Thursday 6 July 2017

Human Resources Management Certificate (Online)

This certificate gives you a skillset that includes up-to-date Canadian regulations and policies, working with the different levels of an organization, compensation administration, recruitment, training, labour relations and other key HR components.

Fleming's Certificate and the CHRP™ Designation

All HRM courses have been approved as academic credits by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) and thus qualify as credits for the National Knowledge Exam (NKE™) set by the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA). To obtain the Certificate, Fleming requires a passing grade in every course. However, to qualify to write the NKE™, the passing of which is mandatory to attain the CHRP™ designation, an overall average of at least 70 percent must be attained in the nine required courses, with no mark less than 65 percent.

Attaining CCHRA recognition requires joining a provincial HR association (such as Ontario's HRPA). In Ontario, as of October 29, 2014, the requirements for the CHRP designation are:
  • HRPA membership in good standing

  • Successful completion of the prescribed coursework requirement

  • Successful completion of the prescribed knowledge exam

As of Spring 2016, a Job Ready program must also be successfully completed, and as of Summer 2016, an HR law exam must also be successfully completed.

Members with the CHRP designation must maintain their membership in HRPA and must meet the ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) requirement in order to maintain the designation.


Human Resources is the perfect vocation for your interest in teamwork and tactful communication, your problem solving skills and your passion for policies and processes.


Human Resources is the perfect vocation for your interest in teamwork and tactful communication, your problem solving skills and your passion for policies and processes.


  • HR Assistant/Clerk

  • Payroll Clerk

  • Benefits Administration

  • Recruitment and Selection

  • Labour Relations

  • Workforce Planning

  • Training & Development

  • Occupational Health & Safety Coordination

  • Advancing from a clerical position into Human Resources

  • Completion of the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP™) designation


Competent computer skills are recommended whether you take your courses in-class or online.

Some courses require additional textbooks and/or materials. Please visit your campus bookstore in-person or online: Peterborough Bookstore or Lindsay Bookstore.

Certificates must be completed within five years. Once you have completed all certificate requirements, please contact us again for your official certification.

Courses in Human Resources Management Certificate (Online)


Human Resource Management Principles (MGMT030)
Occupational Health and Safety (MGMT036)
Intro to Business Management and Organizational Behaviour (MGMT032)
Industrial Relations (MGMT022)
Introduction to Financial Management Accounting (ACCT044)
Compensation Management (MGMT023)
Human Resources Planning and Development (MGMT033)
Recruitment and Selection (MGMT035)
Training and Development (MGMT031)

Human Resource Management Principles (MGMT030)

Explore the strategic importance of human HR management, job analysis & design, planning, recruitment & selection, government & legal challenges, orientation & training, management development & career planning, employee motivation, performance appraisal, compensation management, financial incentives, employee benefits & services, employee relations & practices and the Union-Management framework.

employee benefits & services, employee relations & practices and the Union-Management framework.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Occupational Health and Safety (MGMT036)

Explore technical, legislative, political, and personal issues surrounding workplace health and safety as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and the Workplace Health and Safety. We will examine WHMIS, transportation of dangerous goods, accident prevention and investigation, physical and biological agents, and the management of Occupational Health and Safety programs.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Intro to Business Management and Organizational Behaviour (MGMT032)

Examine the Canadian business environment and the management decision making process in the context of organizational behaviour. Pre-requisite: Human Resources Management or equivalent work experience.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Industrial Relations (MGMT022)

Delve into the environmental influences in Canadian union-management relations, the combination of power, reason, communications, politics and attitudes, significant bargaining issues and their economic implications, collective bargaining process, preparation for negotiations, strategies at the bargaining table, principles of negotiation, understanding and administering the collective agreement, grievances, and the arbitration process. Prior learning or work experience in Human Resources Management Principles is highly recommended.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Introduction to Financial Management Accounting (ACCT044)

Learn financial and management accounting concepts and techniques, focusing on the relationships between management of performance and basic management functions of planning, coordination and control. A basic knowledge of accounting and Human Resource Management is recommended before taking this subject.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Compensation Management (MGMT023)

Study the foundation of the reward systems found in all organizations, whether profit or not-for-profit. We examine both the theoretical and applied aspects of the compensation function, with special consideration of the major factors that influence the actual design of a compensation system. Prerequisite: Human Resource Management Principles.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Human Resources Planning and Development (MGMT033)

Learn how to forecast the human resource needs of an organization within ambient socio-political situations. Prior learning or work experience in the Human Resources field is highly recommended.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Recruitment and Selection (MGMT035)

Gain an understanding of how recruitment and selection fits into the broader organizational structure, processes, and goals of an organization and how this function is related to the other functions of HR management. Identify HR requirements and attract and retain an effective workforce. A background in or prior learning in Human Resources Management is recommended.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)


Training and Development (MGMT031)

Examine the psychology of the learning process, the design, implementation, and evaluation of training programs within organizations, needs analysis procedures, program design/development, program administration, and measurement and evaluation. Prior learning or work experience in Human Resources Management Principles is highly recommended.


Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



Location: Ontario Learn (Online)



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