Wednesday 6 September 2017

Enterprise cloud computing by G. Shroff

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2. ENTERPRISE CLOUD COMPUTING Technology, Architecture, Applications Cloud computing promises to revolutionize IT and business by making computing available as a utility over the internet. This book is intended primarily for practicing software architects who need to assess the impact of such a transformation. It explains the evolution of the internet into a cloud computing platform, describes emerging development paradigms and technologies, and discusses how these will change the way enterprise applications should be architected for cloud deployment.

Gautam Shroff provides a technical description of cloud computing technologies, covering cloud infrastructure and platform services, programming paradigms such as MapReduce, as well as ‘do-it-yourself’ hosted development tools. He also describes emerging technologies critical to cloud computing. The book also covers the fundamentals of enterprise computing, including a technical introduction to enterprise architecture, so it will interest programmers aspiring to become software architects and serve as a reference for a graduate-level course in software architecture or software engineering. Gautam Shroff heads TCS’ Innovation Lab in Delhi, a corporate R&D lab that conducts applied research in software architecture, natural language processing, data mining, multimedia, graphics and computer vision. Additionally he is responsible for TCS’ Global Co-Innovation Network (COIN), which works with venture-backed emerging technology companies to create and take to market solutions that have disruptive innovation potential. Further, as a member of TCS’ Corporate Technology Board, he is part of the process of recommending directions to existing R&D efforts, spawning new R&D efforts, sponsoring external research and proliferating the resulting technology and intellectual property across TCS’ businesses.


4. CAMBRI D GE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © G. Shroff 2010 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2010 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-76095-9 Hardback ISBN 978-0-521-13735-5 Paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

Contents Preface page xi List of abbreviations xiv Part I Computing platforms 1 Chapter 1 Enterprise computing: a retrospective 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Introduction Mainframe architecture Client-server architecture 3-tier architectures with TP monitors Chapter 2 The internet as a platform 3 5 7 10 16 2.1 Internet technology and web-enabled applications 2.2 Web application servers 2.3 Internet of services Chapter 3 Software as a service and cloud computing 3.1 Emergence of software as a service 3.2 Successful SaaS architectures v 16 19 22 27 27 29

6. vi CONTENTS 3.3 Dev 2.0 platforms 3.4 Cloud computing 3.5 Dev 2.0 in the cloud for enterprises 31 32 36 Chapter 4 Enterprise architecture: role and evolution 39 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Enterprise data and processes Enterprise components Application integration and SOA Enterprise technical architecture Data center infrastructure: coping with complexity 40 40 42 44 47 Part II Cloud platforms 49 Chapter 5 Cloud computing platforms 51 5.1 Infrastructure as a service: Amazon EC2 5.2 Platform as a service: Google App Engine 5.3 Microsoft Azure Chapter 6 Cloud computing economics 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Is cloud infrastructure cheaper? Economics of private clouds Software productivity in the cloud Economies of scale: public vs. private clouds 51 56 60 64 64 67 71 73 Part III Cloud technologies 75 Chapter 7 Web services, AJAX and mashups 77 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Web services: SOAP and REST SOAP versus REST AJAX: asynchronous ‘rich’ interfaces Mashups: user interface services 77 83 85 87

CONTENTS Chapter 8 Virtualization technology 8.1 Virtual machine technology 8.2 Virtualization applications in enterprises 8.3 Pitfalls of virtualization Chapter 9 Multi-tenant software 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Multi-entity support Multi-schema approach Multi-tenancy using cloud data stores Data access control for enterprise applications vii 89 89 95 103 104 105 107 109 111 Part IV Cloud development 115 Chapter 10 Data in the cloud 117 10.1 Relational databases 10.2 Cloud file systems: GFS and HDFS 10.3 BigTable, HBase and Dynamo 10.4 Cloud data stores: Datastore and SimpleDB Chapter 11 MapReduce and extensions 11.1 Parallel computing 11.2 The MapReduce model 11.3 Parallel efficiency of MapReduce 11.4 Relational operations using MapReduce 11.5 Enterprise batch processing using MapReduce Chapter 12 Dev 2.0 platforms 12.1’s platform 12.2 TCS InstantApps on Amazon cloud 118 121 123 128 131 131 134 137 139 142 144 145 148

8. viii 12.3 More Dev 2.0 platforms and related efforts 12.4 Advantages, applicability and limits of Dev 2.0 CONTENTS 153 154 Part V Software architecture 159 Chapter 13 Enterprise software: ERP, SCM, CRM 161 13.1 Anatomy of a large enterprise 13.2 Partners: people and organizations 13.3 Products 13.4 Orders: sales and purchases 13.5 Execution: tracking work 13.6 Billing 13.7 Accounting 13.8 Enterprise processes, build vs. buy and SaaS Chapter 14 Custom enterprise applications and Dev 2.0 14.1 Software architecture for enterprise components 14.2 User interface patterns and basic transactions 14.3 Business logic and rule-based computing 14.4 Inside Dev 2.0: model driven interpreters 14.5 Security, error handling, transactions and workflow Chapter 15 Workflow and business processes 15.1 Implementing workflow in an application 15.2 Workflow meta-model using ECA rules 15.3 ECA workflow engine 15.4 Using an external workflow engine 15.5 Process modeling and BPMN 15.6 Workflow in the cloud 161 164 167 168 170 172 174 176 178 178 180 188 194 198 203 203 205 207 210 211 216

CONTENTS Chapter 16 Enterprise analytics and search 16.1 Enterprise knowledge: goals and approaches 16.2 Business intelligence 16.3 Text and data mining 16.4 Text and database search ix 217 218 219 225 235 Part VI Enterprise cloud computing 241 Chapter 17 Enterprise cloud computing ecosystem 243 17.1 Public cloud providers 17.2 Cloud management platforms and tools 17.3 Tools for building private clouds Chapter 18 Roadmap for enterprise cloud computing 18.1 Quick wins using public clouds 18.2 Future of enterprise cloud computing 244 246 247 253 254 257 References 264 Index 269

10. Preface In today’s world virtually all available information on any technical topic is just a few clicks away on the web. This is especially true of an emerging area such as cloud computing. So why write a book, and, who should read this book and why? Every few years a new ‘buzzword’ becomes the rage of the technology world. The PC in the 80s, the internet in the 90s, service-oriented architecture in the early 2000s, and more recently ‘cloud computing’: By enabling computing itself to be delivered as a utility available over the internet, cloud computing could transform enterprise IT. Such a transformation could be as significant as the emergence of power utilities in the early twentieth century, as eloquently elucidated in Nicholas Carr’s recent book The Big Switch. Over the years large enterprises have come to rely on information technology to run their increasingly complex business operations. Each successive technology ‘revolution’ promises tremendous gains. It falls upon the shoulders of the technical architects in the IT industry to evaluate these promises and measure them against the often significant pain that is involved in adapting complex IT systems to new computing paradigms: The transition to cloud computing is no exception. So, this book is first and foremost for technical architects, be they from IT departments or consulting organizations. The aim is to cover cloud computing technology, architectures and applications in detail, so as to be able to properly assess its true impact on enterprise IT. Since cloud computing promises to fundamentally revolutionize the way enterprise IT is run, we also revisit many principles of enterprise architecture and applications. Consequently, this is also a book on the fundamentals of enterprise computing, and can therefore serve as a reference for a xi

11. xii PREFACE graduate-level course in software architecture or software engineering. Alternatively, software professionals interested in acquiring the ‘architect’ tag may also find it a useful read. From a personal perspective this book is also an attempt to capture my experience of a decade in the IT industry after an initial career in academic computer science: The IT industry seemed ever busier dealing with constant changes in technology. At the same time, every generation of professionals, in particular the technical architects, were constantly reinventing the wheel: Even though automation techniques, such as large-scale code generation using ‘model driven architecture’ often actually worked in practice, these were far from the panacea that they theoretically appeared to be. Nevertheless, the academic in me continued to ask, what after all does an enterprise application do, and why should it be so complex? In 2004 I wrote an interpreter for what appeared to me to be a perfectly reasonable 3tier architecture on which, I thought, any enterprise application should run. This was the seed of what became TCS’ InstantApps platform. At the same time was also experimenting with an interpretive architecture that later became While software as a service was the rage of the industry, I began using the term Dev 2.0 to describe such interpretive hosted development platforms. In the meantime Amazon launched its elastic computing cloud, EC2. Suddenly, the entire IT infrastructure for an enterprise could be set up ‘in the cloud.’ ‘Dev 2.0 in the Cloud’ seemed the next logical step, as I speculated in a keynote at the 2008 ACM SIGSOFT FSE conference. After my talk, Heather Bergman from Cambridge University Press asked me whether I would be interested in writing a book. The idea of a book had been in my mind for more than a year then; I had envisaged a book on software architecture. But maybe a technical book on cloud computing was more the need of the hour. And thus this book was born. In my attempt to present cloud computing in the context of enterprise computing, I have ended up covering a rather vast landscape. Part I traces the evolution of computing technology and how enterprise architecture strives to manage change with continuity. Part II introduces cloud computing platforms and the economics of cloud computing, followed by an overview of technologies essential for cloud applications in Part III. Part IV delves into the details of cloud computing and how it impacts application development. The essentials of enterprise software architecture are covered in Part V, from an overview of enterprise data models to how applications are built. We also show how the essence of what an enterprise application does can be abstracted

