Aside from helping companies manage assets throughout their life cycle, another benefit to this software is its ability to track and manage all items wherever they are located, even in different facilities, departments or geographical locations. All of these benefits reduce labor, production and maintenance costs, while limiting downtime and increasing productivity.
Enterprise Asset Management: What to Look For
Choosing EAM software can help businesses in many ways. However, there are several important factors to think about before making a decision on which software is the right choice. Companies need to consider what industries and processes the software is useful for, whether any special editions are available for customized use and if the system can be used with any other technologies.
Industries & Processes
Most asset management services support asset operations, such as tracking check-ins and checkouts of assets, scheduling maintenance and managing contracts pertaining to assets. Some systems are better geared to certain industries and processes than others. When a company is looking for this type of software, it should consider carefully what industries the software manufacturer says the solution would work best for. Some solutions might work for any asset-intensive industry, while others might only be appropriate for the food industry or oil industry. By choosing a product made specifically for the industry they are in, businesses can get more from the software. Industries can include manufacturing, health care, the public sector and hospitality.
Special Editions
Special editions of the asset management software let companies focus on the specific needs of their industry. Each industry is different; the management needs of the public sector may focus on preventative maintenance to equipment, while the needs of the manufacturing industry may be reducing energy waste and unplanned downtime. Special editions of this software give companies the flexibility necessary to meet industry-specific requirements and improve management of their assets.
Use With Other Technologies
Some systems let companies use other types of technology along with the software. Cloud computing solutions, Microsoft Dynamics and enterprise resource planning systems are just a few of the technologies that may be integrated with a facilities management system. Businesses may also be given the option of uploading documents such as warranties and contracts and attaching them to the asset.
Mobile Capability
Mobile capability is an important feature included with many EAM solutions. This feature lets companies add assets and asset parts to the software when a worker is away from a computer. It is also beneficial to employees and subcontractors in the field who need access to safety instructions, part numbers and work orders when conducting maintenance on an asset.
Finding the right management software for physical assets can help companies track and manage important pieces of equipment throughout their life cycle. Doing so can reduce maintenance costs, eliminate downtime and improve productivity. For more information, read our latest reviews on Digital Asset Management Software.
AssetPoint is an enterprise asset management solution created for specific types of industries, including mining and metals, oil and gas, and food services. It is available as a TabWare Cloud Computing Software as a Service (SaaS) solution and has mobile accessibility.
One of the most important features of this EAM solution is its availability as a SaaS TabWare Cloud Computing Solution. The TabWare solution lets your company access the software over the internet for a monthly fee. No maintenance fees, licenses or additional servers are required. The TabWare solution can even be installed on the company's own network. This lets the company install upgrades and server hardware without additional technology.
The EAM software features a drag-and-drop approach, minimizing mistakes and improving the accuracy of all data entered into the system. A translation feature is also included so users can view information in their own language.
Compatible with multiple industry types, this solution works for industries such as manufacturing, chemicals, mining and metals, oil and gas, and food services. The system manages asset inventory, purchases, work orders and preventative maintenance. It also can ensure that each asset is compliant with health, safety and environmental requirements.
Working in the field and updating activities related to the assets is possible with this asset management system's mobile capability. Each time you schedule a work order on the browser-based software, the system notifies the individual responsible for completing that work order via email. The employee or subcontractor can then view all of the information about the asset on any mobile device and update progress with it as well.
Scheduling is also possible with a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet. A graphical view of the amount of work needed, a specific time frame and any available resources the asset might need are available. When you need to add something to the schedule, just drag and drop that information into the correct field.
With this software for asset management, companies have the option of paying for a SaaS solution on a monthly basis. The software features mobile capability and utilizes a drag-and-drop approach to reduce mistakes. It can also manage all aspects of your asset ownership, including inventory, work orders, and health and safety concerns.
AssetWorks Review
AssetWorks is a complete enterprise asset management system that keeps track of and helps you determine every aspect of your asset ownership, including budgeting for the asset and disposing of it. It includes several important features, including warranty management and scheduling. It integrates well with enterprise resource planning solutions as well. In addition, it is compatible with mobile devices and is barcode enabled.
This EAM software can address any aspect of your company's physical assets. Designed with public infrastructure management in mind, the software offers complete life cycle management. With this system, companies can develop a budget to purchase their assets and use analytics to improve their productivity, enhance safety and reduce risks. The software will also help when it comes to disposing of assets by putting companies in contact with the right people.
Included within the equipment management software are preventative maintenance features. These include flexible scheduling and the ability to create work orders right within the system. You can also use the software to purchase parts for each of the assets being managed. The system provides inventory management for each of these parts, as well as the assets themselves.
