Thursday 20 July 2017

What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)?

As the size of your enterprise increases, so does the scope of its technical and network needs. Something as seemingly simple as applying the latest OS hotfixes, or ensuring that virus definitions are up to date, can quickly turn into a tedious mess when the task must be performed on the hundreds or thousands of computers within your organization.

VDI Allows One to Manage Many

A virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) environment allows your company’s information technology pros to centrally manage thin client machines, leading to a mutually beneficial experience for both end-users and IT admins.

What is VDI?

Sometimes referred to as desktop virtualization, virtual desktop infrastructure or VDI is a computing model that adds a layer of virtualization between the server and the desktop PCs. By installing this virtualization in place of a more traditional operating system, network administrators can provide end users with ‘access anywhere’ capabilities and a familiar desktop experience, while simultaneously heightening data security throughout the organization.

Some IT professionals associate the acronym VDI with VMware VDI, an integrated desktop virtualization solution. VMware VDI is considered the industry standard virtualization platform; as such, all of triCerat’s solutions fully support VMware VDI workstations.

VDI Provides Greater Security, Seamless User Experience Superior data security: Because VDI hosts the desktop image in the data center, organizations keep sensitive data safe in the corporate data center—not on the end-user’s machine which can be lost, stolen, or even destroyed. VDI effectively reduces the risks inherent in every aspect of the user environment.

More productive end-users: With VDI, the end-user experience remains familiar. Their desktop looks just like their desktop and their thin client machine performs just like the desktop PC they’ve grown comfortable with and accustomed to. With virtual desktop infrastructure, there are no expensive training seminars to host and no increase in tech support issues or calls. End- user satisfaction is actually increased because they have greater control over the applications and settings that their work requires.

Other Benefits of VDI

  • Desktops can be set up in minutes, not hours

  • Client PCs are more energy efficient and longer lasting than traditional desktop computers

  • IT costs are reduced due to a fewer tech support issues

  • Compatibility issues, especially with single-user software, are lessened

  • Data security is increased

Tricerat helps businesses handle all aspects of the user environment, including VDI. Simplify Suite uses a database that can be created and controlled from any machine, allowing you to streamline and automate network and desktop processes. Best of all, Simplify Suite fully supports VMware VDI and Windows workstations. Learn more about how Simplify Suite can help your enterprise run more smoothly and efficiently.

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