12. PREFACE xiii using models. Part V concludes with an integrated picture of enterprise analytics and search, and how these tasks can be efficiently implemented on computing clouds. These are important topics that are unfamiliar to many architects; so hopefully, their unified treatment here using matrix algebra is illuminating. Finally, Part VI presents an overview of the industry ecosystem around enterprise cloud computing and concludes by speculating on the possible future of cloud computing for enterprises. A number of people have helped bring this book to fruition: First of all, Heather Bergman who suggested that I write, helped me finalize the topic and table of contents, and led me through the book proposal process in record time. Once the first draft was written, Jeff Ullman reviewed critical parts of the book in great detail, for which I remain eternally grateful. Rob Schreiber, my PhD advisor from another lifetime, also took similar pains, even 20 years after doing the same with my PhD thesis; thanks Rob! Many of my colleagues in TCS also reviewed parts of the manuscript; in particular Ananth Krishnan, C. Anantaram, Puneet Agarwal, Geetika Sharma, Lipika Dey, Venkatachari Raghavan, Surjeet Mishra, Srinivasan Varadanarayanan and Harrick Vin. I would also like to thank David Tranah for taking over as my editor when Heather Bergman left Cambridge University Press soon after I began writing, and for shepherding the book through the publication process. Finally, I am grateful for the continuous encouragement and support I have received over the years from TCS management, in particular F.C. Kohli, S. Ramadorai and Phiroz Vandrevala, as well as, more recently, N. Chandrasekaran. I would also like to thank E. C. Subbarao and Kesav Nori, who have been my mentors in TCS R&D, for serving as role models, influencing my ideas and motivating me to document my experience. I have learned that while writing is enjoyable, it is also difficult: Whenever my intrinsic laziness threatened this project, my motivation was fueled by the enthusiasm of my family. With my wife, sister-in-law and mother-in-law all having studied at Cambridge University, I suspect this was also in no small measure due to the publisher I was writing for! Last but not least, I thank my wife Brinda, and kids Selena and Ahan, for tolerating my preoccupation with writing on weekends and holidays for the better part of a year. I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

13. Abbreviations Term Description AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML AMI Amazon Machine Image API Application Programming Interface BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation CGI Common Gateway Interface CICS Customer Information Control System CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture CPU Central Processing Unit CRM Customer Relationship Management CRT Cathode Ray Tube EAI Enterprise Application Integration EBS [Amazon] Elastic Block Storage EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud ECA Event Condition Action EJB Enterprise Java Beans ERP Enterprise Resource Planning GAE Google App Engine GFS Google File System GL General Ledger GML Generalized Markup Language HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System HTML Hypertext Transport Protocol and Secure Socket Layer HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol HTTPD Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon xiv

14. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Term Description IA IaaS IBM IDL IDMS IDS IIS IMS IT ITIL J2EE JAAS JCL JSON LDAP MDA MDI MDX MVC MVS OLAP OMG PaaS PKI REST RMI RPC SaaS SCM SGML SNA SOA SOAP SQL SQS SVD [TCS] InstantApps Infrastructure as a Service International Business Machines Interface Definition Language Integrated Database Management System Integrated Data Store [Database System] Internet Information Server [IBM] Information Management System Information Technology Information Technology Infrastructure Library Java 2 Enterprise Edition Java Authentication and Authorization Service Job Control Language JavaScript Object Notation Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Model Driven Architecture Model Driven Interpreter Multidimensional Expressions [Query Language] Model View Controller Multiple Virtual Storage [Operating System] Online analytical processing Object Management Group Platform as a Service Public Key Infrastructure Representational State Transfer Remote Method Invocation Remote Procedure Call Software as a Service Supply Chain Management Standardized Generalized Markup Language Systems Network Architecture Service Oriented Architecture Simple Object Access Protocol Structured Query Language [Amazon] Simple Queue Service Singular Value Decomposition xv

15. xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Term Description TCP/IP TCS T&M TP Monitor UML URI URL VM VMM VPC VPN VSAM VTAM W3C WSDL WYSIWYG XHTML XML Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Tata Consultancy Services Time and Materials Transaction Processing Monitor Unified Modeling Language Uniform Resource Identifier Uniform Resource Locater Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Monitor Virtual Private Cloud Virtual Private Network Virtual Storage Access Method Virtual Telecommunications Access Method World Wide Web Consortium Web Services Description Language What You See is What You Get Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Extensible Markup Language

16. PART I Computing platforms Barely 50 years after the birth of enterprise computing, cloud computing promises to transform computing into a utility delivered over the internet. A historical perspective is instructive in order to properly evaluate the impact of cloud computing, as well as learn the right lessons from the past. We first trace the history of enterprise computing from the early mainframes, to client-server computing and 3-tier architectures. Next we examine how the internet evolved into a computing platform for enterprise applications, naturally leading to Software as a Service and culminating (so far) in what we are now calling cloud computing. Finally we describe how the ‘enterprise architecture’ function within IT departments has evolved over time, playing a critical role in managing transitions to new technologies, such as cloud computing.

17. C HAPTER 1 Enterprise computing: a retrospective 1.1 INTRODUCTION By ‘enterprise computing’ we mean the use of computers for data processing in large organizations, also referred to as ‘information systems’ (IS), or even ‘information technology’ (IT) in general. The use of computers for enterprise data processing began in the 60s with the early mainframe computers. Over the years enterprise computing paradigms have changed dramatically with the emergence of new technology: The advent of the PC in the 80s led to the replacement of large mainframe computers by client-server systems. The rise of the internet in the 90s saw the client-server model give way to web-based enterprise applications and customer-facing e-commerce platforms. With each of these advances, enterprise systems have dramatically improved in terms of scale and ubiquity of access. At the same time their complexity, and consequently cost, has increased as well: Trillions of dollars are spent world-wide on information technology, including hardware and software purchases as well as application development (in-house or outsourced). It is also estimated that enterprises spend between two and ten percent of their revenues on IT.1 1 From Gartner reports. 3

18. 4 ENTERPRISE COMPUTING: A RETROSPECTIVE Now, cloud computing offers the potential for revolutionizing enterprise computing once more, this time by transforming computing itself into a utility that can be accessed over the internet. In his recent book The Big Switch [8], Nicholas Carr compares the possible ramifications of such a change to the creation of the electricity grid in the early twentieth century. Before the grid, industries built and ran their own power generation plants, much as enterprises deploy and manage their own computing systems today. After the grid came along, by 1930, 90 percent of electricity in the US was produced by specialized power utilities and delivered to consumers over power lines [8]. Barely 50 years had elapsed since Edison’s invention of a reliable incandescent light-bulb. Will there be a similar revolution in enterprise computing, 50 years after its birth? Only time will tell. The key elements of cloud computing, as we see it today, are: (a) computing resources packaged as a commodity and made available over the internet, (b) the ability for end-users to to rapidly provision the resources they need and (c) a pricing model that charges consumers only for those cloud resources they actually use. Further, as a result of centralization of computing, significant economies of scale can be exploited by a cloud provider and passed on to enterprise IT. Not surprisingly, much of the interest in cloud computing today is based on expectations of such cost savings. Finally, the concentration of massive clusters of computing resources within cloud providers opens up possibilities for large-scale data analysis at scales unheard of until now. In the process a number of new programming models and development tools have been developed, both to enable large-scale computations as well as dramatically improve software development productivity, and these also fall within the purview of cloud computing. In this book we shall delve into the technical details of all the above elements of cloud computing: The major cloud platforms are covered in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 examines the potential cost savings from cloud computing. Key technologies essential for building cloud platforms are covered in Chapters 7, 8 and 9. New programming models and development paradigms are the subject of Chapters 10, 11 and 12. The impact of cloud computing on many of the essential aspects of enterprise computing, from data models to transaction processing, workflow and analytics, is examined in Chapters 13, 14, 15 and 16. Chapter 17 presents a snapshot of the cloud computing ecosystem, as it stands today. Finally we conclude, in Chapter 18, by discussing how enterprise IT is likely to adopt cloud computing in the near future, as well as speculate on the future of cloud computing itself.

