Friday 7 July 2017

Drug Addiction Treatment

Compassionate Treatment for Drug Abuse and Addiction
What Makes Our Drug Addiction Treatment Plans Successful?
What Will You Experience At Our Drug Treatment Center?
How Do We Treat Co-Occurring Disorders With Drug Abuse and Addiction?
What Is The Definition Of Drug Addiction vs. Abuse?
What Are My Options For Drug Addiction Treatment?

A holistic, medically informed approach to addiction treatment sets Timberline Knolls apart from other residential treatment centers, detox programs and drug rehab centers.

Our addiction treatment team consistently helps women make real-life changes that are recognized by the leaders in outpatient drug and alcohol treatment who trust us to care for their patients.

Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center is a leader in recovery for women ages 12 and up who abuse or have developed an addiction to one or more chemical substances:
  • Illicit drugs (such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamines / crystal meth)

  • Alcohol

  • Prescription drugs (such as Xanax / benzodiazepines, Oxycontin / opioids, Vicodin, Klonopin, Adderall)

  • Inhalants

Compassionate Treatment for Drug Abuse and Addiction

Timberline Knolls’ treatment philosophy integrates medical excellence with attention to the realities of recovery by helping women to strengthen five core aspects of the self:
  • Physical

  • Mental

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

  • Social

Our integrated team of psychiatrists, internal medicine physicians, nurses and therapists are not only experts in drug and alcohol addiction treatment. They also possess extensive expertise treating other psychiatric, psychological and medical conditions that contribute to dependence on drugs, including women and girls with a dual diagnosis.

We assess each woman’s entire history of substance abuse, as well as symptoms of pain, anxiety and depression. Assessment may uncover related addictions, such as prescription medication dependence or eating disorders that may have originated prior to drug abuse. Our addiction experts are also trained to recognize efforts to conceal dependence on cocaine, heroin, or other narcotics, or to offset their symptoms.

Seeking the Root Cause, Treating the Whole Person

Timberline Knolls’ alcohol and drug addiction treatment team also digs deeper into the underlying causes and conditions of the entire addictive disease process. As a result, they often identify co-occurring psychiatric conditions not addressed by past treatment facilities who may have focused primarily on intervention or detox. If unaddressed or under-addressed, co-occurring disorders frequently lie at the root of repeated relapses.

Women who come to Timberline Knolls for residential drug abuse or alcoholism treatment receive much more than education about the disease of addiction and instruction about the process of recovery. We pledge to provide each resident with:
  • compassion, understanding and practical recovery coaching from staff that recognizes the crucial step they have taken by seeking  treatment at a residential treatment center

  • input into the objectives of treatment and ownership of their recovery process

  • encouragement in the process of spiritual renewal and self-awareness

  • emotional support to develop awareness of how addiction has impacted their lives and relationships with loved ones

  • continuous attention to their health and to any complications from long-term drug dependence or alcohol addiction

  • support in working to heal relationships with family through weekly family systems therapy

Individualized Treatment

We don’t have a substance abuse track.

Timberline Knolls treatment professionals craft individualized treatment plans for each woman. Our rigorous, medically-informed approach to education, treatment and recovery succeeds where other attempts may have failed. Women and their families regain hope for a bright future by tapping into their strength and learn to experience their emotions in healthy, adaptive ways. This enables residents to break free of the toxic shame that may result from relapses after attending past treatment programs that often focus primarily on detox and may last as few as 28 days.

Like persons in recovery from anorexia nervosa, bulimia and other addictive disorders, a woman suffering with addiction to drugs and alcohol can realize the full beauty of a life unencumbered by her disease.

What Makes Our Drug Addiction Treatment Plans Successful?

This collaborative approach is one of the distinguishing elements of drug addiction treatment at a leading rehab center like Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center. It’s also one of the reasons why so many leading outpatient drug abuse and addiction specialists refer to us their patients who need more intensive treatment, or who have struggled to sustain recovery in an outpatient setting. Many hospitals also commonly suggest us for women and girls who need to address the root causes of their addiction following an overdose or inpatient detox.

