Friday, 28 April 2017

How strong is the white 512 Percocet pill?

Acetaminophen and oxycodone hydrochloride
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8 Answers

I don know if you are asking about an equi-anagesic basis versus another opioid analgesic, or a “relative strength,” so I’ll start there:

That pill contains 5mg of the moderately-potent opioid oxycodone, and 325 mg acetaminophen (aka Tylenol; paracetamol), a largely worthless and potentially hepatotoxic drug*

The 512 is the lowest dose version of this drug combination, and least in the US Pharmacopoeia. Relatively speaking, it’s about as strong with a 7.5 mg Vicodin (7.5 mg hydrocodone / 200 mg ibuprofen (Advil)) 512 - Pill Identification Wizard |

In terms of “equanalgesic dosing,” meaning, based on having similar amount of pain-relieving qualities, morphine (MSO4; morphine sulfate) is the standard to which all other are compared. In that regard, oxycodone is modestly (~50% more) potent taken by mouth (P.O.) than MSO4. An educated guess tells me 5 mg oxy is roughly equal to ~7.5 mg MSO4. The chart contained in this link agrees, but not all charts agree with one another, though they don't seem to vary widely

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