Sunday 23 July 2017

Los Angeles Wrongful Death Lawyer

When the death of your loved one is caused by another person’s wrongdoing or negligence, you have the right to file a claim with the help of our wrongful death attorneys in Los Angeles.

With our skills and experience, we can help you receive the right financial compensation, and more importantly, closure. Our service recognizes the value of the deceased as well, and we understand the hardships families and friends during this trying time. We can handle wrongful death cases of all kinds, and we know what it takes to get the answers you need, and the justice you deserve.

Wrongful Death and the Laws Related to It

One of the realities of life is that we must all eventually face death. However, if a loved one dies prematurely because of the negligence or wrongful conduct of another, the law provides for a claim by certain heirs for “wrongful death.”

The law relating to wrongful death provides for compensation for the loss of the relationship with the decedent, meaning the loss of love, companionship, comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection, society, and moral support. If the plaintiff is a spouse, the law also allows for recovery of the loss of the enjoyment of sexual relations with the deceased. For children, the law provides for recovery of the loss of the training and guidance that the deceased parent would have provided.

Wrongful death cases can arise out of a myriad of factual scenarios and may have varying legal theories as the basis for recovery. For instance, the death may relate to a car accident, a work-place injury, a defective product, or an insurance company’s bad faith refusal to provide medical care. All would potentially be actionable, however, the legal theories would be different. Wrongful death cases are lawsuits for damages for the death of a person regardless of how the death occurred.

California statutes strictly prescribe who may file a wrongful death lawsuit. Under California law, certain family members are entitled to bring a wrongful death lawsuit in court, depending on the circumstances. Spouses who are legally married and children are always allowed to bring wrongful death cases. Parents can sue for their child’s death so long as the deceased son or daughter did not have children themselves. Common law spouses and children living with the decedent, including step-children, may or may not be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit depending in part on whether they were dependent on the decedent at the time of death. California registered domestic partners are entitled to bring suit.

The loss of a loved one can be one of the most trying and difficult times in a person’s life. When the death was caused by the wrongdoing of another, it can be overwhelming to deal with the grief and loss while at the same time pursuing legal redress. The wrongful death attorneys at Haffner Law are experienced, knowledgeable and caring in handling and prosecuting wrongful death claims for its clients.

If a loved one has died as a result of another person or company’s wrongdoing, you should seek legal counsel with one of our Los Angeles wrongful death lawyers to evaluate your options. Haffner Law is available for a free consultation to answer any questions you may have regarding your legal rights in connection with the death of a loved one.


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