Before Admission

Planning for a woman’s treatment needs begins early on in our admissions review process. We ask both the woman and her family to provide information about her alcoholism or drug addiction symptoms, challenges in work or school, and issues with friends or family. We also request her permission to communicate with previous alcohol and drug treatment providers to gather information about medical history, psychiatric history, past substance abuse treatment progress, and stumbling blocks to achieving or maintaining recovery from dependence on drugs or alcohol.

Thorough Assessment

Upon admission, every resident undergoes a comprehensive medical and psychiatric assessment. She is then assigned a treatment team with several key members whom she will meet individually after she settles in on campus:
  • Primary therapist (may be a Christian therapist, upon request)

  • Family therapist

  • Psychiatrist (MD)

  • Internal medicine physician (MD)

  • Addiction specialist

  • Registered dietician (RD)

  • Eating disorder specialist, when indicated

Each treatment team member provides an assessment within the woman’s first days at Timberline Knolls. The findings are integrated and reviewed with our entire clinical staff, including other therapists and psychiatrists. As a result, our full knowledge about successful drug abuse and addiction treatment is integrated into each woman’s treatment plan.

Taking Ownership of Treatment

We believe it is critical for each resident to take ownership of her treatment and recovery from the outset.

Once her addiction treatment plan is formulated, our team’s recommendations are shared with the woman in her first care conference, which will include her primary therapist, family therapist, psychiatrist, discharge planner, nursing staff and lodge staff.

This cooperative approach gives her input into the goals for her treatment and allows her to choose several elective elements of her program. She will be asked to sign off on her treatment objectives and the progression of her treatment plan for drug addiction or alcoholism, and any co-occurring disorders. This conference also sets stage for ongoing collaboration between the woman and her treatment team throughout her stay in residential treatment.

Looking Forward to Recovery

Following the initial care conference, the treatment team will meet weekly throughout the resident’s stay. Members also consult each other informally as often as needed to monitor her progress and to make sure her recovery needs are being fully supported. If new symptoms appear, a woman may undergo additional psychological testing or medical evaluation to ensure her addiction treatment plan considers all relevant aspects of her health.

Additionally, women with other medical symptoms or complications from long-term drug or alcohol addiction may be referred to consulting healthcare providers such as a neurologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, dentist, or gastroenterologist.
Our experienced admissions counselors can help you determine whether residential treatment for alcohol and drug addiction might help you or a woman you love find and sustain life-long recovery. Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center welcomes girls and women (ages 12 and up) for admission seven days a week.

What Will You Experience At Our Drug Treatment Center?

A woman’s experience at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center may differ dramatically from other drug rehab centers, detox programs or addiction treatment facilities she has attended in the past. That is by design.

Comprehensive, Integrated Addiction Treatment and Recovery

There is no cure for alcoholism and drug addiction.

Every woman recovering from addiction must develop tools she can trust to live successfully in recovery when she experiences feelings that trigger thoughts of returning to alcohol or drug abuse. We help residents learn to recognize emotional changes and identify the conscious choices they are making throughout their day.

Our caring staff provides ongoing compassion and understanding as women learn to use new tools in situations where they would have previously turned to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or other drugs. As they gain confidence in their ability to make positive, healthy choices, women experience improved self-esteem and body acceptance, reduced stress and anxiety, healing of trauma, and increased self-awareness.

