Monday 17 April 2017

Holistic Addiction Treatment Provides Help with a Human Touch

Holistix by the Sea believes that the human element is critical in reaching our clients’ deepest needs. A cutting-edge medical approach and proven therapeutic modalities are necessary in addressing body and mind, but spirit requires a separate healing, and this is why we emphasize the human factor. Love, empathy, forgiveness, and deep understanding are qualities that must be nurtured, and our holistic addiction treatment approach balances the fulfillment of these deeper needs with the appropriate clinical requirements for healing addiction.

Our holistic drug rehab covers a lot of ground in an intense and concentrated program. Besides counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy, which address psychological and behavioral issues, we believe that spiritual counseling, yoga, massage therapy, and acupuncture are powerful and necessary adjuncts in a holistic approach to wellness.

Yoga in Our Holistic Addiction Treatment Center
Years of prolonged drug and alcohol abuse can cause the body to deteriorate, and become stiff. This is due to a lack of exercise, little or no stretching, consumption of an unhealthy diet, and the constant bombardment of toxins delivered through various drugs and alcohol. The consequences of these behaviors are devastating on one’s body. Yoga is a healthy way to begin steadily reversing these effects.

After several sessions, one will start to have a range of motion in their joints again, giving them a sense of ease and fluidity. Their muscles will start to strengthen, including their heart, and they will also notice an improvement in their cardio performance.

Perhaps the most beneficial part of yoga is the breathing. Yoga involves very deep and mindful breathing, which continuously improves lung capacity. Careful and controlled breathing stimulates the relaxation response, reducing anxiety levels and creating a calming sensation. This is very important in regards to the healing of addiction because anxiety is one of the major causes of drug and alcohol dependency. The deep and focused breathing also helps one let go of the mind chatter that often is associated with stress, and delivers more oxygen to the brain thus creating endorphins (the body’s natural feel good chemicals). This will result in a better mood and improved concentration.

Yoga is beneficial for the heart as well. It lowers blood pressure and slows the heart rate. Other medical conditions commonly relieved by yoga include back pain, arthritis, and symptoms of asthma. One of the many great things about practicing yoga is that one does not have to be an advanced practitioner to gain these benefits. You are never too old, too unfit, or too “tight” to do yoga. Even beginners tend to feel less stressed and more relaxed after their first class, and there is a noticeable change in your body and posture after just a few short sessions. At our holistic addiction treatment center, yoga will be incorporated into the treatment program to heal not only the mind and spirit, but the body as well.

Massage Therapy and Acupuncture
We believe that holistic alcohol rehab and addiction therapy clients benefit greatly from the inclusion of massage therapy and acupuncture.

Massage therapy is an ancient practice that involves the manipulation of muscle, skin, and tissues with applied pressure. These sessions will provide clients with a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation that will aid in their overall recovery. By carefully working the proper parts of the body, the massage therapist can help reduce anxiety, relieve pain from migraine headaches, strengthen the immune system, increase blood flow, exfoliate skin, and help the body rid itself of toxins.

Acupuncture is a proven method for releasing toxins and helps promote a client’s spirituality, serenity, awareness and clarity. When an individual has been abusing substances for an extended period of time, drugs and alcohol are constantly flowing through the blood stream and leaving behind unhealthy substances and toxins in their muscle and fatty tissues. In addition, “muscles memory” can hold onto trauma, which can later cause physical pain and even relapse.

For treatment to be successful, one must obtain release from past trauma and from the toxins that are stored in your body. These treatments will improve circulation to the body’s organs, balance the body’s energy levels, relieve tension, release stored toxins from cells, and improve all the bodily functions.

Acupuncture sessions not only encourage and enhance relaxation, but they actually physically relieve the body of impurities left over and lingering from years of drug and alcohol dependency.

We treat the whole person to make the person whole. Love is the foundation of healing.

Call us today! 1 (877) 872-7730

holistic addiction treatment center florida

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