19. 5 1.2 Mainframe architecture However, before embarking on this journey, we first revisit the history of enterprise computing architectures in Chapters 1, 2 and 3. As we shall see, in many ways we have come full circle: We began with large centralized computers and went through phases of distributed computing architectures, saw the reemergence of a centralized paradigm along with the emergence of the internet as a computing platform, culminating (so far) in what we now call cloud computing. 1.2 MAINFRAME ARCHITECTURE We can trace the history of enterprise computing to the advent of ‘thirdgeneration’ computers in the 60s; these used integrated circuits as opposed to vacuum tubes, beginning with the IBM System/360 ‘mainframe’ computer and its successors, which continue to be used to date, e.g. the IBM z-series range. Until the 80s, most mainframes used punched cards for input and teleprinters for output; these were later replaced by CRT (cathode ray tube) terminals. A typical (post 1980) ‘mainframe’ architecture is depicted in Figure 1.1. A terminal-based user interface would display screens controlled by the mainframe server using the ‘virtual telecommunications access method’ (VTAM) 3270 Terminals n/w Protocol – SNA Transport – LU Term Ctr Layer – VTAM OS – MVS TPM – IMS / CICS Logic – Cobol / PL1 Sched: JCL VSAM / IMS / DB2 FIGURE 1.1. Mainframe architecture

20. 6 ENTERPRISE COMPUTING: A RETROSPECTIVE for entering and viewing information. Terminals communicated with the mainframe using the ‘systems network architecture’ (SNA) protocol, instead of the ubiquitous TCP/IP protocol of today. While these mainframe computers had limited CPU power by modern standards, their I/O bandwidth was (and is, to date) extremely generous relative to their CPU power. Consequently, mainframe applications were built using a batch architecture to minimize utilization of the CPU during data entry or retrieval. Thus, data would be written to disk as soon as it was captured and then processed by scheduled background programs, in sharp contrast to the complex business logic that gets executed during ‘online’ transactions on the web today. In fact, for many years, moving from a batch model to an online one was considered a major revolution in IT architecture, and large systems migration efforts were undertaken to achieve this; it is easy to see why: In a batch system, if one deposited money in a bank account it would usually not show up in the balance until the next day after the ‘end of day’ batch jobs had run! Further, if there was incorrect data entry, a number of corrective measures would have to be triggered, rather than the immediate data validations we are now so used to. In the early mainframe architectures (through the mid/late 80s), application data was stored either in structured files, or in database systems based on the hierarchical or networked data model. Typical examples include the hierarchical IMS database from IBM, or the IDMS network database, managed now by Computer Associates. The relational (RDBMS) model was published and prototyped in the 70s and debuted commercially in the early 80s with IBM’s SQL/DS on the VM/CMS operating system However, relational databases came into mainstream use only after the mid 80s with the advent of IBM’s DB2 on the mainframe and Oracle’s implementation for the emerging Unix platform. In Chapter 10 we shall see how some of the ideas from these early databases are now reemerging in new, non-relational, cloud database models. The storage subsystem in mainframes, called ‘virtual storage access mechanism’ (VSAM), built in support for a variety of file access and indexing mechanisms as well as sharing of data between concurrent users using record level locking mechanisms. Early file-structure-based data storage, including networked and hierarchical databases, rarely included support for concurrency control beyond simple locking. The need for transaction control, i.e., maintaining consistency of a logical unit of work made up of multiple updates, led to the development of ‘transaction-processing monitors’ (TP-monitors), such as CICS (customer information control system). CICS

21. 1.3 Client-server architecture 7 leveraged facilities of the VSAM layer and implemented commit and roll back protocols to support atomic transactions in a multi-user environment. CICS is still in use in conjunction with DB2 relational databases on IBM z-series mainframes. At the same time, the need for speed continued to see the exploitation of so called ‘direct access’ methods where transaction control is left to application logic. An example is is the TPF system for the airline industry, which is still probably the fastest application-embedded TP-monitor around. Mainframe systems also pioneered the large-scale use of virtual machine technology, which today forms the bedrock of cloud computing infrastructure. Mainframes running the VM family of ‘hypervisors’ (though the term was not used at the time; see Chapter 8) could run many independent ‘guest’ operating systems, such as MVS (popular through the 90s), to z-OS, and now even Linux. Further, virtual machine environments and the operating systems running on mainframes included high levels of automation, similar in many ways to those now being deployed in cloud environments, albeit at a much larger scale: Support for hardware fault tolerance included automatic migration of jobs if CPUs or memory units failed, as well as software fault tolerance, or ‘recovery’ facilities as pioneered in the MVS operating system. Fine-grained resource measurement, monitoring and error diagnostic capabilities were built into the mainframe architecture; such capabilities are once again becoming essential for cloud computing platforms. Thus, we can see that far from being an academic exercise, during our excursion into mainframe history we have found many design features of the mainframe era that are now hallmarks of today’s emerging cloud computing world; virtual machines, fault tolerance, non-relational databases, and last but not least, centralized computing itself. We now continue our historical tour beyond the mainframe era, continuing to look for early lessons that may stand us in good stead when we delve deeper into cloud computing architectures in later chapters. 1.3 CLIENT-SERVER ARCHITECTURE The microprocessor revolution of the 80s brought PCs to business desktops as well as homes. At the same time minicomputers such as the VAX family and RISC-based systems running the Unix operating system and supporting the C programming language became available. It was now conceivable to

22. 8 ENTERPRISE COMPUTING: A RETROSPECTIVE move some data processing tasks away from expensive mainframes to exploit the seemingly powerful and inexpensive desktop CPUs. As an added benefit corporate data became available on the same desktop computers that were beginning to be used for word processing and spreadsheet applications using emerging PC-based office-productivity tools. In contrast terminals were difficult to use and typically found only in ‘data processing rooms’. Moreover, relational databases, such as Oracle, became available on minicomputers, overtaking the relatively lukewarm adoption of DB2 in the mainframe world. Finally, networking using TCP/IP rapidly became a standard, meaning that networks of PCs and minicomputers could share data. Corporate data processing rapidly moved to exploit these new technologies. Figure 1.2 shows the architecture of client-server systems. First, the ‘forms’ architecture for minicomputer-based data processing became popular. At first this architecture involved the use of terminals to access server-side logic in C, mirroring the mainframe architecture; later PC-based forms applications provided graphical ‘GUIs’ as opposed to the terminal-based character-oriented ‘CUIs.’ The GUI ‘forms’ model was the first ‘client-server’ architecture. The ‘forms’ architecture evolved into the more general client-server architecture, wherein significant processing logic executes in a client application, ‘Forms’-based architecture ‘Fat-client’ architecture Terminal - CUI forms • No application logic PC - GUI forms • Form application Connectivity • RS232 Term - CUI • SQLNet - GUI Form application– Business logic Stored procedures– Business logic Relational database Client application 4GL: VB / PB / VC++ / Delphi / Prosper ... Connectivity: SQLNet (or equiv) [Stored procedures] Relational database DB Server (Unix / NT) Unix (or NT) server FIGURE 1.2. Client-server architectures

23. 1.3 Client-server architecture 9 such as a desktop PC: Therefore the client-server architecture is also referred to as a ‘fat-client’ architecture, as shown in Figure 1.2. The client application (or ‘fat-client’) directly makes calls (using SQL) to the relational database using networking protocols such as SQL/Net, running over a local area (or even wide area) network using TCP/IP. Business logic largely resides within the client application code, though some business logic can also be implemented within the database for faster performance, using ‘stored procedures.’ The client-server architecture became hugely popular: Mainframe applications which had been evolving for more than a decade were rapidly becoming difficult to maintain, and client-server provided a refreshing and seemingly cheaper alternative to recreating these applications for the new world of desktop computers and smaller Unix-based servers. Further, by leveraging the computing power on desktop computers to perform validations and other logic, ‘online’ systems became possible, a big step forward for a world used to batch processing. Lastly, graphical user interfaces allowed the development of extremely rich user interfaces, which added to the feeling of being ‘redeemed’ from the mainframe world. In the early to mid 90s, the client-server revolution spawned and drove the success of a host of application software products, such as SAP-R/3, the client-server version of SAP’s ERP software2 for core manufacturing process automation; which was later extended to other areas of enterprise operations. Similarly supply chain management (SCM), such as from i2, and customer relationship management (CRM), such as from Seibel, also became popular. With these products, it was conceivable, in principle, to replace large parts of the functionality deployed on mainframes by client-server systems, at a fraction of the cost. However, the client-server architecture soon began to exhibit its limitations as its usage grew beyond small workgroup applications to the core systems of large organizations: Since processing logic on the ‘client’ directly accessed the database layer, client-server applications usually made many requests to the server while processing a single screen. Each such request was relatively bulky as compared to the terminal-based model where only the input and final result of a computation were transmitted. In fact, CICS and IMS even today support ‘changed-data only’ modes of terminal images, where only those bytes 2 SAP-R2 had been around on mainframes for over a decade.

24. 10 ENTERPRISE COMPUTING: A RETROSPECTIVE changed by a user are transmitted over the network. Such ‘frugal’ network architectures enabled globally distributed terminals to connect to a central mainframe even though network bandwidths were far lower than they are today. Thus, while the client-server model worked fine over a local area network, it created problems when client-server systems began to be deployed on wide area networks connecting globally distributed offices. As a result, many organizations were forced to create regional data centers, each replicating the same enterprise application, albeit with local data. This structure itself led to inefficiencies in managing global software upgrades, not to mention the additional complications posed by having to upgrade the ‘client’ applications on each desktop machine as well. Finally, it also became clear over time that application maintenance was far costlier when user interface and business logic code was intermixed, as almost always became the case in the ‘fat’ client-side applications. Lastly, and in the long run most importantly, the client-server model did not scale; organizations such as banks and stock exchanges where very high volume processing was the norm could not be supported by the client-server model. Thus, the mainframe remained the only means to achieve large throughput high-performance business processing. The client-server era leaves us with many negative lessons: the perils of distributing processing and data, the complexity of managing upgrades across many instances and versions, and the importance of a scalable computing architecture. As we shall see in later chapters, many of these challenges continue to recur as wider adoption of the new cloud computing models are envisaged. 1.4 3-TIER ARCHITECTURES WITH TP MONITORS Why did client-server architectures fail to scale for high volume transaction processing? Not because the CPUs were inferior to mainframes; in fact by the late 90s, RISC CPUs had exceeded mainframes in raw processing power. However, unlike the mainframe, client-server architectures had no virtual machine layer or job control systems to control access to limited resources such as CPU and disk. Thus, as depicted in Figure 1.3, 10 000 clients machines would end up consuming 10 000 processes, database connections, and a proportional amount of memory, open files and other resources, and thereby crash the server. (The numbers in the figure represent a late 90s view of computing, when 500MB of server memory was ‘too much,’ but the

