Thursday 30 March 2017

Early Childhood Studies

The Next Step on Your Career Journey

Welcome to the part-time direct-entry Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Studies (ECS) program at Ryerson University. Our program – the first degree-completion ECS program in Canada – combines The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education’s adult-learning expertise with the academic strengths of the School of Early Childhood Studies.

Working with partners across the early care and learning community, we take great pride in meeting the lifelong learning needs of people who devote their professional lives to supporting young children and their families. Our experience, resources, and commitment to learning and teaching excellence empower us to offer a variety of meaningful paths that will give you the knowledge and skills you need to advance in this socially vital field.

The need for well-trained ECE professionals has never been greater. It’s particularly important that early care and learning programs and approaches are attuned to our swiftly diversifying and changing society. In Ontario, with the introduction of full-day early learning programs for four- and five-year-old children and Child and Family Centres for very young children, we must ensure that people who have chosen a career in the ECE field have access to the education they need to develop optimum learning environments for all children.

For information on career and post-graduate pathways, please visit the Careers in Early Childhood Studies website.

Flexible Schedule – Online BA in ECS
As of September 2012, the part-time degree completion program is available online, with the exception of a two-week residency on campus in the summer. During this two-week period, students can enrol in two intensive week-long courses that are offered on campus and participate in on-campus activities.

Also in September 2012, students have the option to complete third- or fourth-year placement in their workplace setting, provided they meet the criteria. (See Third- or Fourth-Year Placement – Workplace Option.) As well, students can complete a distance placement in third or fourth year if they live and work outside the Greater Toronto area.

Learn More about Our Program

You can learn more about our program by:

Viewing our audio PowerPoint Presentation

Interested in Applying?

For full admission requirements, please visit the Undergraduate Admission site.
Obtain a Ryerson Student Number in order to enrol.
Enrol in your lower level liberal studies courses.
For more information about the Early Childhood Studies (ECS) program or to have one of our advisors contact you about getting started, fill in the Online Eligibility Form.

Online Eligibility Form
For more information see the Ryerson University Part-Time Undergraduate Calendar, visit the School of Early Childhood Studies website, or contact Jennifer Butterly at or 416.979.5000, ext. 7636.

Thank you for entrusting your further education to us.

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