Sunday 3 September 2017

Welcome To Canadianemr

EMR Rankings — View the Top 10 RANKED EMRs

EMR Vendor Ratings Available! The ratings may be viewed by clicking on the Comparison Engine tab after you have logged in or may be previewed by clicking on the Resource Directory tab. Login now or Sign up for a user account. All rating information is provided independently by physicians who have chosen to rate their EMR. CanadianEMR does not have any control over the ratings that are provided. The site functions as a trusted independent resource and source of information designed specifically for physicians, practice managers, and medical office staff to assist in decision making and to support effective use of Electronic Medical Records.

CONFIDENTIALITY OF RATINGS: When a physician submits a rating to CanadianEMR for a specific system, limited information is shared with the vendor in order to verify an individual as a user of that EMR product. The information includes First Name, Last Name, Province, City, and Date of first use. If the physician has provided a primary care network they belong to or has an additional unique identifier such as a contract number, that may also be voluntarily provided. The EMR Rating that is provided is CONFIDENTIAL and WILL NOT BE SHARED with the vendor. This information is treated with the utmost care and diligence. In order to further protect the identity of the rater of a specific EMR, the vendor is unable to begin verifying their users until at least five physicians have rated a product.

Usage Statistics on CanadianEMR
Physicians with an intention to purchase an EMR8,321
Side-by-side EMR comparisons35,658
Vendor profile views731,051
Resource directory companies304


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