25. 11 1.4 3-tier architectures with TP monitors 10 000 connections + 10 000 processes + 5000 MB RAM + 100 000 open files + etc. x 10 000 10 000 clients OS / DB dies No TP Middleware FIGURE 1.3. Client-server fails 10 000 clients TP Monitor 50 connections + 50 processes + 25 MB RAM + 500 open files + etc. x 50 OS / DB can cope easily Using TP Middleware with 50 server processes FIGURE 1.4. 3-tier architecture scales principle remains the same even with the gigabytes of server memory available today.) Transaction-processing monitors were redeveloped to solve this problem for midrange database servers. (Recall that the first TP monitors, such as CICS, were developed for mainframes.) These TP monitors were the first examples of ‘middleware,’ which sat between clients and a database server to manage access to scarce server resources, essentially by queuing client requests. Thus, as depicted in Figure 1.4, by limiting concurrent requests to a small number, say 50, the server could handle the large load while the clients only paid a small price in response time while their requests waited

26. 12 ENTERPRISE COMPUTING: A RETROSPECTIVE in the TP monitor queues. Carefully configuring the middleware enabled the average waiting time to be smaller than the processing time at the server, so that the overall degradation in response time was tolerable, and often not even noticeable. In a TP monitor architecture, the requests being queued were ‘services’ implementing business logic and database operations. These were implemented as a number of Unix processes, each publishing many such services, typically as remote procedure calls. As such service-based applications began to be developed, some of the lacunae in the client-server model of application programming began to be addressed; services encoded the business logic while the client applications limited themselves to purely user interface management and behavior. Such applications turned out to be far easier to maintain than the ‘fat-client’ applications where UI and business logic was intermixed in the code. The TP monitor model became known as the 3-tier architectural model, where client, business and data layers are clearly separated and often also reside on separate machines, as depicted in Figure 1.5. This model also allowed the data layer to remain on mainframes wherever legacy systems needed to be integrated, using mainframe-based transaction-processing monitors such as CICS to publish ‘data only’ services to the business logic in the middle tier. Thin-client application VB / PB / Java / Delphi ... Local DB TPM calls (Tuxedo / CICS) TPM server procs (Tux) / Regions (CICS) C / C++ / COBOL ... Unix/Mainframe server m/c Database server(s) FIGURE 1.5. 3-tier TP monitor architecture

1.4 3-tier architectures with TP monitors 13 We note here in passing that terminal-based ‘forms’ architectures as well as some GUI-based client-server systems, i.e. those where business logic was confined to the database layer in stored procedures, are also structurally ‘3-tier’ systems, but they lack the request queuing provided by the TP monitor layer and hence architecturally belong to the client-server class. A relatively minor but important enhancement to the 3-tier model was the introduction of ‘object-based’ access to services, replacing flat remote procedure calls, together with the introduction of object-oriented distributed communication systems such as CORBA. In CORBA, the client application could communicate with services on the server via ‘methods’ on ‘distributed objects,’ instead of having to build in application specific message handling for passing parameters to services and receiving their responses. With the adoption of Java for building client-side applications, such features were available natively in the language through a built-in mechanism to ‘serialize’ objects. We mention this aspect precisely because in the internet architectures to follow, much of the complexities of web-based systems, especially ‘web services,’ have revolved around mechanisms to essentially recreate such facilities in an intuitive yet efficient manner. The essential lessons from the 3-tier model are (a) clear separation of user interface and business logic and (b) load balancing using request queuing to support high transaction volumes. Both of these have become fundamental principles of enterprise software architecture design, continuing through the advent of internet-based architectures and into the emerging cloud era. The 3-tier model never disappeared, it has instead become an integral aspect of web-based computing using the internet standards that replaced the proprietary technologies of the TP monitor era. We have discussed mainframe, client-server and 3-tier architectures. In Table 1.1 we compare essential features of each of these architectures, also highlighting the key lessons learned from the perspective of our upcoming foray into software architecture for enterprise cloud computing. In the next chapter we trace the advent of the internet and its influence on enterprise system architectures, and its evolution from a communication network into a platform for computing.

28. 14 ENTERPRISE COMPUTING: A RETROSPECTIVE TABLE 1.1 Comparison of Architectures Mainframe Client-server User interface Terminal screens ‘Fat-client’ controlled by applications the server making database requests over SQL/Net Business logic Batch oriented processing Data store Programming languages Online processing in client application and stored procedures in the database File structures, Relational hierarchical or databases network databases (later relational) PL/1, Cobol Server operating MVS, z/OS, VAX system Time line 70s to date Advantages (at the time) 4GLs: Visual Basic, Powerbuilder, (later Java) Unix 80s through late 90s Reliable Cheaper than enterprise data mainframes, processing, leveraged Virtual desktop machine computing technology, power; online Fault transactions tolerance vs. batch processing 3-tier ‘Thin-client’ desktop applications making service requests via RPC or CORBA Executed on a middle tier of services published by the TP monitor layer Relational databases 4GLs on client, 3GLs such as C and C++ on server Unix, Linux mid–late 90s Load balancing for scalability as compared to client-server; structuring of applications into presentation and business logic layers (continued)

29. 15 1.4 3-tier architectures with TP monitors TABLE 1.1 (continued) Mainframe Client-server 3-tier Disadvantages (at the time) Batch oriented processing User/Developer friendliness: Cryptic user interfaces and low level programming Key lessons for today – especially in cloud context Virtualization and fault tolerance Did not scale Lack of over wide area standards networks or for high transaction volumes Intuitive Intuitive user graphical user interfaces but interfaces and more complex high-level distributed languages programming Perils of Load balancing distribution

30. C HAPTER 2 The internet as a platform As is well known, the internet was born as a communication infrastructure for data sharing between large government research labs in the US, and soon grew to include academic institutions across the world. The development of the NCSA Mosaic web-browser in 1993 sparked the rapid expansion of internet use beyond these boundaries into a platform for sharing documents, using the HTTP protocol and HTML markup languages developed by Tim Berners Lee at CERN, Geneva, in 1990. Using a browser, information ‘published’ over the internet could be accessed anonymously by the public at large, giving rise to the ‘world wide web’. The subsequent history of the commercialization of the web and the dot-com boom is also well known. In this chapter we explore how and why the internet also evolved into a platform for enterprise applications, eventually giving birth to the cloud computing paradigm. 2.1 INTERNET TECHNOLOGY AND WEB-ENABLED APPLICATIONS Internet-based applications rely fundamentally on HTTP, the HyperText Transfer Protocol, and HTML, the HyperText Markup Language; both are now standards defined by the world wide web consortium (W3C). Browsers, such as Internet Explorer, and servers, such as HTTPD (HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemon) implement these standards to enable content publishing over the internet. Other technologies such as XML and SOAP are also important, 16

31. 2.1 Internet technology and web-enabled applications Browser client HTTP Request Web server (HTTPD) HTTP Response Response handler threads Pathbased file access File system CGI Server Programs HTTPD in Operation 17 Browser client • HTML based • Java applet based HTTP carrying HTML / XML / Serialized Java objects Web server layer • CGI • Servlets • TPM calls (Tuxedo / CICS) • 3270 / vt200 data • Forms proprietery data Legacy application: • Mainframe • CUI forms • GUI forms w/ enabler • TP monitor Web Enabled Architecture FIGURE 2.1. Internet technology and web-enabled applications and will be covered in later chapters. Here we review the essential aspects of these underlying technologies that are critical to understanding internet-based enterprise applications and cloud computing. As depicted to the left in Figure 2.1, a web server is a process, such as the Apache HTTPD daemon (see below), that receives HTTP requests from clients, typically web browsers. Requests are queued until assigned to a request handler thread within the web-server process. The server returns an HTTP response containing data, either retrieved directly from a file system path or as computed by a server program initiated to respond to the request. The CGI (common gateway interface) protocol is used by the web server to launch server programs and communicate with them, i.e. pass parameters and accept their results, such as data retrieved from a database. The browser client merely interprets HTML returned by the server and displays it to the user. The widespread use of web servers was further encouraged by the creation of the open source HTTPD web server (written in C), and the birth of the Apache community to support it. A group of people working in enterprise IT roles, led by Brian Behlendorf, undertook this task because they feared that the HTTP protocol would become corrupted if proprietary extensions to the standard were proliferated by different vendors. The Apache web server

32. 18 THE INTERNET AS A PLATFORM also marked the first widespread use of open source software by enterprise IT departments. In the initial years of the web (through the late 90s), the HTTP protocol, together with features available in HTML supporting data entry forms, presented the opportunity to develop browser-based (or ‘web-enabled’) interfaces to legacy systems. This became especially useful for accessing mainframe applications that otherwise could be accessed only from dedicated terminals. ‘Screen scraping’ programs were developed to communicate with the mainframe by emulating a terminal program and passing results back and forth to a web server via CGI, as shown to the right in Figure 2.1. In this manner mainframes as well as TP monitor or CUI-forms-based applications could be made more easily accessible to internal enterprise users. Additionally, it became possible to publish information residing in legacy systems directly to the then nascent world wide web. Further, there was the additional benefit of the browser becoming a ‘universal client application,’ thereby eliminating the cumbersome task of propagating upgrades to user desktops. Finally, since the internet protocol was easy to use and performed well over wide area networks, web enabling made it easy to provide geographically distributed operations access to applications running in data centers regardless of location; recall that the client-server model was particularly poor in this regard. Unfortunately, client-server systems were also the most difficult to web-enable, since they incorporated a large part (even all) of their business logic in the ‘fat’ client-side applications deployed on user desktops. This meant that clientserver systems essentially had to be rewritten in order to web-enable their functions. The one marked disadvantage of a web-based application was the relatively limited user interface behavior that could be created with plain HTML. While this did not pose a serious limitation when web-enabling the terminal-based interfaces of mainframes, it did result in a sacrifice of functionality in the case of client-server applications as well as 3-tier applications that provided more interactive user interfaces through client-side code. As we shall see in Chapter 7, this limitation has receded significantly in recent years with new technologies, such as AJAX, enabling ‘rich internet applications’ in the browser. In view of the many potential advantages of a web-based interface, the late 90s saw a flurry of web-enabling projects wherein legacy applications were connected to the internet through a variety of mechanisms, all highly case specific and non-standard; thus, in the process another set of problems were created in the bargain.

