Sunday 23 July 2017

Ten online business resources every entrepreneur should know about

Rick Spence: Hopefully these 10 suggestions will get you thinking about your favourite web resources and you will contribute to next week’s 10 by emailing me.

Who can tell me what kind of business software I really need? Where can I find cold-calling scripts? How can I ask better interview questions?

Notoriously overreaching and under-resourced, entrepreneurs are continually navigating unknown territories and encountering new problems. The best business owners are perpetual students, always learning — although there are no textbooks to tell them what to do next.

Still, the Web overflows with robust resources for entrepreneurs looking to source products, hire smarter or sell more. In fact, there’s way too much out there, much of it mediocre or more geared to selling than informing.

The following is a guide to the online business resources every entrepreneur should know. The catch is it’s a two-part, interactive column. I’m hoping if I write the first 10, you’ll contribute to next week’s 10 by emailing me your favourite web resources.

An entrepreneur’s guide to life on Earth: Advice for navigating the day to day

15 successful entrepreneurs share the most important lesson they learned in their 20s

These 10 essential online resources can help you save time, money and aggravation:

Founded in 2012 by New Brunswick entrepreneur Dan Martell, connects entrepreneurs with problems and accomplished business leaders. For a fee (starting at $1 per minute, but sometimes $10 a minute or more), you can talk by phone with just about anyone: Dan Martell, Brad Feld, Gerry Pond or Mark Cuban, or an app developer, media planner, venture capitalist, etiquette specialist, or department-store buyer.

Ever wish you could hang with Silicon Valley’s best entrepreneurs? Stanford University’s eCorner features video panels, keynotes interviews and confessions with top entrepreneurs such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Marissa Mayer and Guy Kawasaki. Stanford even does the curating for you. You can search by speaker or subject, and many videos have been edited into short segments labeled by specific topic, such as “Becoming a Better Storyteller,” “How the Founders Met,” and “The Extreme Relevance of Cash Flow.”

You’ll find lots of hands-on information and ideas at, which bristles with articles, videos and how-to guides covering such day-to-day issues as “What is the Cost to Open a Business Office?”, “Finding Qualified Customers,” and “When Contracts Fail.” There’s also an “Ask the Expert” section, where you can pose a problem or browse through other people’s questions and answers. My favourite: “Closing down the business for the Christmas break: Do workers need to be paid?”

Women 2.0 is committed to developing more female technology innovators, but its in-depth, inspirational content should interest any ambitious entrepreneur. Sample article titles include: “Show Me the Money: A Women’s Guide to Securing VC Backing,” “Creating Company Culture: It’s about Why, not What,” and “How to Make Meetings Actually Awesome.” The Women 2.0 community also includes online hangouts, real-life meetups (including Vancouver and Toronto), conferences and events

The federal government’s Canada Business Network is about as dull as you’d expect. But it contains extensive information on financing, including grants, loans, tax credits and wage subsidies. It also offers “primer”-type modules on market research, marketing, e-business and security, importing and exporting, and managing employees.

If you’re into trade, then Export Development Canada’s is a must. It has timely articles on export opportunities, analyses of key markets and emerging opportunities, how-to guides, and profiles of successful exporters. EDC also posts a “Question of the Week” online (recent example: “Can individuals export potash?”) is the online archive containing more than a dozen years of articles from Profit. (Fair disclosure: I used to run that publication.) Although it was shuttered as a stand-alone magazine 18 months ago, it lives on as a branded department inside sister publication Canadian Business, and the website regularly adds new content. Fair warning: The search function doesn’t function very well, so be persistent

Want answers or resources from a global community of entrepreneurs? Expect fast responses from, a bulletin board of questions and answers from community members (known as “redditors”). Reddit is a busy, chaotic social-media site that attracts thoughtful commentators, critics and crackpots alike — all of them anonymous. Recent posts included requests for business partners, a copywriter offering to edit your marketing materials for free, and questions about hiring, payments, networking, creating products and landing that first sale.

Smart Company is an Australian site that offers a free daily newsletter covering finance, growth, leadership, marketing, legal and other business topics. The journalism isn’t quite as strong as on mainstream North American sites, but you’ll get new takes on familiar issues — perspectives your competitors probably aren’t reading.

Not yet happy with this list? Check out a 2013 feature from Forbes magazine, “100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs.” You’ll find links to specialty sites for young entrepreneurs, tech startups, women and social entrepreneurs, topic-specific sites on law, financing, case studies, media, technology and business opportunities, as well as blogs (yes, they’re still a thing) from such grandmasters as “Lean Startup” guru Steve Blank, “Cubicle Nation” escapee Pamela Slim, Toronto tech entrepreneur Ben Yoskovitz, Mark Cuban (again), and celebrity VCs Fred Wilson, Paul Graham and David Skok. Say goodbye to the rest of your day.

Now it’s your turn. What’s your favourite site, web resource, blog, app, content archive, or whatever? Why do you love it? Send me an email at by July 9 and I’ll report the best suggestions in next week’s column.


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