Tuesday 26 September 2017

What is a NO Win / No Fee Basis?

A contingency fee is an agreement between a lawyer and a client. In this agreement the lawyer agrees to not collect a fee for their time and work unless the client recovers. When the client wins the lawyer receives a percentage of the award. If the client loses the lawyer is not paid.

At Zayouna Law our firm’s fees are contingent on the results of your legal case. You pay us only if you receive compensation for your injuries. If there is no recovery, then you don’t pay us a fee for our time. All of our firm’s fees are contingent on the results of your legal case. We produce results or we do not get paid.

Why Contingency Fees Work

Contingency fees have a number of advantages, including:

    • You don’t have to pay your lawyer up front

    • You’re not responsible for large legal bills while you are waiting for the case to be resolved

    • Contingency fees allow lower income people who may otherwise not be able to afford a lawyer to receive legal assistance

    • You have peace of mind knowing that if your case loses you won’t be on the hook for investing a large amount of money in legal fees

  • You know your legal team will be highly  motivated to work hard and do everything in their power to help you win your case because they will be paid only if you win.

You’ve Just Been in an Accident. What Should You Do?

If you’ve been in an accident one of the first calls you make should be to Zayouna Law. In the beginning it is wise to contact us as quickly as you are able to so that we can evaluate the accident and determine if you have a claim. The urgency in this evaluation is due to the time restraints involved in processing accident claims. Clients who call us immediately avoid any disqualifications from receiving compensation.

What to Bring to Your First Appointment

We will ask you to bring the following information to your first appointment with us. Ensuring you have this documentation and information will help us ensure that your case moves quickly and smoothly.

Please bring your:
  • Driver’s License

  • Health Card

  • S.I.N. Card

  • Car Insurance Policy Information & Policy Number

  • Motor Vehicle Report or Collision Report Number

  • If you are employed please provide pay stubs for 4 weeks prior to the accident

  • If you are self-employed please bring a copy of your latest Income Tax Return

  • If you are unemployed please bring a copy of your ODSP or Ontario Works payment stubs

  • If an interpreter is required please let us know the native language spoken

  • Bring the defendant’s information including their:
    • Driver’s License

    • Driver’s Name & Address

    • License Plate number

    • Insurance company and policy number.

Once you have established the team at Zayouna Law as your legal partner you can rest assured that you will be surrounded by a team of legal experts who will guide you step by step through the entire process. Contact us today to start your accident claim and receive the compensation you deserve.

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Source: http://docphy.com/business-industry/personal-finance/insurance/no-win-no-fee-basis.html

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