Comprehensive and individualized drug and alcohol addiction treatment plans use approaches proven to help residents learn to constructively experience their emotions. When implemented by experienced staff with a holistic mindset, women and girls use these new tools to create a life free of dependency on drugs or alcohol. Specific examples include:
  • one-on-one therapy sessions

  • expressive and experiential therapy

  • education about disease processes and recovery

  • meal support and regular consultation with dietary staff

  • group sessions to teach and practice behavior modification and emotion management

  • family therapy (including family participation)

  • twelve-step facilitation

  • onsite and offsite twelve-step meetings

  • weekly psychiatric consultation

  • trauma awareness and recovery

  • educational services for school-age women

Expressive Therapy Provides a Productive Outlet for Complex Emotions

Expressive therapy has been clinically proven to promote healing and recovery, in addition to providing a needed creative outlet for women during addiction treatment and beyond. Our expressive therapy program includes a variety of outlets a woman can select based on her personal interests:
  • art therapy in a historical art studio that supports painting, sculpture and other  media

  • dance/movement therapy

  • empowerment group (experiential trauma recovery)

  • movement therapy in our on-site fitness facility

  • outdoor recreation such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton or gardening on our 43 acre campus

Treatment must also address the medical challenges a woman will face as she attempts to curtail long-term abuse of drugs and other chemical substances. Her safety is our first priority. Depending on the length of time she’s been abusing drugs, the presence of other addictive disorders, and the state of her physical health, she may require medically managed detox.

Our internal medicine staff and psychiatrists have extensive experience helping women through drug withdrawal symptoms with comfort and dignity. One of the unique features that make Timberline Knolls a leading residential treatment center is that we provide 24-hour nursing care. A resident facing withdrawal, as well as her loved ones, can be assured that her safety will be closely monitored and that staff will be attentive to the need to address her pain or complications from other health conditions.

An invaluable component of the detoxification process at Timberline Knolls is the continuous emotional support that our entire staff provides. We recognize the magnitude of the important step each woman takes by committing to treatment and recovery.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are serious medical conditions that require treatment from chemical dependency specialists.

Abruptly stopping one’s use of drugs or alcohol without proper supervision can trigger serious medical complications, including death. Detox from drug or alcohol addiction should not be attempted at home, or without direction from a medical doctor.

If you or your loved one are concerned you may be experiencing alcohol or drug withdrawal symptoms, call 911 for emergency assistance.

How Do We Treat Co-Occurring Disorders With Drug Abuse and Addiction?

When treating women and girls for alcohol and drug addiction, the treatment team at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center never assumes they are treating an isolated disease. Frequently, long-term abuse of alcohol and other drugs progresses from attempts by a woman to:
  • Reduce feelings of anxiety or depression worsened by underlying psychiatric conditions that we refer to as co-occurring disorders

  • Manage pain or other symptoms from acute injuries or chronic medical conditions

  • Soothe intense emotions related to unresolved, trauma in her past, including PTSD

Co-occurring disorders describe a situation where substance abuse or drug addiction exists along with at least one other psychiatric illness that is active and negatively interferes with the recovery process. Co-occurring disorders, also referred to as “dual diagnosis” conditions, are a widely recognized concern for the recovery of alcoholics and long-term drug abusers.

However, many medical and behavioral health professionals, who are primarily concerned with addressing the substance dependence, do not always recognize and treat these complex conditions appropriately. Medical researchers have found that a large percentage of those who have an addiction to drugs or alcohol also have at least one other mental illness and/or personality disorder. Women with a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis tend to have more severe symptoms of each illness and higher potential for relapse.

Numerous conditions can co-exist with drug and alcohol addiction, and interfere with the user’s efforts to respond to emotions and urges in a healthy way. Examples include:
  • depression

  • bipolar disorder

  • eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia

  • chronic pain, or other injuries requiring narcotics or opioids to address pain

  • panic and anxiety disorders

  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • personality disorders

  • schizophrenia

  • various phobias and compulsions, including gambling addiction and sex addiction

For a person with a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders, an attempt to address drug addiction or alcohol abuse in isolation is at best incomplete. In some cases, it can even worsen the long-term prognosis for recovery. To facilitate life-long recovery, addiction treatment providers must have an in-depth understanding of each disease and the complex interactions between them all.
One of our licensed counselors can help you learn more about residential substance abuse and drug addiction treatment and recovery. We accept women (ages 12 and up) for admission seven days a week.

