Monday 3 July 2017

New York Car Accident Lawyer

Car accident attorneys serving residents of Long Island, New York and NYC boroughs.

Fatalities from motor vehicle accidents are on the rise, according to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which highlights the safety concerns facing motorists in metropolitan areas like New York. In 2012 alone, NYC reported 270 deaths attributed to car crashes — the most traffic-related fatalities in four years.

Individuals who’ve been involved in a car accident – whether a fender bender or catastrophic head-on collision – know the challenges of working with insurance carriers while recovering from their injuries. If you have been hurt in a motor vehicle collision, a New York car accident lawyer from The Sanders Firm can help you claim the compensation you are legally entitled to recover.

This field of personal injury law is notoriously complex in terms of determining liability, filing insurance claims, assessing personal injury and property damages and understanding the nuances of New York’s No-Fault laws.

Following any type of motor vehicle collision in New York, it’s wise to contact a lawyer who specializes in personal injury litigation and is well-versed in the state’s No Fault legislation. Without trusted legal representation, your insurance company may try to cap your recovery amount, including the benefits you are eligible to receive for related medical costs.

The Sanders Firm represents victims of motor vehicle accidents in the greater NY area, helping them attain full compensation for their losses. Whether you have suffered injuries in a vehicle rollover, bus crash, pedestrian knock down or other type of motor vehicle accident, our attorneys have the experience and resources to ensure your rights are always protected.

One of our car accident lawyers will review your claim, at no cost to you, to determine if we can help you recover monetary damages in the result of serious personal injury or wrongful death.

New York’s No Fault insurance laws

Car accident injury claims in New York are generally processed under the state’s No-Fault insurance system. These laws are designed to ensure that regardless of who was responsible for the accident, the insurance company will pay up to $50,000 to cover economic losses for medical expenses and lost wages. This coverage may be adequate for minor injuries, but keep in mind that No-Fault coverage will only reimburse up to 80 percent of the victim’s lost earnings – or a maximum of $2,000 per month.

This coverage is capped at $50,000 for all medical expenses and income loss, and does not account for physical /emotional pain and suffering caused by an accident. In order to take legal action and pursue compensation for injuries sustained, you must prove that you have suffered a “serious injury” as defined by NY law. These regulations were passed to reduce the number of crash-related lawsuits filed in the state, but for many injured parties, this coverage is wholly inadequate to cover the total cost of hospital bills and lost income, and doesn’t account for other non-economic damages.

How a car accident lawyer can help

The Sanders Firm will ensure you receive maximum compensation from the insurance company and also determine whether you can file a lawsuit for additional damages against the responsible party. Those who have suffered a significant injury may be entitled to additional compensation in a court of law.

If you or a family member has suffered injuries such as dismemberment, loss of use of a body organ, loss of a fetus or other serious type of harm, our attorneys will begin the process of preparing your New York car accident lawsuit by:

Reviewing police reports of the accident
Questioning eye witnesses
Utilizing crash reconstruction experts
Photographing the accident scene
Evaluating medical records and injury reports
Obtaining documents and opinions by medical experts
Speaking with the insurance companies on your behalf

If you chose to work with Sanders, you’ll be retaining a personal injury lawyer who understands No-Fault laws and has years of experience negotiating with insurance companies to increase your chances of securing just compensation.

Types of claims we handle

With more than four decades of litigation experience, our firm has been helping New York auto accident victims secure substantial jury awards and out-of-court settlements, taking financial burdens out of the equation.

Our legal team pursues a wide range of motor vehicle accident claims, including:

Head-on collisions
Rear-end collisions
Vehicle rollovers
Bus accidents
Taxi accidents
Bicycle accident injuries
Drunk driver accidents
Cell phone related car crashes
Motorcycle accidents
Pedestrian knockdown
MTA accidents
Commercial vehicle accidents
Bus accidents
Train accidents

Compensation for car accident injuries

With a qualified attorney as your advocate, a successful car accident claim can help you obtain the following types of compensation:

Past, present and future medical expenses: May include costs for all hospital stays, treatments, ER visits, rehabilitation, and appointments with health care professionals.

Lost income: Compensates for all wages lost between the time of the accident and the close of the lawsuit. Those who were unemployed at the time of injury may still be eligible for lost wages if they can show earning potential during that period.

Diminished earning capacity: If one’s ability to earn a living has been affected by a serious injury or disability, additional damages may be factored in.

Pain and suffering: Determined by reviewing the type and extent of car crash injuries sustained, and the anticipated recovery period.

Mental anguish: Compensation may be awarded for emotional distress, including anxiety, nervousness, grief and other forms of emotional trauma caused by the accident.

Loss of consortium: These damages are given to the uninjured spouse who has suffered loss of companionship, sexual relations, affection and support due to his or her partner’s injuries.

Protect your legal rights

Whether the cause was negligence, manufacturing liability or poor road design, car accidents often leave victims with long-term financial and emotional hardships. You don’t have to face insurance companies alone. If you or a family member has suffered injuries in any type of motor vehicle collision, your first step should be contacting a NY car accident lawyer at The Sanders Firm.

Representing residents in Long Island, Staten Island, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Manhattan, our firm has a long track record of obtaining multi-million dollar car accident settlements and court awards on behalf of our clients. For a free and honest evaluation of your case, call toll-free: 1.800 FAIR PLAY (800.324.7752)

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