Tuesday 4 July 2017

Drug Rehab Program

Our Drug Rehab Philosophy

At Sunshine Coast Health Center, we believe that it is not enough simply to treat the ‘addiction’. Instead, a client’s experience with us facilitates ongoing personal transformation, the goal being healthy, thoughtful men who are inspired to live with a renewed sense of vitality and purpose. Our therapy program prepares clients and their families for a deeper, more fulfilling life.

For more information visit our About Us / Our Philosophy page.


An Overview of Residential Drug Rehabilitation Programs & Services at Sunshine Coast

Residential services refer to on-site clinical services provided to clients and their families. These include medical and psychiatric assessment, medications (when appropriate), as well as psychological, complementary & alternative therapies.

Assessment is a critical tool for the clinical team at Sunshine Coast Health Center. Assessment makes individualized care possible and helps gauge whether a client is responding to treatment. Psychological (or ‘talk’) therapy serves as the foundation of the clinical program at Sunshine Coast, not only because it is the form of therapy most supported by research but also because this is where clients and therapist focus on the therapeutic relationship. To facilitate the client therapist relationship, Sunshine Coast utilizes addiction counselling methods that reflect the Rogerian* principles of unconditional, positive regard, empathy and genuineness. For more information refer to the assessment services section of this website.

Drug therapy covers the treatment of addiction from a biological, or physical, perspective. Since Sunshine Coast Health Center treats addiction and mental health issues, our skilled medical team helps clients who may benefit from medications, without compromising their recovery from addictive substances. For more information refer to the drug therapy in the mind, body and spirit section.

Complementary and alternative therapies include many of the therapies that help round out the clinical program at Sunshine Coast Health Center. For example, some complementary therapies have been found not only to help clients heal physically (i.e. fitness therapy) or emotionally (i.e. art expression) but also provide a positive lifestyle alternative after treatment. Many of the alternative therapies we offer (such as EMDR) approach a traumatic or distressing memory that may not always respond to talk or drug therapy. While empirical studies into these complementary and alternative may be considered preliminary, Sunshine Coast Health Center will continue to provide them to clients until research suggests otherwise. For more information refer to the complementary & alternative therapies section in the mind, body and spirit section.

(*) Note: ‘Rogerian’ refers to the pioneering work of psychologist Carl Rogers (1902-1987).

For more information visit our Alcohol & Drug Rehab Programs & Services section.Back to Top

The Staff at our Drug Rehab Center is Second to None

We’re proud of the diverse team of professionals at our alcohol and drug rehab center. You can be assured that you or your loved one will receive caring, competent care provided by a diverse team of addiction counselors, therapists, medical professionals and mental health specialists.

Whether it’s the person answering the phone, the driver that greets you at the airport or the housekeeper that empties the trash, our support staff understands that mastering the details is the difference between an average and superb treatment experience.

See the Meet our Staff section for more information.Back to Top

The Location of our Drug Rehab Center Enhances Your Recovery Experience

Located on the shores of British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast, our 7-acre oceanfront campus is ideally situated to enhance your recovery experience. Far removed from the hustle and bustle of large urban centers such as Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Edmonton, Sunshine Coast Health Center is nestled between the gentle shores of the Pacific Ocean and the rugged Coastal Mountains.

Just a 30 minute flight from Vancouver Airport’s South Terminal and a 15 minute drive south from Powell River, our drug rehab center is a private, safe place to begin your journey of recovery.

Please visit the Location of our Drug Rehab Center section for more information.Back to Top

Travel Information and Directions to our Drug Rehabilitation Campus

If you are traveling to British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast by air or car, from Canada, the United States, or overseas, visit our Travel to Powell River section for maps, directions and information on our complimentary travel assistance.Back to Top

For Referring Professionals Considering our Drug Rehabilitation Program

If you are a physician, interventionist, human resource specialist, counsellor, or psychologist, Sunshine Coast understands that nothing less than your reputation is at stake when you refer a patient/client to our drug rehabilitation program. We are committed to working with you to ensure a hassle-free admission to treatment, ongoing communication during treatment, and prompt referral back to you when the client returns to his home community.

For more information refer to the For Referring Professionals section.Back to Top

The Important Role of Family and Loved Ones in Drug Rehabilitation

Building a network of people supporting a client’s efforts to remain clean and sober is critical to successful alcohol and drug rehabilitation. At Sunshine Coast, we know that sending clients back to the same family dynamic can lead to continued problems of daily functioning as well as a greater likelihood of relapse. As family members and partners of our male clients, you are part of the solution. Our services, however, are not just designed to help your loved one. We are also here to assist you in your efforts to find your own peace.

To find out how you can get involved visit the Family & Couples Program section.

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Source: http://docphy.com/business-industry/health-care/drug-rehab-program.html

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