of criminal law defense and representation. Whether you are under investigation or surveillance or have already reached the appeals portion of your case, you can rest assured that Frederick Sosinsky will handle your case using his extensive education and legal background.

New York City Criminal Defense Lawyer Sosinsky was born in the Bronx and raised in Long Island, so he has a personal affinity for New Yorkers and a keen understanding of New York law enforcement and district attorneys. He served as a law clerk for a New York City judge and has dedicated nearly three decades of practice to defending the criminally accused. Beginning as a criminal defense attorney for the indigent and working his way up to owning his own practice, Frederick Sosinsky is an unparalleled resource for zealous and aggressive defense representation.

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