Using this software in the field is possible with the software's mobile capability. Subcontractors and employees can access information from the software using their mobile devices, including work orders, part numbers and safety instructions. The software is also barcode enabled, letting you add parts and assets to the system via barcode quickly and efficiently.
This asset management service lets companies view labor being performed on assets in real time with its labor capture function. It can also deliver standard reports needed for each asset being evaluated. These reports are customizable based on the company's needs and help you understand what is happening with your company's assets quickly. Such information helps you take steps to improve any problems that could occur in the future.
In addition to offering a traditional interface for managing, tracking and improving the physical assets of a company, the solution also provides visual representations. Companies can view information on their assets via dashboards and live maps so information is clear to everyone involved.
This EAM solution offers customized reporting, mobile capabilities and complete asset management. While it has the features to work well for public infrastructure management, it might not be the best solution for other industries.
IBM Review
IBM Maximo Asset Management works with any asset-intensive industry to improve the longevity of one or more physical assets. While this business system isn't compatible with other technologies, it does offer companies the option of using as Software as a Service (SaaS) or as an on-premises solution. It is also capable of supporting multiple types of asset operations.
The enterprise asset management (EAM) solution from IBM offers several features to help companies manage, track and extend the life of their capital assets. One of the most important features is the ability to see how the asset is being used in real time and who is using it. This lets companies view whether the asset is being utilized efficiently, in the correct manner and by the right people. The information obtained helps reduce risk and ensures compliance.
Many different industries are capable of employing this EAM software, including health care, nuclear power, service providers, manufacturing and transportation. However, the software can be used by any asset-heavy industry, especially when the need to improve business performance is critical. The main function of the software is to lengthen the life of the asset through preventative maintenance and real-time tracking, which helps increase return on investment.
The EAM lets you take control over asset operations other than maintenance. It supports operations like work management and contract management. These features let you keep track of information regarding work orders and data on outside contractors, such as engineers and designers, who may perform work on the assets your company controls. Inventory management is offered as well, letting you see exactly what facilities and equipment you have and any parts related to those assets. The system also features 3D modeling that allows companies to create virtual representations of buildings before they construct them. This helps ensure facilities are safe and productive.
The facilities management software is available as an on-premises solution or a SaaS solution. No matter which model your company chooses, the software has the analytical technology behind it to help you control the planning, design and management of an asset throughout its entire life cycle.
This asset management software cannot integrate with other technologies, but it does provide features like 3D modeling and preventative maintenance solutions. It also supports processes like contract management and work management.
IFS Review
This asset management solution isn't designed for any specific industry, but it is advantageous for certain processes, such as contract management. It isn't available in special editions for specific business types, but the application does follow the design, operate and maintain (DOM) protocol to reduce costs and improve day-to-day business operations. The software also features adaptive mobile integration.
This particular software for enterprise asset management (EAM) works to manage physical assets in any industry while improving the asset life cycle. The software solution does more than just increase the longevity of the assets, although that is the end goal. It also provides maintenance scheduling and lets you schedule work orders when necessary. The system keeps track of many different types of information, including necessary equipment parts and maintenance data you might have previously stored in several different locations.
In addition to both maintaining and tracking your physical assets, this EAM solution also extends its use by helping accomplish certain processes related to your business. This can include supply chain management, subcontract management, document management and plant planning.
The EAM software features DOM functionality as well. This software tool ensures a proper relationship between the asset owner and any other individual involves in the life cycle of that asset, including maintenance workers, engineers and asset designers. The tool ensures all the information about the asset stays in one place and that everyone who needs it has access. If work is outsourced, your company can provide asset information quickly. That way, work isn't just done to specification but to the requirements laid out by your company in the software. This helps ensure communication between all parties.
If you have mobile workers or simply want to add or change data in the EAM when you're away from the office, taking advantage of the built-in mobility of the solution is simple. Applications for mobility are available for download via the Windows Store, Google Play and Apple App Store. The applications are kept up to date via these app stores as well.
This software doesn't have specialized editions for each type of business, but it comes with several features companies can use to track, maintain and improve their assets. Some of these features include DOM, mobile capability and the ability to take on certain processes like document management.
Infor Review
Infor EAM is a facilities management software available in special editions for certain types of industries, but it is capable of helping any asset-intensive industry manage the performance and condition of its assets. It is compatible with Infor CloudSuite solutions, which uses secure Amazon Web Services. The software also comes with customer support, consulting services and training.
This asset management system helps companies track, manage and improve the performance of their physical assets. It features capabilities that help businesses schedule maintenance, predict problems with equipment before they happen, eliminate downtime and reduce inventory costs. The solution can assist companies in any industry with their management. However, special editions of the software are available for certain sectors, such as oil and gas, hospitality, health care and manufacturing. Each edition is customized for a specific industry and focuses on that industry's particular needs.