33. 19 2.2 Web application servers 2.2 WEB APPLICATION SERVERS In a web-enabled application architecture, processing logic, including database access, took place outside the web server process via scripts or programs invoked by it, using CGI for interprocess communication. Each such ‘CGI-script’ invocation included the costly overhead of launching the required server program as a fresh operating-system process. To overcome this inefficiency, FastCGI was developed, whereby the web server could communicate with another permanently running server-side process via inter-process communication. Another alternative was to dynamically link application C code in the web server itself (as was possible with the mod_c module of the Apache HTTPD); however this latter approach was not widely publicized, and rarely used in practice. The invention and proliferation of the Java language, designed to be portable across machine architectures with its interpreted yet efficient execution model made possible alternative approaches to execute application functionality inside the web-server process, leading to the birth of the ‘application server’ architecture, as illustrated on the left in Figure 2.2: In addition to serving HTTP requests from files or CGI scripts, requests could also be processed by multi-threaded execution environments, called ‘containers,’ embedded within the web server. The ‘servlet’ container, for example, first HTTP request/response HTTP listener HTTP listener Static page handlers JSP files Run time compilation Servlet container Servlet container User interface servlets Processing threads Business logic servlets EJB container Database HTTP request/response Files Servlet and EJB containers Database Files JavaServer pages (JSPs) FIGURE 2.2. Web application server

34. 20 THE INTERNET AS A PLATFORM introduced in the ‘pure Java’ Apache Tomcat server, allowed Java programs to execute in a multi-threaded manner within the server process as ‘servlet code.’ The container would also manage load balancing across incoming requests using these threads, as well as database connection pooling, in a manner similar to TP monitors. Thus, the application-server architecture also enjoyed the advantages of a 3-tier architecture, i.e., the ability to handle larger workloads as compared to the client-server model. The fact that Tomcat was a pure Java implementation of the HTTP protocol also contributed to its popularity, as it could run without recompilation on any machine that supported a Java virtual machine (JVM). Note that there is a common confusion between the HTTPD web server and Tomcat since both are servers of HTTP requests. Recall that HTTPD is written in C, and is a pure web server, while Tomcat is written in Java, and includes a servlet container, thus making it an application server rather than a web server. Servlet code was used to respond to HTTP requests; because of the nature of the HTTP protocol, this code also had to manage user interface behavior, since the HTML returned from the server determined what was displayed in the browser. Recall that a major drawback of client-server systems was that they mixed-up user interface and business logic code, resulting applications that were difficult to maintain. ‘Java server pages’ (JSPs), also introduced in Tomcat, allowed user interface behavior to be encoded directly as Java code embedded within HTML. Such ‘JSP’ files are dynamically compiled into servlets, as illustrated on the right in Figure 2.2. Using JSPs enabled a clear separation of user interface and business logic to be enforced in application code, resulting in better maintainability. While elements of the load balancing feature of TP monitors were present in servlet containers, these could not yet scale to large transaction volumes. As an attempt to bridge this gap, the ‘Java 2 Enterprise Edition’ (J2EE) specification was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1999, introducing a new application execution container called ‘Enterprise Java Beans’ (EJBs). Application code packaged as EJBs could be deployed in separate processes from the controlling web application server, thereby opening up the possibility of distributed multiprocessor execution to boost performance. The EJB container also provided a host of additional services, such as security, transactions, greater control on database connection pooling and Java-based connectors to legacy systems. Note that strictly speaking, Tomcat was the first ‘web application server,’ as we have mentioned earlier; however common parlance often mistakenly refers to this as a web server, reserving the term application server only where an EJB container is provided.

35. 21 2.2 Web application servers Browser client • HTML + Javascript • Java applets HTTP carrying HTML / XML IE Browser client • HTML + Javascript • ActiveX controls HTTP carrying HTML / XML Web application server (Webshpere, Weblogic, Oracle, Netweaver, JBoss…) • JSP – presentation layer • EJBs – logic layer ‘Middle-tier’ TPM Calls (CICS) Legacy application: • Mainframe • TP monitor JDBC Database Microsoft IIS • ASPs – presentation layer • COM Servers – logic layer • VB.NET / VC++ / C# Windows Server ‘Middle-tier’ ODBC Database Mainframe host J2EE stack Microsoft (.NET) stack FIGURE 2.3. Web application server technology stacks Our description above has focused on the Java family of web and application servers; at the same time a competing family from Microsoft was being developed, as depicted alongside the J2EE stack in Figure 2.3. The Microsoft web/application server, IIS (Internet Information Server), runs only on the Windows operating system. However, unlike the J2EE stack, multiple language support was provided, including C, C++, and Microsoft specific languages such as C# (C ‘sharp’) and VB (visual basic). The application container in this case was simply Microsoft’s COM environment on the Windows operating system that enabled multiple processes to execute and communicate. Recent versions of this stack are now referred to as the .NET framework. The raison d’être of the application server, to be able to process large-scale business transactions in a purely web-oriented architecture, has to a large extent been achieved. High-performance web applications all employ horizontal scaling by distributing requests across large clusters of application servers, called ‘server farms.’ At the same time, deploying, load balancing and generally managing such large-scale distributed environments, which often contain hundreds or even thousands of servers, has become a major challenge. The built-in fault tolerance and manageability of the mainframes has largely been lost, driving up management costs and impacting agility. These data centers have become essentially large ‘IT plants’ akin to complex nuclear power plants. The complexity of these environments has been a driving factor for the

36. 22 THE INTERNET AS A PLATFORM large-scale interest in cloud computing architectures wherein the attendant complexities are managed in a scalable and largely automated manner. Through the 2000s, the application server architecture has become pervasive across enterprise IT, virtually replacing all other alternatives for new application development. The only major choice to be made has been between a Java or Microsoft stack. Furthermore, a number of open source Java application servers (such as JBoss) have encouraged this trend even further. As a result, internet technology (HTTP and its siblings), which started off as a communication protocol, has come to permeate enterprise IT as the core platform for application development. 2.3 INTERNET OF SERVICES Once applications began to be web-enabled, it became natural to open up access to some of their functionality to the general public. For example, webbased access to back-end applications meant that end-users could themselves perform tasks such as tracking courier shipments, getting quotations for services, or viewing their bank balances; soon secure payment mechanisms were also developed that enabled users to place orders and make payments online. With web-based access to applications becoming uniformly available to users through a browser interface, the next step was programmatic access to the same applications over the internet. Simplistically, a program could of course emulate a browser without the web-enabled interface knowing the difference; besides being a cumbersome approach, this mechanism was (and is) open to abuse and malicious behavior (denial of service attacks etc.). Web services were developed initially to address this need. While we shall cover web services in detail in Chapter 7, here we review their emergence from a historical perspective. The W3C defines a ‘web service’ as interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over HTTP. The HTML format for data exchange over the internet initially evolved from SGML (standardized general markup language), a descendant of IBM’s GML developed in the 60s and used extensively in the mainframe world for generating reports. While hugely successfully, HTML was less suited for machine-to-machine communications as its syntax is not ‘well-formed.’ For example, it is not required to ‘close’ a statement such as <body> in HTML with a matching </body>. SGML on the other hand was a well-structured but complex language. In 1997 W3C published XML (extensible markup language), a simplified version of SGML, using which one

