Thursday 7 September 2017

Attorney For Freedom

How does your business stand out?

I am sure you think all law firms are the same, but my law firm is different, why are we different? We are a pro-freedom law firm. I will represent you the same way that I would want to be represented myself!


John M. Nov 15, 2013
I would recommend this law firm to anyone in need of a butt kicker for an attorney. Marc is like a bulldog in the courtroom and eats prosecutors for lunch! Don't chance your freedom on anyone me on this!


What types of customers have you worked with?

Criminal Law Being charged with a criminal offense often means the government is attempting to incarcerate you. When your liberty is at stake, the right attorney can be a critically important decision. The attorneys at Marc J. Victor, P.C. will represent you exactly the same way they would want to be represented themselves. We will do everything in our power to see you are a satisfied client. To that end, we promise to be honest with you, to keep you informed of the circumstances and progress of your case, to be available to you for consultation, to explain your case to you without legalese, to promptly return your telephone calls and e-mails, to render well-reasoned and straight forward advice, and to aggressively represent you. We strive to be creative and to think outside the box at all times. In short, we will relentlessly pursue and employ all ethical means to secure the best possible results for you. Our attorneys are not timid or passive attorneys who seek to immediately “cut deals” with the state. In those cases where a plea is appropriate, we will aggressively work to secure the absolute best plea offer possible. Some cases warrant a jury trial. We are not strangers to the courtroom. Marc J. Victor has personally tried several murder cases. If your desire is a trial, we will present your case in the best possible light to secure a Not Guilty verdict. Marc J. Victor, P.C. accepts clients in both state and federal matters throughout the State of Arizona. Indeed, we have represented clients in matters outside the State of Arizona as well. We represent clients in matters as serious as first degree capital murder and sexual assault.

Additionally, we routinely represent clients on drug related, aggravated assault and other felony charges. Misdemeanor clients are accepted depending on caseload. We will not agree to accept your case if we cannot devote the appropriate time to you and your case. Personal Injury & Wrongful Death An actionable personal injury case is generally when the negligence, recklessness or intentional behavior of another person causes another person to suffer a physical or mental injury. If you are injured in an accident, recovering from your injuries and regaining your health may be a difficult and time consuming process. If your injuries are catastrophic, such as a brain injury, spinal cord injury, burn injury or the loss of one or more of your arms or legs, you may need rehabilitation or assistive care for the rest of your life. Because serious injuries may prevent you from working, the loss of income and medical bills will further add to the distress with which you and your family must cope. Injuries may arise in a variety of ways such as automobile accidents or from accidents involving a truck, motorcycle, or boat. Additionally, actionable injuries may arise on an unsafe construction site, in the workplace, or an amusement park. Defective products, medical malpractice, toxic materials and prescription errors are other examples of incidents which may cause harm due to negligence. When serious or catastrophic injuries or wrongful death occurs, an experienced personal injury attorney is essential to protect your rights and recover damages from the liable party.

When you call a personal injury attorney at our law firm, you can expect the same commitment to excellence Marc J. Victor has delivered throughout his legal career. You can expect solid legal advice, personal attention, and constant communication throughout your representation. Our attorneys will take immediate action to document important details about your accident and preserve evidence. While you concentrate on your recovery, we deal with the insurance company representatives and handle all legal aspects of your claim. Our Attorneys and staff have extensive experience representing clients in personal injury matters. We will give you an honest assessment of your personal injury matter. If you do not have a legitimate claim, we will advise you of exactly why not. If you do have a legitimate claim, you can depend on us to aggressively pursue a recovery for you which compensates you fully for your damages. Our attorneys are not afraid to litigate. Rather than simply accept a low offer, if the facts of your case warrant litigation, we will file a complaint and fully litigate to secure a just recovery. Always committed to your best interests, we do our utmost to maximize your personal injury settlement.

What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

I realize there are many law firms competing for the privilege of representing you in your legal matter. I realize you have a difficult decision in determining which law firm would best serve your interests. I have worked hard for the past thirteen years to distinguish my law firm from the others, and to build my reputation as an aggressive advocate for my clients who offers honest and well reasoned legal advice. If you peruse my website, you will quickly get a feel for what I call our “Commitment to Excellence.” During the time I served in the United States Marine Corps, I learned to despise mediocrity. I also learned what it meant to be absolutely committed to excellence. At my law firm, we apply those concepts to every representation we undertake. We take pride in thinking “outside the box” to generate creative solutions to problems. We represent people the way we would want to be represented ourselves. We relate to our clients on a human level rather than just as attorney and client. We strive to return all telephone calls and e-mails the same day they are received.

We do everything we say we are going to do; in all cases and at all times. In short, I have built my solid reputation on old fashioned and well established principles. I am a Certified Specialist in Criminal Law who has tried many serious felony cases including several 1st degree murder trials. I have successfully represented thousands of clients in major felony matters in both state and federal court throughout Arizona and in other states. At my law firm, we bring a team approach to every criminal case. Vicki Lopez is an attorney who is a Certified Specialist in Criminal Law with twenty-five years of felony jury trial experience. Additionally, Scott Campbell is an attorney who brings twenty-four years of police officer experience including several years as a homicide detective to our team. In short, our unique blend of experience, talent, skills and passion for criminal defense allows us to offer the best legal defense possible. All attorneys and paralegals employed by my law firm share the same commitment to excellence and 100% client satisfaction I have always believed in so strongly. I would be honored if you would keep my law firm in mind for any current or future legal services.

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