Wednesday 19 July 2017

Long Island Divorce Lawyer

Darren M. Shapiro, Esq. provides effective and reasonable solutions for matrimonial and family law issues as an attorney or mediator. His straight talk, approachability, tenacity and years of experience with divorce and family law cases, make this office the right selection for many individuals or couples that have divorce, separation, child custody, support, order of protection and other family law needs. Couples contemplating mediation are encouraged to come in for a half hour no fee consultation. Individuals seeking the representation of a Long Island divorce attorney, please call for a free initial consultation either on the phone or in the office.

Situated in Nassau County, nestled in between Queens and Suffolk, this office services people and cases throughout the Long Island and New York City region. The Law and Mediation Office of Darren M. Shapiro, Esq. has a toolbox of litigation, collaborative law and mediation skills to find the approach that fits each individual and family. Divorce, Separation, Child Custody, Child Support, Prenuptial Agreements, and Postnuptial Agreements are all areas of law that are handled by this office and can be tackled through mediation, collaborative law or litigation. Orders of Protection, also known as Family Offense proceedings, are a major area of law this office handles but are usually not handled in a mediation or collaborative law context because of the behavior that is the subject matter of these cases.

There are many aspects to matrimonial cases that need to be addressed, in an agreement or stipulation of settlement, that are subjects that Mr. Shapiro has gained a great deal of experience with over the years in Supreme Court, Family Court and in the office working with couples in mediation or through consultations with individuals. When a separating couple has children, child custody, parenting time aka visitation and child support have to be resolved. With or without children, married couples have to consider whether alimony, which is now called maintenance, will be required and if so how much and for how long. Equitable distribution of marital assets, including retirement benefits, identification of separate property and an allocation of marital debt should be discussed in any pre or post nuptial agreement, separation agreement, judge’s order, or stipulation of settlement of a divorce.

The goal of this office, whether acting as your lawyer or mediator, is to get you through the process, with results that meet your wishes and needs, as expeditiously as possible. When people come here, there is some family law issue that needs addressing. We are going to do our best to resolve this issue or issues, so that your problems are in the rear view mirror, so to speak, sooner rather than later.

If Darren is your Long Island divorce lawyer, we will discuss your desires and explore if a settlement can be reached on your case right away. Sometimes a settlement is not possible at the outset. In that case, he will fight hard for your cause. Often, after some litigation, a settlement is obtainable. Other times, cases require a hearing or trial. Mr. Shapiro can zealously represent you through the whole process. In a collaborative law case, he will provide you with the personal legal advice that you need to hear. All the while, in collaborative matters, we will be working with the other lawyer(s), coaches, professionals and parties that are involved to craft a practical solution for you and your children that makes sense and will hopefully withstand the test of time. As a mediator, Darren will try to get you to form an agreement as quickly as possible. However, if time is needed to sort through the issues in mediation, he is patient and available, until an agreement that makes sense to both of you is constructed.

Click around the website, watch the videos, and read the blog entries to learn more about particular topics. Please call for your free initial consultation. It will be our pleasure to speak with you about your situation.

99 Jericho Turnpike #300-K
Jericho, NY 11753
Phone: (516) 333-6555


We serve the following localities: New York City including Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, and Westchester County.


Long Island Divorce Lawyer - Nassau County Family Law Attorney - Law Office of Darren M. Shapiro

Copyright © 2017, Law Office of Darren M. Shapiro

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