37. 2.3 Internet of services 23 could also write well-formed HTML (XHTML), thereby driving browsers to support XML in addition to HTML. The web also provided a universal mechanism for naming and locating resources, viz. the URI. The well-known URL, or web address is an example of a URI that specifies an actual web or network location; in general the URI format can be used to name other resources or even abstractions. This, together with XML as a basis for interoperable message formats, laid the foundation for formal web service standards. The XML-RPC standard mimics remote procedure calls over HTTP with data being transferred in XML. Like RPC, XML-RPC limits itself to simple data types, such as integers, strings etc. To support complex, nested (object oriented) types, the SOAP protocol was developed, whereby the schema of the messages exchanged as input and output parameters of published ‘services’ was defined using an XML format called WSDL (web services description language) and communicated over HTTP as SOAP messages (another XML format). Using SOAP, applications could call the web services published by other applications over the internet. Around the same time as the web services standards were being developed and put to pioneering use by companies such as Fed-Ex, Amazon and eBay (for placing and tracking orders and shipments via web services), there was a storm brewing inside the data center of large enterprises over how to integrate the proliferating suite of applications and architectures ranging from mainframes, client-server and TP monitor technologies to the emerging systems based on web application servers. Traditional integration techniques revolved around carefully identifying and publishing functions in each enterprise system that could be called by external applications. The semantic differences in how different systems dealt with similar data meant that integration itself was an application in its own right. For example, ‘employee’ in an HR system might include retirees while in another system, say payroll, retirees usually would not be included. The emerging application server architecture that enabled users to seamlessly access legacy systems was seen as the ideal mechanism to use when building such integration layers. Software vendors built products using application servers, called ‘enterprise service buses,’ that abstracted aspects of the integration problem. Finally, seeing that the SOAP protocol was proving useful in connecting applications of different enterprises (B2B integration) over the internet, such integration middleware began to build in and promote SOAP and XML-based integration layers within the enterprise data center as well. The term ‘service oriented architecture’ (SOA) began to receive a lot of

38. 24 THE INTERNET AS A PLATFORM attention, most often used as a term to describe the use of SOAP and XML for application integration. While sometimes the use of standards, such as data models using XML, forced the resolution of semantic integration issues between application data, more often than not this fundamental feature of the integration problem got lost in the details of the new technology. SOA promised interoperability between applications and savings over time: By packaging application systems as bundles of published services it would eventually become easier to evolve their usage as business needs changed. Only time will tell if this promise is redeemed; so far, a lot of effort has been spent on misguided technologyfocused SOA projects with very little return. Meanwhile, the world of services over the internet was not necessarily content with the standardization of SOAP-based interfaces. In 2000, an seemingly obscure protocol called XMLHTTPRequest was made available in the Javascript language. Javascript code running within browsers was being used to provide dynamic user interface behavior within HTML pages, such as simple type validations. Using XMLHTTPRequest, however, such ‘in-browser’ code could also make HTTP requests, possibly to servers other than the one that served up the main HTML page being displayed. Google was the first to make extensive use of this protocol to provide rich interactive behavior in Gmail, and more importantly for ‘publishing’ its Google Maps service as a ‘mashup’, whereby any HTML page, published by anyone, could include some Javascript code to display a Google Map. This code, provided by Google, would internally call the Google servers for data regarding the map in question. Thus came about a new approach for integrating applications, at the client side instead of between servers. The term AJAX (Asynchronous Javscript and XML) began to be used to describe this style of user interfaces. AJAX-based mashups also, in a sense, democratized application integration, and led to a proliferation of rich Javascript applications that enabled users to ‘mashup’ services of their choice to create their own personalized pages. Figure 2.4 depicts both the web services and mashup architectures for integration over the internet: A mashup provides a rich client-side interface (such as a Google Map) implemented in Javascript that accesses the server over HTTP using asynchronous requests via XMLHTTPRequest. In traditional server-to-server web services, application server code accesses published services from another server via SOAP over HTTP. Note that SOAP services use standardized XML messages to transfer data. No such requirement is there for mashups, since both the server-side and client-side (Javascript) code for accessing the service comes from the same

39. 25 2.3 Internet of services Browser Clients / Javascript UI Web-services URIs via REST WSDLs via SOAP Mashup-services (proprietary XML services) (XM L requ ) web s e e over st/reply rvice HTT P XML-HTTP requests Service implementations (in application server containers ) FIGURE 2.4. Internet of services provider, thereby allowing more efficient, but proprietary, formats to be used. In Chapter 7 we shall explore these mechanisms in more detail, as also an alternative to the SOAP protocol, called REST (representational state transfer), which is rapidly emerging as preferred protocol for remote data access especially in the context of cloud computing. In the early years of web-services standards, a lot of interest was generated in UDDI (universal description, discovery and integration), whereby businesses would list the web services they published on a public UDDI registry, so that applications could automatically and dynamically discover the services they needed. The UDDI concept was also promulgated as a panacea for application integration within enterprises; a technological solution that would resolve semantic discrepancies between application services. In both these cases the optimism was misguided: The application integration problem requires resolution of semantic differences by humans, and so is unlikely to be solvable in such an automated manner. On the web, web services technology, especially in its broader sense to include mashups and REST interfaces, has made machine to machine interaction over the internet commonplace. At the same time the idea of a universal ‘service broker’ based on UDDI overlooks a fundamental aspect: Meaningful collaboration among users and providers

40. 26 THE INTERNET AS A PLATFORM also implies contractual obligations where human decisions, rather than mere automation, are required. The software as a service and cloud computing paradigms bring in this contractual aspect formally, while also re-emphasizing the human element. As we shall see, this is also a lesson for the future of cloud computing. Many accounts paint a picture of cloud computing analogous to the largely anonymous electricity grid [8], enabled in part by many layers of organizational separation and contractual obligations from generation to consumption; we shall revisit these possibilities in Chapter 18. To conclude, we note also that communication between enterprises and consumers, be it through their personal computers or mobile devices, is increasingly being driven through the web-based applications that run on the public internet and which are often hosted by independent providers. Thus it becomes increasingly apparent that not only internet technologies, but the internet itself is becoming a platform for computing. As we shall argue in Chapter 18, enterprise IT will, sooner or later, need to embrace this platform and moreover, become a part of it.

41. C HAPTER 3 Software as a service and cloud computing 3.1 EMERGENCE OF SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE Even during the early days of the internet it had become evident that software products could be packaged and sold as remotely hosted ‘application services.’ A number of ASPs (application service providers) were born (such as Corio), for the most part offering the same software packages as enterprises used within their data centers, but in a hosted model wherein the software ran within the ASPs’ data centers with users accessing it over the internet. For a variety of reasons this first wave of ASPs did not succeed. First, the internet bandwidth was simply not adequate at that time. Second, since most of the popular software products, such as ERP and CRM systems, were clientserver applications, ASPs resorted to the highly inefficient practice of ‘screen scraping’ to enable remote access to these applications, using remote-desktopsharing mechanisms (such as Citrix MetaFrame) that essentially transmitted screen-buffer images back and forth over the network. More importantly, the early ASPs were simply not structured to offer significant cost advantages over the traditional model; they had to pay similar license fees to the providers of packaged software while being unable to add sufficient value through economies of scale. 27

42. 28 SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AND CLOUD COMPUTING A notable early exception was Intuit with its successful hosted offering of QuickBooks, a desktop accounting solution. This was soon followed by the success of and its hosted CRM (customer relationship management) solution. An important factor in these successes was that the applications were completely web-based and designed for sharing across multiple customers (via multi-tenancy, which we shall cover in Chapter 9). These successes spawned a new wave of hosted applications, all built from scratch using web-based architectures; these were referred to as ‘software as a service’ (SaaS) to differentiate them from the earlier ASPs based on legacy architectures. From a customer perspective these SaaS solutions offered three main advantages over traditional software development by corporate IT: First, business users could subscribe to these services over the web using just a credit card; corporate IT was not involved. For users frustrated with the often cumbersome and long-drawn-out process of engaging their corporate IT departments, long lead times for project delivery, delays, mismatched requirements, etc., this came as a breath of fresh air. Second, users found that they could even make some minor customizations to their ‘instances’ of the SaaS solutions: In the case of, for example, users could add custom fields, create new forms, as well as configure workflows, all from the same browser-based interface. In contrast, making similar modifications to leading CRM systems, such as Siebel, was a task that had to be done by corporate IT with the usual delays. Thus, business users could create a customized CRM for themselves, again with no involvement of corporate IT. Third, users did not have worry about product upgrades. would upgrade its solution in a seamless manner to all users, who merely discovered that their application had been enhanced. Further, such upgrades seemed to take place on a far more regular basis than for applications managed by corporate IT, with upgrade frequencies of weeks rather than many months or years. In fact, a direct consequence of the popularity of was the eventual demise of Siebel, the leading CRM vendor at that time, forcing it to get acquired by its largest competitor, Oracle. A point to be noted is that these perceived advantages of the SaaS model were compelling enough to override the fact that with SaaS, user data was housed within data centers controlled by the SaaS provider; in the case of CRM this included customer lists and contacts, which are clearly business sensitive and critical data. The fact that early success of the SaaS model involved a CRM application was no accident also: In many organizations the sales process is the most autonomous and least integrated with product delivery. Once orders are

43. 29 3.2 Successful SaaS architectures generated by sales, these can be entered into the core ERP systems to drive delivery, financial processing and analytics. (We will review the nature of enterprise computing in detail in Chapter 13.) Thus, having sales data ‘outside the system’ was relatively easier to digest. Subsequent SaaS providers found that they had to choose their offerings carefully: HR management or customer support, for example, were well accepted as SaaS applications, whereas supply chain, or core ERP functions such as payroll and corporate financial accounting have seen far less success in a SaaS model. Lastly, analytics remains an emerging area where SaaS models might become popular in the future, especially in the context of cloud computing. 3.2 SUCCESSFUL SAAS ARCHITECTURES Unlike the first-generation ASPs, both Inuit and built their hosted solutions from ground up; they used completely web-based architectures as well as exploited internal cost advantages from ‘multi-tenancy’ and ‘configurability.’ These architectural features enabled these solutions to offer sustained economic advantages over traditional on-premise software, as we examine below. Key elements of a successful, economically advantageous, SaaS architecture are depicted in Figure 3.1. If one considers the costs of managing a software product in the traditional manner (i.e. installed within customer premises), SaaS product Single code base Customer A Application data Customer B Configuration data Application data Co thr nfigu int ough rabi erp lity ret ati on Customer C Configuration data Multi-tenancy: single data store with data for multiple customers FIGURE 3.1. SaaS architecture Application data Configuration Data