Drug abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction describe medical diseases where a person is compelled to repeatedly use chemical substances that produce physical and psychological changes.

Depending on genetic, biological and environmental factors, recreational use of alcohol or narcotics may progress to abuse, addiction or dependency, which can be fatal without treatment. This progression may happen over a period of years, as with some prescription opiate painkillers or anxiety drugs. Alternately, with narcotics like heroin and cocaine, abuse can progress to addiction very quickly.

Alcohol abuse and drug addiction are not moral or personal failings; they are serious, chronic medical conditions that should be treated with the same urgency as cancer or diabetes. The side effects can be just as deadly.

Substance abuse describes a pattern of drug or alcohol use that results in impairment or side effects in several areas of a woman’s life. Signs of substance abuse progression may include:
  • Repeated use of substances in situations where impairment is physically dangerous to the users and/or others

  • Important personal or professional responsibilities are regularly compromised by alcohol or drug use

  • Legal or financial consequences from behavior during a period of impairment or intoxication

  • Persistent substance use despite awareness of its negative impact on personal relationships

Substance Abuse vs. Addiction or Dependency

Several symptoms can indicate that long-term alcohol and drug abuse has progressed to more medically serious addiction or drug dependence. These include:
  • Withdrawal symptoms following use, which vary depending on the substance

  • Repeat or continuous consumption of the drug in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms

  • Diminished effect as one consumes a constant amount of the same drug

  • Compulsion to consume larger amounts of the drug to achieve the same effect

  • Loss of awareness the amount of time spent using or obtaining drugs or alcohol

  • Repeated unsuccessful efforts to curtail substance use, which may exacerbate feelings of hopelessness

  • Diversion of time away from work, family, school, or social commitments to obtain the drugs or recover from side effects

  • Persistent use despite acknowledgement of medical or psychological side effects that are caused or worsened by drug use or alcohol consumption

What Are My Options For Drug Addiction Treatment?

Drug abuse treatment options vary depending on a woman’s symptoms and the presence of medical complications or co-occurring disorders. Some families seek the help of a professional interventionist, who can help the family persuade their loved one to accept addiction treatment. Intervention consultants can also help prepare family members to conduct their own intervention.

Many women and their loved ones seek out the most intensive addiction treatment available, even if drug or alcohol abuse hasn’t progressed to physical dependence. However, it’s important to choose the level of care most appropriate to the patient’s alcohol and drug addiction symptoms. Many healthcare providers lack a detailed understanding of substance abuse, particularly if the disease is accompanied by co-occurring disorders. Its critical patients and their loved ones do their own research and seek out a professional who focuses all or a large part of his/her practice on addiction treatment.

Before offering a woman admission to Timberline Knolls, our team works closely with her and her loved ones to assess whether a lower level of care might meet her needs. Below are the primary options for those seeking treatment for drug addiction or alcoholism:


Individual and/or group psychotherapy sessions help many women suffering with alcohol and abuse to better understand the addictive disease process and alleviate their symptoms. A certified addictions counselor (CADC), psychologist, therapist, social worker, psychiatrist, or eating disorder specialist may conduct individual and group therapy for substance abuse and addiction.

Family counseling

Alcoholism and drug addiction not only affect the sufferer, but also impact parents, siblings, and her spouse and children. Family therapy focused on the entire family system may help the family to recover themselves from the devastating effects of living with addiction or alcohol abuse. Family members learn how to take care of themselves and also how best to support their loved one in her recovery.

Mutual support groups

Unlike therapeutic groups run by clinical professionals, peer-led support groups can help substance abusers learn to verbalize feelings and to live free from using alcohol and drugs. Peers give each other encouragement as they share their unique stories in a non-judgmental setting, which can reduce the shame associated with addictive diseases.

