Saturday 2 September 2017

Committed to Baltimore - Committed to You. Let Steve Heisler Bring it Home for Your Case!

"The Injury Lawyer"

Fear . . . confusion . . . grief. If you or a loved one has been injured through the negligence of another person or company, these are the emotions you are likely to be feeling now. But Steve Heisler, personal injury attorney in and around Baltimore, can help you through this, with diligence . . . compassion . . . and confidence.

Call Steve today at 1-855-396-2637 for a free consultation.

The Heisler personal injury legal team handles a wide range of injury claims in Baltimore, throughout Maryland, and in Washington, DC. In addition, Mr. Heisler's contacts are far-reaching, and he has working relationships with competent attorneys all across the nation. Even if your injury occurred outside of Maryland or the District of Columbia, Steven Heisler will be able to assist you in obtaining the legal representation you need to prevail on your injury claim.

At The Law Offices of Steven H. Heisler, we offer you Legal Action That Makes A Difference. Our case results and client testimonials speak for themselves. We are honored to serve our clients and hope that we may be able to assist you in a similar way.

Making a Difference

Steve Heisler is committed to making a difference - in his community, in his clients' lives, and in the cause of justice. Before being admitted to law school, Steve was an organizer and business agent for the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union, Local #7. His no-nonsense attitude and the way he stands his ground won him the respect and trust of the hardworking people of Baltimore. Since his graduation from the University of Baltimore Law School in 1988, Steve has focused on making a difference for those who have suffered an injury because of the negligence or reckless behavior of someone else.

When you have a legal problem, you want someone you have confidence in and can trust. You also want someone who likes people and is the kind of person you would like to have as a friend. Steve Heisler is a family man, married with children. He is an avid sports fan and will gladly tell you about his early years as a wrestler and Golden Gloves boxer. Yes, he has been a fighter for a long time, and now he fights for the rights of his clients.

An injury can happen just about any time and any place. Without warning you may find yourself with huge medical bills, lingering pain, an inability to earn an income, and little hope for providing for your family. A personal injury lawsuit against the person or company responsible for the injury can bring you and your family monetary compensation to cover those expenses and provide financial security in the future. The Law Offices of Steven H. Heisler will be there for you, working with diligence . . . compassion . . . confidence , to see that you receive everything you deserve from those who should be held accountable.
  • Personal Injury Cases

  • Vehicle Accidents

  • Workplace Injuries

  • Medical Malpractice

  • Social Security Disability

  • Wrongful Death

At home, at work, on the road

People can be injured at home by a dangerous product. They can be hurt at work by an unsafe piece of equipment. And they can be - and often are - hurt in automobile accidents. Buckling your seatbelt and being a cautious driver are good steps to take. But they won't always protect you from careless and distracted drivers, unsafe vehicles, or hazards on the road. A highway collision can leave you with medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, pain and disability. Steve Heisler will help you after a car accident on the streets of Baltimore, on Maryland interstates, or on a cross-country vacation trip.

It's not always easy to determine who is responsible for a car wreck, but the experience of Steve Heisler will enable him to analyze the details of your accident and identify all responsible parties, making them and their insurance companies pay the price for their negligence. Insurance companies can be hard to deal with, delaying or denying payment. Steve Heisler is not afraid to aggressively pursue your interests, even if it means facing off with insurance company attorneys in the courtroom. Your struggle becomes his battle, and he has the will to win.

Getting Answers. Today.

If you or a family member has been involved in an accident, or if your loved one was wrongfully killed, you are sure to be experiencing emotional turmoil, and you probably have many questions about what you should do next. Call The Law Offices of Steven H. Heisler at 1-855-396-2637 today for a free consultation. You'll find that Steve Heisler, "The Injury Lawyer," is not arrogant or stuffy. He is easy to talk to and will do his level best to help you get to the bottom of your legal problem so that you can get on with the rest of your life.

It’s Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt: Trampolines and Injured Children

August 24, 2017
It sure looks fun, and who doesn’t want to fly through the air? Trampolines have an irresistible pull on many children; and often Maryland parents buy them because they don’t think they’re that dangerous and, besides, it will keep the kids occupied. Very often trampolines are dangerous and can result in injured kids‘ needing emergency

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“He Died Standing”

August 1, 2017
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