The software solution works with the manufacturer's CloudSuite system. This system lets businesses connect with every department and location where assets are being managed so all information about those assets is in one place. The cloud is powered by Amazon Web Services and is a secure way to share asset information while reducing IT costs.
Businesses that need assistance setting up or running the equipment management software can take advantage of the support the manufacturer offers. While coverage by Infor maintenance is necessary to obtain help through the support portal, companies without this coverage can still take advantage of the consulting services, which include an expert team capable of assisting you with any project involving asset management. Training is also available for business executives and employee teams.
You can obtain full access to the solution at any time by using Infor EAM mobile. This mobile solution is available on Apple iOS devices. You can also use it on Android smartphones and tablets, in addition to any device that uses Windows CE. However, platform-specific versions of the mobile software must be downloaded for each device.
While special editions are not available through this asset management company for every industry, most companies can find an edition that can be tailored to their needs. Businesses can also share any information about the assets they manage through the cloud services and perfect their skills with the training offered by the manufacturer.
Mintek Transcendent Review
Transcendent is an asset management solution from Mintek Mobile Data Solutions designed for any asset-heavy industry. It comes equipped with a variety of features many businesses need to manage their physical assets. These include document management and work management. This system also lets companies upload documents for managing contracts and warranties efficiently. It does offer a mobile solution and is available in multiple languages.
This enterprise asset management software provides easy-to-use templates for adding assets into the program. Once an asset is added, you can view it in multiple ways, including a hierarchical tree or a grid. The way you view the asset can be changed as much as needed to gather all the information necessary about it.
One of the most important features of this facilities management system is its capital planning capability. According to the manufacturer, this feature can save companies a lot of time when planning the future for their assets. The solution offers a reporting schedule that lists all the assets under the company's ownership and the estimated date they will need replaced over the next 10 years.
Three other critical features supported by this program for asset management are its document uploading, sharing and linking. These features let you store documents related to the assets your company owns. Documents such as contracts and warranties must be managed carefully for the best results and to protect against any issues from failing parts. The system lets you link and upload photos as well. If the assets are covered by insurance and are stolen, vandalized or victims of a catastrophic event, the photo saved by this management software can provide proof to an insurance company that the equipment actually existed. It can also show the insurance company the condition of the equipment prior to the event.
This EAM software works as a mobile solution, letting companies manage work orders, documents and even asset parts when in the field. It is also available in 13 different languages. This uncommon element provides companies the chance to expand use of the system to their international operations.
When considering asset management, companies can benefit from this software program. It features capital planning, which can help your company prepare to replace certain assets. The system is also mobile-friendly and available in multiple languages, and it features the ability to view asset data multiple different ways.
Oracle Review
Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (Oracle EAM) manages assets in certain industries, such as public infrastructure. While it is not available in any specialized editions, it is compatible with Oracle E-Business Suite. This equipment asset management software doesn't just keep track of where your company's assets are; it also monitors asset activities such as work orders and maintenance.
This enterprise asset management system helps companies keep track of the physical assets of their business, as well as all activities related to those assets. Designed for plant facilities, public infrastructure and property businesses, this software does not support any specialized editions. Instead, the software covers all aspects required for the asset management in each business type.
This asset management software is part of the Oracle E-Business Suite, which includes several modules that reduce the costs associated with managing a business and assist companies in making better choices regarding their assets. This unique relationship means the software can be used alone or in conjunction with the other parts of the suite. When the software is used with other modules, companies can view essential information about their business and its operations in one place. One of the modules includes iSupplier Portal, which connects businesses to suppliers. Another is Property Manager, designed specifically for the management of real estate. Another module is Time and Labor, which lets workers use a self-service time card to submit the number of hours they have worked on a project.
When it comes to asset management, this particular software lets companies take care of every area related to their physical assets. This includes allocating space, checking equipment in and out and tracking where assets are at all times. The software even helps you monitor your assets, track the need for preventative maintenance and pull together work orders for maintenance. This helps to improve the longevity of the assets, whether those are buildings or equipment, giving you the best return on your investment. A parts list for each group of assets maintains the types of parts needed for each asset, as well information about these parts. If you need to order maintenance for a certain asset, the list lets you identify the part needed quickly and efficiently.
While this software doesn't come with special editions for each type of business and asset management type, it does integrate well with a series of E-Business modules. The solution also lets companies cut costs with preventative maintenance and improve day-to-day operations with features such as work orders and asset tracking.
SAP Review
SAP is an asset management system designed to help asset-intensive companies reduce costs associated with physical assets, improve business operations and improve the return on investment of those assets. At the same time, it reduces risk and enhances safety. This system features mobile management capability and asset strategy but does not come in specialized editions.
This asset management solution embraces ISO 55000 standards, which dictate how companies manage assets within every industry. These standards cover any legal asset, even assets that are not physical. The standards cover planning, objectives and organizational management, all of which this particular software uses.
