Wednesday 26 July 2017

Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers

Farar & Lewis LLP is a top rated, Los Angeles personal injury law firm, that helps victims of accidents get the compensation they deserve. Our team of trial lawyers has over 30 years of combined experience, fighting on behalf of victims all over the state of California. Every single one of our attorneys is recognized, as a leader in the field – both by the media, and lawyer ranking platforms. You can trust our experience.

Our firm was founded on the principle of concierge customer service. We provide the same level of service, for each and every client. We never charge upfront fees, and only get paid if, and when, we win your case. We offer all clients a risk free initial consultation, whether it be at their home, hospital, or place of employment. We can even do it over the phone. We are dedicated to helping you recover.


  • Personal Attention

    At Farar & Lewis LLP, we pride ourselves on our ability to be there for our clients, 24/7 when tragedy or questions arise. Every single one of our clients has access to their assigned lawyer. We encourage our clients to call us, whenever the need arises, to get help. Many consider us a part of their family – because we do everything in our power to help solve the problems your facing. In the past, our injury lawyers have helped clients get medical assistance, help with car repairs, and more. Our goal is to help handle all aspects related to your case, so that you can focus on healing and your family.

    Respected Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers

    We’re proud to say that our personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles, are recognized as leaders in the state of California. Our firm has won millions, in compensation for our clients. We’ve been recognized by many lawyer ranking platforms, like Super Lawyers, Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and many others. Our founding partner, Joel Farar – was named a 2012-2016 Super Lawyers Rising Star – which is an honor given to only 2.5% of the top personal injury attorneys in California.

    No Fee Ever. Unless We Win.

    Our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys are on your team. That means we’re with you 100% of the way. We prove this, by never charging any upfront fees. In addition, we only get paid if, and when, we win your case. That means if we can’t win your case – we don’t charge any fees. Our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we have no upfront fees. If you don’t have medical insurance, we can even help get you treated – without upfront fees. In order to get started, we encourage you to contact us. We offer a risk free consultation – you have virtually nothing to lose.

Personal Injury Attorneys Los Angeles

If you are the victim of a personal injury, then hiring a law firm in Los Angeles can help you get compensation. It’s important that the attorney you hire has experience getting results, and negotiating with insurance companies. At Farar & Lewis LLP, our attorneys have recovered over $50 million in compensation for our clients. We have experience handling tough cases that other firms turn down. Many serious injuries can have a devastating impact on your life – which is why it’s helpful to hire an attorney as soon as possible. If you delay hiring a personal injury attorney, and delay getting medical treatment, it could harm your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. If you delay getting medical treatment, the validity of your injuries could be brought into question – further preventing you from getting the most amount of compensation you deserve. At Farar & Lewis LLP, our personal injury attorneys never charge an upfront fee. We never charge any fees – unless we win your case. Our goal is your recovery, financially – emotionally – and physically.

We Handle Most Injuries

Our personal injury attorneys handle most forms of injuries. Here are some of the most frequent types of injuries we handle. 

Car Accidents: Southern California is filled with cars. Many people have a car, and most houses have multiple cars. Many drivers, and bystanders, often get hurt as a result of car accidents. Regardless of when, where, or how, the accident happened – we can help victims of auto accidents. Whether you were riding your bike, and were hit by a car – or whether you were a passenger in a car – we can help. Our goal is to help victims of auto accidents recover. We can help you get medical attention, in addition to helping with all other elements of your case. 

Pedestrian Accidents: Pedestrians are often hit by cars when walking on the street or crossing the street. Often, victims of pedestrians suffer immense injuries to fast/heavy cars.  Many pedestrians often assume it was their fault the got hurt – and don’t look into hiring a personal injury law firm. We recommend you speak to us, so we can conduct a full 360 investigation into the accident – and how it happened. 

Medical Malpractice: Healthcare providers are people, and make mistakes like everyone else. If a doctor, or nurses, mistake has harmed you – we can help correct that injustice. We can help you – by conducting an investigation into their conduct, and trying to determine how/when they deviated from an expected standard of care. We can build a case, in order to can you compensation. Often, these mistakes can follow you for the rest of your life. 

