Tuesday 25 July 2017

Chapter 5 Review The Periodic Law

Teacher Notes and Answers
1. a. 53
b. 127
c. atomic number

2. a. Period 4
b. 5
c. True
3. a. p
b. d
4. a. fluorine, F
b. 1s2 2s2 2p5
c.1s2 2s2 2p6 for 1− ion
5. a. In
b. Ca
c. Ca
d. nonmetals
e. Cl
f. negative ion
g. small
h. O
i. O
j. 6
6. Ca+ and Zn2 +
7. a. [Ar]3d1 0 4s2 4p5
b. [Ar]3d1 0 4s2 4p6
c. [Kr]4d1 0 5s2 5p1
d. [Xe]4f1 5d1 6s2
8. Calcium is a Group 2 alkaline-earth metal with [Ar]4s2 configuration. It forms a
stable 2+ ion, has relatively low ionization energy, and forms salt-like ionic
compounds. Oxygen, with[He]2s2 2p4 configuration, is a typical Group 16 nonmetal,
making a stable 2− ion; it has high electronegativity and ionization energy and
quite negative electron affinity.
9. a. 3d10 4s1
b. Yes
c. True

SHORT ANSWER Answer the following questions in the space provided.
1. Consider the neutral atom with 53 protons and 74 neutrons to answer the
following questions.
__________________ a. What is its atomic number?
__________________ b. What is its mass number?
__________________ c. Is the element’s position in a modern periodic table
determined by its atomic number or by its atomic
2. Consider an element whose outermost electron configuration is 3d10 4s
2 4px
__________________ a. To which period does the element belong?
__________________ b. If it is a halogen, what is the value of x?
__________________ c. The group number will equal (10 + 2 + x). True or
3. __________________ a. In which block are metalloids found, s, p, d, or f?
__________________ b. In which block are the hardest, densest metals
found, s, p, or d?
4. __________________ a. Name the most chemically active halogen.
__________________ b. Write its electron configuration.
__________________ c. Write the configuration of the most stable ion this
element makes.
5. Refer only to the general periodic table to answer the following questions on
periodic trends.
__________________ a. Which has the larger radius, Al or In?
__________________ b. Which has the larger radius, Se or Ca?
__________________ c. Which has a larger radius, Ca or Ca2 + ?
__________________ d. Which class has greater ionization energies, metals
or nonmetals?
__________________ e. Which has the greater ionization energy, As or Cl?
__________________ f. An element with a large negative electron affinity
is most likely to form a (positive ion, negative ion,
or neutral atom)?

MIXED REVIEW continued
__________________ g. In general, which has a stronger electron attraction,
a large atom or a small atom?
__________________ h. Which has greater electronegativity, O or Se?
__________________ i. In the covalent bond between Se and O, to which
atom is the electron pair more closely drawn?
__________________ j. How many valence electrons are there in a neutral
atom of Se?
6. __________________ Identify all of the following ions that do not have
noble-gas stability. K+ S2 − Ca+ I− Al3 + Zn2 +
7. Use only the periodic table in the review of Section 2 to give the noble-gas
notation of the following:
__________________ a. Br
__________________ b. Br−
__________________ c. the element in Group 13, Period 5
__________________ d. the lanthanide with the smallest atomic number
8. Use electron configuration and position in the periodic table to describe the
chemical properties of calcium and oxygen.
9. Copper’s electron configuration might be predicted to be 3d9 4s2 . But in fact,
its configuration is 3d10 4s1 . The two elements below copper in Group 11
behave similarly. (Confirm this in the large, general periodic table in
Section 2.)
__________________ a. Which configuration for copper is apparently more
__________________ b. Is the d sublevel completed in the atoms of these
three elements?
__________________ c. Every element in Period 4 has four levels of
electrons established. True or False?

chapter 5 review the periodic law answers, chapter 5 review the periodic law mixed review, chapter 5 review the periodic law section 3
Source: http://docphy.com/hobbies-activities/politics-social-issues/law/chapter-5-review-periodic-law.html

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