44. 30 SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AND CLOUD COMPUTING a large part of the costs go into managing different versions of the product and supporting upgrades to multiple customers. As a consequence, often fewer and larger upgrades are made, introducing instability in the product together with the need for releasing and managing intermediate ‘patches.’ On the customer side, there are corresponding costs as well: receiving and applying upgrades, testing them, and also redoing any local customizations or integrations as required. A hosted SaaS model virtually removes these costs from the customer side, and on the provider, the ‘multi-tenant’ architecture brings down the costs of releasing upgrades by an order of magnitude: With multi-tenancy, the hosted SaaS application runs a single code base for all customers, while ensuring that the data seen by each customer is specific to them; i.e depending on who is logged in and the customer organization they belong to, an appropriate data partition is accessed. In Chapter 9 we shall examine how to implement multi-tenancy in more detail. Thus, releasing a new version of a SaaS product amounts to a single production upgrade for all customers, who are in effect forced to upgrade, often without even being aware. Multiple versions of the product do not need to be maintained in production; further, as the costs of a new release are small, upgrades can be more frequent, smaller and therefore also more likely to be stable. Multi-tenancy is a major reason why modern SaaS offerings are able to offer a real cost advantage over in-house systems. With traditional on-premise software, corporate IT is responsible for the development and maintenance of customizations to software products and their integration with other IT systems. It has often been documented that software maintenance costs are often two to three times greater than the costs of developing software, for some of the reasons discussed above, such as version management. The complexity of modern multi-tier architectures which require different technologies at each layer also adds to maintenance costs, as we shall argue in more detail in Chapter 12. Thus, custom-built on-premise software is costly and time-consuming to develop and maintain, and packaged software products need extensive customizations that are often equally expensive. The SaaS platform developed by introduced the ability for end-users to customize the functionality of their view of the product. This was a significant innovation in that it dramatically reduced the time to implement a usable CRM system; further business users could customize and begin using the platform without the overhead of going through their corporate IT. Customer specific customizations were captured as just another form of data rather than code, as shown in

45. 3.3 Dev 2.0 platforms 31 Figure 3.1. Such data ‘about the application functionality’ is more appropriately called meta-data. The SaaS application code, which is the same for each customer (or ‘tenant’), interprets this meta-data at runtime, thereby rendering and executing varied functionality for each customer. We examine how this is technically achieved in more detail in Chapter 14. By enabling end-users to make certain customizations themselves in the above manner, enabled customers to avoid high costs of traditional software development. Additionally, as we have already seen, multi-tenancy allowed their own internal costs to be significantly reduced, some of which were also passed on to the customer. Overall, customers experienced real cost savings in addition to the advantages of rapid deployment and independence from corporate IT. 3.3 DEV 2.0 PLATFORMS The ability to render functionality by interpreting meta-data was soon expanded by to cover many more application features, thereby enabling, to a certain extent, independent applications to be created using the same hosted SaaS platform. Later, a scripting language was added to position these features as an independent hosted development platform; today this is called and has a separate identity from the CRM product. Simultaneously other startup companies (Coghead, Zoho) as well as some large organizations (TCS1 ) had embarked on their own efforts at developing such interpretive platforms where applications could be developed ‘over the web,’ potentially by end-users. We use the term Dev 2.02 to describe platforms such as the above, because they aim to bring end-user participation into application development, much as Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogs and social networking, have brought end-user publishing of content to the web. Figure 3.2 depicts the architecture of a Dev 2.0 platform; an ‘application player’ renders application functionality defined by meta-data, in a manner analogous to a media player playing a video file, or a word processor displaying a document. As in the word processor analogy, the Dev 2.0 platform also allows users to edit the functionality of the application, often at the same time it is being ‘played.’ Just as WYSIWYG word processors largely 1 Tata Consultancy Services. 2 The term Dev 2.0 was first coined by the author in [51].

46. Test SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AND CLOUD COMPUTING Designer (manipulates meta-data) Use Common web-based interface 32 Application player (interprets meta-data) Meta-data Application data FIGURE 3.2. Dev 2.0 architecture replaced typesetting languages which had to be compiled for formatting, Dev 2.0 aims to replace application specific code with meta-data that is rendered (and edited) in the web application player. At the same time, for large complex documents (such as this book), one prefers to use a typesetting language A (in this case LTEX); similarly Dev 2.0 is most applicable for smaller applications, rather than very large ones. In Chapter 12 we discuss more Dev 2.0 platforms, their applicability, limitations and possible future directions. We explain how Dev 2.0 platforms are designed in Chapter 14. Dev 2.0 platforms are still a nascent technology. In the future, even custombuilt applications may incorporate the idea of interpreting meta-data. So, it is possible that Dev 2.0, coupled with cloud computing will lead to new paradigms for enterprise system architecture. We shall return to this topic after first discussing the emergence of cloud computing. 3.4 CLOUD COMPUTING Whereas software as a service is about packaged applications made available over the internet, cloud computing makes a lower level of infrastructure and tools available over the internet in data centers maintained by a cloud provider.

47. 3.4 Cloud computing 33 We must note that alongside the evolution of the internet, hosting services, such as for websites, have been around for years. However these are not by themselves ‘cloud’ services (we explain why in Chapter 17). To understand the additional features that account for the surge of interest in cloud computing, we first need to trace the evolution of cloud computing by the pioneers in the field, viz. Amazon and Google. The SaaS providers such as could implement their systems using web application server architectures as discussed in the previous chapter. Since these offerings usually catered to small or medium businesses, the number of users for each tenant application was relatively small, so it was relatively straightforward to provision servers as the number of tenants increased, with each server catering to many tenants. In rare cases, such as for the few large customers who had probably a few thousand users each, again a traditional application server architecture suffices, by balancing the load across many machines just as it would in the case of an on-premise deployment. Thus, the scale of usage was very similar to that of traditional enterprise software. Amazon, the first ‘cloud’ provider, faced a different set of challenges as it grew from an online bookseller to an online retail hub, but solved them in a highly innovative and reusable manner, leading eventually to a new cloud computing business. First, the complexity of Amazon’s application suite; to display one page featuring a book, a number of services from fairly complex applications are needed, such as reviews, recommender systems, and collaborative filtering. Next, the peaks and troughs of the seasonal retail business necessitated Amazon to continuously monitor load and automatically provision additional capacity on demand. Finally, as they became a retailer catering to the ‘long tail’ of small niche products, they saw the need to support their suppliers with some minimal IT, many of whom had no systematic computing systems apart from a few personal computers. Recall the virtual machine concept which had been developed during the mainframe era. In recent years virtual machine technologies have been developed (or rather, redeveloped) for popular modern hardware architectures, such as the Intel X86 family. (Examples are VMware, Xen and KVM; the latter two being open source tools.) Using virtualization many logical operating systems can share a single physical machine resource through a hypervisor that emulates an underlying hardware model, and which is used to run different guest operating systems. This is similar, at a high level, to multi-tenant SaaS, where a single application player ‘runs’ different meta-data configurations. We shall cover virtualization in detail in Chapter 8.

48. 34 SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AND CLOUD COMPUTING Amazon exploited virtualization extensively, just as many large enterprises are also now doing, to automatically and dynamically provision hardware with those applications that were most utilized as demand fluctuated through the year. The high degree of automation they were able to achieve in this process enabled them to conceive of and launch their S3 (simple storage system) and EC2 (elastic compute cloud) whereby users could rent storage and compute power on Amazon servers. First intended for use by Amazon suppliers and partners, this was opened up to the general public as an experiment. Its popularity resulted in Amazon becoming, inadvertently, a pioneer of cloud computing. There are key differences between the Amazon cloud and traditional hosting providers: (a) the degree of automation made available to end-users, as web services, to control the number of virtual instances running at any point in time, (b) the ability for users to package and save their own configurations of virtual machines (as Amazon machine images, or AMIs) and (c) charging per hour of actual usage as opposed to the monthly or yearly charges for traditional hosting. In addition, Amazon also made available their own system software tools, such as Amazon SQS (simple queue service) and SimpleDB (a non-relational database). These enabled many users of the cloud to build complex applications without having to rely on deploying and configuring traditional middleware and database products. In the case of Google, on the other hand, the scale of computing power needed to support large-scale indexing of the web, the immense volume of searches, and machine-learning-based targeting of advertisements across this volume meant orders of magnitude larger computational needs as compared to even the largest enterprise. Large banks today often have tens of thousands of servers; Google, on the other hand is estimated as running over a million servers, as of today. In the process of solving its computational problems, Google developed innovations in programming models for large-scale distributed processing, such as the Map Reduce model for partitioning a sequence of tasks to be performed on a very large data set and executing it in parallel across a very large set of machines. Supporting this was their ‘big table’ model of a data store, a non-relational database distributed across a very large set of physical storage with built-in redundancy and fault tolerance. Finally, supporting the massive volume of search queries necessitated building a highly scalable application server architecture designed from the beginning to execute in parallel.