Twelve Step groups are a type of mutual support group that offer a solution to the problem of addiction and a tremendous amount of continuous peer support for those who desire to stop using substances.

Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, and Narcotics Anonymous, NA, are two of the largest 12 step groups attended by persons recovering from addiction or alcoholism. Al-anon holds separate meetings for family members of those who have suffered with alcohol or drug addiction. AA and Al-anon meetings are held daily in cities across the Country. Online meetings may be an option for those without the ability to travel to in-person meetings.

Outpatient treatment programs

Some hospitals and independent organizations offer structured rehabilitation programs that provide outpatient treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. For persons who are capable of experiencing their emotions and maintaining abstinence at home, and who don’t require medically-assisted detox, these programs can be a viable alternative to inpatient hospitalization or residential addiction treatment centers.

Residential drug treatment centers

For women with more advanced substance abuse or drug addiction, residential treatment offers the opportunity to step back from the triggers and stresses of daily life to focus on healing and recovery.

Residential drug addiction treatment centers provide 24-hour medical and clinical support in a fully-integrated therapeutic environment that can accelerate the early recovery process.

Residential treatment centers are typically recommended for women who have struggled or suffered a relapse following outpatient drug treatment. Residential treatment for addiction or alcoholism may make particular sense for persons who also suffer with multiple addictions, an eating disorder, or other co-occurring disorders.

Leading residential treatment centers are licensed and accredited, and typically attract patients from across the nation and internationally. Addiction specialists at residential facilities emphasize the medical and psychiatric aspects of addiction and alcoholism, as well as education and recovery support.

Residential addiction treatment centers also dedicate significant resources to aftercare planning.

Sober Living

Sober living homes are a related type of facility where a group of individuals seeking addiction recovery live together in a supportive environment. Treatment is less intense and frequent in sober living facilities than in residential treatment centers. Residents focus on applying recovery skills learned during addiction treatment and planning to return home. Sober living houses are often unstaffed or staffed by non-licensed personnel with personal alcohol and drug addiction recovery. Daily attendance at AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), NA (Narcotics Anonymous), and other 12 Step meetings is usually required to live in a sober house.

Prescription medication

Research studies have found that certain women suffering with drug abuse or dependence, and co-occurring disorders, can achieve some benefit from prescription medication. Prescription medication is not a substitute for other therapeutic support in overcoming co-occurring disorders in persons suffering with substance dependence. However, when prescribed and managed by an addiction medicine specialist, prescription medication can mitigate symptoms of depression, anxiety and other co-occurring disorders. Relief from these symptoms may make it more comfortable for a woman to participate in addiction treatment and to take ownership of her recovery.

Despite recent media attention to claims that certain prescription medications can help reduce craving and urges to use drugs or alcohol, medication is at best a small part of addiction treatment for a limited number of users. Medications such as buprenorphine (suboxone), baclofen, naltrexone or topiramate are carefully controlled and should never be obtained or taken without care from a physician experienced in medication-assisted detox.

Inpatient hospitals

Women or girls with an advanced addiction or alcoholism that results in serious health complications may require admission to an inpatient hospital. Particularly in the case of persons addicted to heroin, benzodiazepines, and alcohol, inpatient detox may be necessary to stabilize medical symptoms and allow active participation in treatment.

Hospitalization may also be required if a woman experiences an overdose or an adverse interaction with prescription medications or other drugs. Inpatient treatment may last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks, and patients are usually discharged from the hospital to a residential addiction treatment center or to an intensive outpatient program.

Inpatient hospitals typically prohibit the use of tobacco during treatment.

Our counselors can help you determine whether our all-female residential treatment center for drug and alcohol addiction might help you or a woman or teen you love find and sustain life-long recovery.

Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center accepts women ages 12 to 65+ for admission seven days a week.


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