Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Designing your OpenStack Private Cloud: Folsom Edition

Synopsis: There is no easy answer or magic solution when architecting your private cloud. OpenStack is flexible and can be designed in many ways which can be a blessing or a curse. The goal of this talk is to provide guidance on how to start thinking about your private cloud architecture.

I am continuing this series from my operational talks at the Grizzly Summit and would like to make this a standard talk at every summit. We've been working with Folsom for 6 months and will be updated as such.

1. Build with the end in mind (don't paint yourself into an architectural corner)
2. Images and Storage
3. Architecture examples and thoughts for the following environment sizes: a. 1-20 physical nodes
b. 20-100 physical nodes
4. Performance Considerations and Bottlenecks
5. Lessons Learned
6. Operational updates
7. Q/A and Community Input

Source: http://docphy.com/technology/computers/software/designing-openstack-private-cloud-folsom-edition.html

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