49. 3.4 Cloud computing 35 Thus, when Google announced its cloud offering, the Google App Engine, it looked very different indeed from the Amazon cloud. Users could program using development libraries (initially in Python, now also in Java) and deploy their code on the App Engine. The code so deployed would be always ‘running’ in response to any web request to the corresponding URL. Further the application would automatically scale on the App Engine’s large-scale distributed execution infrastructure. Thus, users did not need to do anything special to make their application scale from supporting very few to many millions of requests per day (apart from paying for higher load volumes, with a base level of 5 000 000 hits a month being free!). Data services were provided through the Google Datastore, also a non-relational distributed database. If properly exploited by application code, highly parallel distribution and querying of data would be automatic. The Google App Engine thus represents a completely new application architecture, based on automatic distributed execution and load balancing. In the Java version of the App Engine, the JVM itself is custom built by Google to support this model at the lowest level; similar modifications are also likely to be present in Google’s Python interpreter, since it is well known that vanilla Python does not scale well to many CPUs on a normal machine. As Google has not publicized the distributed execution architecture we can only speculate about its structure. Figure 3.3 displays the Amazon and Google cloud models side by side. In contrast to App Engine, users do need to deal with scaling issues using Amazon, and must explicitly provision a parallel architecture using the web services provided. On the other hand, they get full (root) access to virtual machines, either Linux or Windows, and are free to deploy any software they wish on them. With App Engine, users must develop fresh applications using the App Engine SDK. Microsoft has also entered the cloud market with its Azure platform. This is along the same lines as Google’s, i.e. it provides a software platform for application development rather than access to raw virtual machines. More importantly, Azure is based on the already popular Microsoft programming stack. Azure also includes the ability to describe the runtime characteristics of an application explicitly, bringing back some indirect control over application deployment to the user. The Amazon model is an example of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) while the Google and Microsoft models are ‘platform as a service’ (PaaS) offerings. In Chapter 5 we shall cover each of these cloud models in detail. Now we return to our discussion of Dev 2.0 and examine what Dev 2.0 and cloud computing together may mean for large enterprises.

50. 36 SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AND CLOUD COMPUTING Amazon cloud Google cloud Development SDK Internet Provisioning services VM VM VM VM VM VM VM … VM Application deployment and distributed execution platform VM …. Simple DB Simple queue Google datastore S3–Simple storage Map reduce Big table FIGURE 3.3. Cloud models 3.5 DEV 2.0 IN THE CLOUD FOR ENTERPRISES The IaaS cloud model offers potentially important implications for software development processes in IT organizations, especially in the context of outsourcing and globally distributed development: 1. The issue of ‘control’ of server infrastructure is often a bottleneck; traditionally a server is controlled by either the ‘customer’ organization or the ‘services provider.’ In the cloud, control can be ‘shared’ and transferred at will, enabling efficient distributed development regardless of geographic location. Similarly for globally distributed teams; using the cloud, no team is more equal merely because they are co-located with the server infrastructure. 2. Procurement and provisioning in the cloud is orders of magnitude faster, and can be time bound; this can greatly speed project execution, user testing, analyzing production defects, etc. 3. Early performance testing is possible using ‘true’ replicas of the actual production environment dynamically provisioned in the cloud for a limited time, which would otherwise be too costly.

51. 3.5 Dev 2.0 in the cloud for enterprises 37 Thus, because of the high degree of control offered by the IaaS cloud model, it is likely to find many applications in large enterprises sooner than PaaS clouds. At the same time, the question of overall cost advantages of cloud computing depends a lot on the computational profile required by an organization. It is not immediately clear why enterprises cannot replicate these models internally (after all Amazon was a retail enterprise first, and cloud provider only later), nor that replicating them will necessarily be worth the while for all enterprises. This question is addressed in more detail in Chapter 6 where we explore the economics of cloud computing. The emergence of cloud platforms is also an opportunity to revisit the ‘success’ of the SaaS model. In spite of its widespread use in certain application areas and markets, ‘control over data’ has been the traditional inhibitor to wider adoption of SaaS in large enterprises. However, if SaaS vendors and customers share the same cloud infrastructure, SaaS applications could potentially use storage and databases that are ‘controlled’ by their customers, without adversely affecting performance or losing the benefits of the SaaS model. This would also enable closer integration with the internal IT systems of the end customer. Similarly, hosted Dev 2.0 platforms could be used on ‘customer-owned’ data in the cloud rather than a proprietary database owned by the Dev 2.0 platform vendor. Further, many Dev 2.0 platforms (from the same or different platform vendors) could be used together while sharing the same customer-owned data in the cloud, e.g. one tool for forms-based workflows and another for analytics. We explore some of these possibilities in Chapter 12, and describe one Dev 2.0 platform (TCS InstantApps) that can work with user-controlled data in the cloud. Finally, the new highly scalable distributed PaaS platforms such as App Engine and Azure open up new opportunities for enterprises to perform largescale analytical tasks that are currently prohibitive: For example, if a retail chain could benefit by occasionally performing a highly compute intensive computation on large volumes of data (e.g. point-of-sale data), it currently might not do so since this would entail investing in a thousands of servers which would normally lie unused. However, with applications developed on scalable distributed cloud platforms, scaling would be automatic and use a large set of hardware resources only when needed. At other times, the same applications could run consuming far lower resources but still having access to (and maybe updating) the large data set as new information streamed in.

52. 38 SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AND CLOUD COMPUTING Analytics applications would need to be rebuilt to exploit the underlying nonrelational but highly distributed data stores provided by these models, as we discuss in Chapter 16. What could the future enterprise IT environment look like, when it is a mix of traditional systems, internet services as well as in-house enterprise clouds? What is the future of software development using model-based interpreters when they start operating in a cloud environment? We speculate that as IT infrastructure gets increasingly complex, all organizations, large and small, will eventually either need to implement cloud computing and Dev 2.0 technologies internally, or have to leverage such publicly available services to be efficient. They will take decisions on distributing their data across their internal ‘private’ clouds and external ‘public’ clouds. They will use a mix of traditional and SaaS applications to operate on this data. They will build these applications with traditional tools and processes, and increasingly with Dev 2.0 platforms. We envision ‘Dev 2.0 in the cloud’ as a potential paradigm shift for business applications and corporate IT; we shall explore such future possibilities in more detail in Chapter 18. For the remainder of this book we now go into technical details of cloud computing and related technologies as well as the needs of enterprise architecture.

53. C HAPTER 4 Enterprise architecture: role and evolution As technology evolved from mainframes through client-server to the internet era and now to cloud computing, each large enterprise has had to continuously evaluate emerging architectures and plan the evolution of its IT environment, at the same time ‘keeping the lights on’ by ensuring stable IT systems to support running its business. In this process, each IT department has become characterized by a mix of technologies, as a continuous balancing act is maintained between the stability of legacy systems, demands of new business requirements and the adoption of new technologies. The ‘enterprise architecture’ function within enterprise IT has evolved to manage the complexities of an ever-changing technical environment. In the process enterprise architects found it useful to maintain a description of all of an enterprise’s software applications, how they fulfill business needs, how they are implemented technically and how they communicate with each other. Additionally, defining and enforcing technical standards to guide the choice of new technical platforms has become another integral part of this function. To examine how cloud computing can and will be adopted in large enterprises, we need to view this potential paradigm shift from the perspective of the enterprise architecture function. 39

54. 40 ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE: ROLE AND EVOLUTION 4.1 ENTERPRISE DATA AND PROCESSES Information systems, by definition, need to keep track of the core information vital to the functioning of an enterprise. We shall examine in detail what information large enterprises maintain and how these are organized as data models in Chapter 13. Information systems also manage the core business processes of an enterprise; in Chapter 15 we shall describe how these processes are modeled and enacted. Enterprise architecture views business processes and the information they access at a higher, macro level. Enterprise architecture definition begins with a compilation of all business processes, such as ‘prospect to order’, ‘order to cash’, etc. The first step is identifying and naming each process, and identifying business events that mark its start and end. Deeper analysis includes identifying intermediate business events and human decisions made during the process, participants in the process, exceptional conditions and how these are resolved. Also documented are non-functional aspects of a process, such as how often it changes, and its expected time of completion. Enterprise processes can often be classified as ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’. Vertical processes typically operate within a single organizational function, such as sales or accounting, manage a cohesive information set pertaining to that function, and are typically supported by software packages or systems dedicated to that department. ‘Prospect to order’, for example, is a vertical process limited to the sales function. Horizontal processes, on the other hand, cut across functional units; ‘order to cash’ is a horizontal process since it spans sales, production and finance. 4.2 ENTERPRISE COMPONENTS The term ‘component’ has traditionally been taken to mean to a ‘software sub-system that has well-defined interfaces which can be used independently of its internal implementation’ [50]. Structuring software into components drives modularity in software development and makes it is easier to evolve a large system by incrementally replacing its components over time. Zachman [63] first defined a formal approach to structuring collections of software applications that need to work together to run an enterprise. Building on the Zachman framework, a ‘component’ view of enterprise architecture was proposed in [54], extending the component concept beyond individual software systems. In this approach, each enterprise application comprises

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