The enterprise asset management software is valuable to any industry that relies on physical assets. It does not, however, come with specialized editions to benefit different business types. The software does come equipped with several features that can help your company enhance and improve the life cycle of your assets. One important feature is transparency. When using this software, you have the opportunity to see everything related to each asset, including costs, risk and safety.
This equipment management system also features 3D visualization, which lets you plan and construct your company's assets visually before putting any plan into action. Doing so lets you improve the design of an asset so it is safe, productive and compliant with regional and global environmental requirements.
In addition, the EAM software shows companies how to connect with suppliers and service providers that could be helpful in designing, planning, operating or maintaining the asset. This helps your company create the asset and keep it operational longer, producing a better ROI over its lifetime.
Mobile capability is also a feature of this solution. Mobile processes provided with the SAP applications include work order management, calibrations, inventory management and asset auditing. These apps are available for both Apple and Android devices. This feature is especially helpful to mobile workers who need to access information about an asset while away from the main work site.
SAP EAM solutions provide your company with a high-tech way to manage your assets over their entire lifespan while simultaneously reducing their risk and improving safety. The system also lets you control many parts of the asset management solution via mobile applications. No specialized editions are available, but this software does have several different features, including 3D visualization, to make it simple to organize physical assets in any industry.
Schneider Electric Review
Schneider Electric's Avantis is an enterprise asset management (EAM) solution designed to improve production time, assist you in procuring assets and asset part requirements and improve your compliance with environmental and safety standards. It can be used within any asset-heavy industry, but it does not feature special editions for specific industry types.
Any asset-heavy industry can use this solution to improve its productivity, equipment life and facility management. The solution offers several features to help with this, one of the most critical being its ability to accommodate several different work sites or businesses at the same time. This feature lets you control and maintain assets in several different places at once without having to switch to a different software solution.
The system also comes equipped with a preventative maintenance function that lets companies know when maintenance might be necessary and helps it plan for problems that have not yet occurred. Draft work orders from within the system, each containing the appropriate information to help subcontractors understand what your assets require during proactive maintenance. These work orders include safety information, tools required, materials needed and even estimated labor hours allowed. The asset management solution also lets you include the subcontractor requirements necessary in the work orders.
While this EAM software is not available in specialized industry editions, it can work with other types of technology. One type of technology is the Industrial Rapid Implementation Methodology (InRIM). This helps to reduce the risk to your assets based on proven practices. It can also integrate with a geographical information system.
Using this EAM requires a computer operating on Microsoft Windows 8.1; older Windows operating systems are not compatible. Apple operating systems are also incompatible. However, training is available to companies that want their employees to know how to use the system properly. Training is available at locations throughout the United States and Canada, but it is also available onsite. Customized training is available as well through the manufacturer, designed and implemented based on your company's particular needs.
This asset management system uses technology to let companies maintain their physical assets. It features thorough work orders, technology integration and preventative maintenance. It does only work with Windows 8.1, but it has a few different training solutions that could benefit businesses of all shapes and sizes.
To-Increase Review
To-Increase is equipment management software designed for specific industries. While not available in any specialized editions for those industries, the software can integrate with other technologies, such as Microsoft Dynamics. In addition to managing a company's physical assets, it can also provide several support operations for those assets, including mobile field service.
The purpose of this enterprise asset management (EAM) solution is to reduce the amount of downtime experienced by your company. It does this by helping prevent asset breakdowns, improving the productivity and efficiency of employees and subcontractors and helping companies keep track of movable assets.
To do this, it provides companies with several features, including integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX. The system uses its own analytical technology to determine how much a piece of equipment, a truck or any other physical asset has been used. It then determines, based on the amount of time the asset has been used, whether preventative maintenance is required. If it is, the software automatically sends out a work order for the asset. It then delivers this information into Microsoft Dynamics AX, utilizing its planning, purchasing and inventory capabilities.
Another important feature of this asset management service is spare parts management. This tool uses information scheduled in the system regarding maintenance and then analyzes whether the parts required for those operations are available. If they're not, the AX purchasing capability is used to buy new materials or parts.
When it comes to asset management, companies must be able to use their mobile devices in conjunction with the right software. This system features mobile field service for workers to use outside the office. The application lets you record and manage work orders as they are happening, request new parts for your company's physical assets, record what spare parts were used in a maintenance situation and record labor time.
This system works best with industries such as construction, manufacturing and government contracting. But it's possible to monitor any physical asset, including fleets, real estate and equipment.
If you're looking for EAM software for your company, this solution features the ability to monitor, track and completely manage your assets and their parts. Working in conjunction with Microsoft Dynamics, it orders new parts for you, automates work orders and even analyzes when the assets need maintenance. It supports mobile field service as well.
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