Slip and Fall: If you fall, or slip, on someone’s property then you may have a potential case. Property owners have a duty to maintain a safe environment for those who are on their property. If you slip, or fall, and are injured – as a result of inadequate – or unsafe, property conditions – then we may be able to help. We’ll conduct an investigation into the property and put together a personal injury claim that shows the property owner was irresponsible, and failed to maintain safe conditions. Our goal is to get you as much compensation as possible. 

Construction Accidents: Construction sites are very dangerous. If you suffer an injury due to a defect in machinery, or due to unsafe working conditions – we can help you get compensation. We encourage you to contact us, and learn more. We offer a risk free consultation – contact us today.

Premise Accidents: If you suffer an accident while on someone else’s premise – then we encourage you to call us. If there were wet floors, or cracked floors, then we encourage you to contact us to get a risk free consultation. Based on the findings of our investigation, we may be able to get you compensation for your injuries. 

Defective Products: Manufacturers are obligated to create safe products. It sounds simple, but often manufacturers fail to live up to this expectation. Often, consumers become collateral damage due to unsafe products. We encourage you to contact us, in order to help understand if you have a potential case.

What should you do after an injury?

What you do after an injury, can be more important the injury itself. Without proper documentation, and without alerting the authorities, the validity of your claim and injuries can be questioned. Here are some things you should after an accident accident. First and foremost, it’s crucial you write down as much about the accident as possible. If you have a cell phone, we recommend taking pictures of the surroundings so you can document what happened. Pictures are valuable because they can be potentially used in court, as evidence. Take as many pictures of the injuries you’ve suffered, in addition to the scene of the accident. The more evidence you have, the stronger your claim is. If you have time, write down information like the date, the weather, the location, and anything else specific that might be asked of you later. Try to also find witnesses, at the scene of the accident. If you can get a witness to corroborate your story to the police at the scene of the accident, the strength of your claim could be higher. 

Take as many pictures, notes, and recordings of conversations as possible. After you’ve secured all of this, we recommend you speak to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. First, you should get medical attention. When you get medical attention immediately after an accident, it established a track record of your injuries – which proves the injuries happened as a result of the accident.

Determining Fault

In order to get compensation, you have to be able to establish fault – and a responsible party. Most accidents aren’t intentional, but they happen. Just because it’s an accident doesn’t mean the other party isn’t responsible. Our job, is to show to the court and opposing insurance company that the other party caused you harm – by acting in a manner that is not “reasonable.” We demonstrate that they are responsible, and that you have suffered emotionally, physically, and financially, as a result of your injures – which is the basis for the claim. If the court determines that you were acting careless, it may reduce the amount you are entitled to. Our goal is to look at the evidence, and then build a personal injury claim which proves your the victim.

Do you need to hire a Personal Injury Attorney

It’s a well known fact, insurance companies make money – by denying personal injury claims. Their goal is to hinder, limit, and deny, your claim and give you as little money as possible. When you speak to them without an attorney, you have no leverage, and are at a potential disadvantage. Without a proper understanding of the law, you may find it difficult to compel them to play fair. Most victims don’t know the law, and don’t know enough to file a personal injury claim on their own due to a lack of knowledge and/or understanding. Insurance companies know this, and can play games in order to harm your chances of getting compensation. In some cases, victims may not understand the true value of their potential claim – and may settle for less. For example, many clients we’ve spoken to don’t know they can ask for future/past medical bills to be covered — or even future lost wages to be covered as a part of the final settlement/verdict. Our attorneys can help advise you about your right, and tell you what you may be entitled to as a result of your injuries. One of things we do, as a part of your case – is do a full investigation into the case in order to secure necessary evidence that proves your point of view. 

When you hire an attorney, it’s likely an insurance company will take you – and your claim – more seriously, because they’ll be dealing with attorneys who understand the law – and are willing to go to court if necessary.

What if my injury was minor?

Many injuries can be minor, at first, and then escalate. Many people avoid getting treatment, or hiring an attorney, because they think their injuries are minor. Then, later, the injuries get worse, and so too does the pain. Many injuries have symptoms masked, due to a rush of adrenaline. As the adrenaline in your body wears off, the symptoms from the injury start appearing. You start feeling the pain, and noticing the injuries. It’s crucial you get medical attention so that you can make sure your ok. Afterwards, it could be beneficial to speak to an attorney to understand what you may be entitled to.

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