What is a post-basic RN baccalaureate in nursing program?
Post-basic RN baccalaureate programs are those that are taken by nurses who have a nursing diploma and want to get a baccalaureate degree in nursing. These programs vary in length between two and three years (full-time). Many can be taken on a part-time basis. List of RN education programs in Canada.
Why should I get my baccalaureate degree in nursing?
A baccalaureate degree provides more flexibility and leads to more opportunities in nursing, in practice settings across the continuum of care, as well as in types of positions. Read these FAQs to learn more.
Is a nursing diploma still an option?
Nursing students preparing for a career in nursing in Quebec currently have a choice of obtaining either a diploma or a baccalaureate degree. However, in October 2011, the Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Québec voted to lobby the Quebec government to require baccalaureate degrees as necessary for entry to practice. In all other provinces/territories, students must obtain a baccalaureate degree in nursing for entry to practice.
Once registered as a diploma nurse, will I be able to continue working as a nurse when the minimum entry to practice requirement changes to baccalaureate?
Yes. In all Canadian jurisdictions, the change to a degree as a minimum requirement for entry to practice applies only to new entrants. It has no effect on the eligibility of currently registered diploma nurses for continuing registration. However, some employment opportunities may require a baccalaureate degree.
Where do I find specific information on post-basic RN baccalaureate programs in nursing?
The list of RN education programs in Canada includes post-diploma RN baccalaureate programs.
Can I take a program or course from a distance?
Distance education is growing in popularity. A number of nursing schools deliver at least part of their post-RN programs using distance methods. Some nursing schools offer courses by a combination of teleconference, correspondence and classes held at off-campus sites. Refer to this list of RN education programs in Canada to see what is available. Be sure to contact the school directly, as some programs restrict access for nurses from outside the province/territory.
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Source: http://docphy.com/business-industry/higher-education/post-basic-rn-baccalaureate.html
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