Sunday 2 April 2017

Long Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

Need a Personal Injury Attorney in Long Beach, CA?

If you've been injured in an accident, you are suddenly confronted by issues you may not know how to handle:

Who will pay my medical bills?
Will I be compensated for lost wages?
What type of doctor should I see?
What if I never completely recover from my injuries? Will I be compensated for future pain and permanent injuries?
Do I need an attorney?
What is my case worth?
If the police report isn't ready, what do I do about my wrecked car in the meantime?
What should you do if a family member is in the hospital with catastrophic injuries due to an accident?

Long Beach personal injury lawyers Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer are a husband and wife attorney team. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions and guide you through this time of uncertainty and stress. You benefit from our 40+ years of combined experience and our singular focus on representing accident victims. Our firm specializes in serious injury and wrongful death cases, and we have a track record of multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements.

Our accident attorneys serve clients, including Spanish speaking clients, in Long Beach, Carson, Lakewood, Bellflower, Los Alamitos, Paramount, Artesia, Cerritos, Gardena, Norwalk, Downey, South Gate, Lynwood, Buena Park, Compton, Inglewood, Torrance, Hawthorne, San Pedro, Seal Beach, Rossmoor, Signal Hill, Bixby Knolls, Westminster, the South Bay and neighboring communities.

Looking for the Best Personal Injury Lawyer in Long Beach, California?

Clients hire McGee, Lerer & Associates because they want to be fully and fairly paid for the injuries and losses they have suffered due to someone else's negligence. Clients hire our firm because we provide what other local firms don't:

Speak to a lawyer on your first call. You will speak to a lawyer in your first call to our firm, or very shortly thereafter. This includes evenings and weekends. While at other firms, you will usually only speak to a receptionist, secretary, or voicemail, at our firm you will speak to attorneys Daniel McGee or Catherine Lerer. And that's true not only in your first call to our firm, but through the length of our relationship. In order to provide that level of personalized service, we must be selective in the cases we take. If we can't take your case, we will make every effort to refer you to the best law firm suitable for your case, and we will take the time to answer your questions and provide advice at no charge.

Your questions and concerns are our first priority. One of the first things our attorneys will ask you is: "What questions can I answer for you?" Sure, we have a long list of questions that we need answers to in order to determine if we can take your case. But we give priority to answering your questions, and giving you advice, even if we don't take your case. So before we start in on our questions, we will begin by answering yours. After all of your questions and concerns have been addressed, we can move to our information-gathering process. If you want to be prepared for some of the questions we'll ask you, click here.

We move quickly from the get-go. You are not going to leave a message, only to hear back from the attorney a few days later. You will speak to the lawyer in your initial call, or very shortly thereafter. If you decide you want to hire us, and we determine we can take your case, we immediately jump in and move forward with your claim. If you need a doctor referral, we get you in to a medical provider that day, or the next day – depending upon your schedule. And we'll do our best to find a medical provider who is near you. If you were in an auto accident and your car is not drivable, we work to immediately resolve your property damage claim.

Straight talk. If we think you don't really need a lawyer, we will tell you that. If we believe that we cannot add value to the case and you can get just as much money on your own, without legal representation, we'll be straight with you. If we think you have a tough case that would be difficult to win, we'll explain why.

No pressure. By calling us, there's no commitment to hire us. The conversation is free. You may be scared, overwhelmed, and don't even know where to start. We're happy to answer your questions, share our knowledge and hopefully, put you at ease. If you decide to hire us - great. If you don't, no problem.

Fee reduction when it's called for. If our client has suffered catastrophic injuries or the loss of a family member, and it turns out that the at-fault party did not have sufficient insurance coverage, we routinely reduce our fee. We also routinely reduce our fee if our client is ending up with less in his or her pocket than we are receiving in fees. This sets us apart from other firms. In our experience, you will rarely see this happen at other personal injury law firms. Why do we do it? Because it's the right thing to do.

Read more about why clients chose to hire our firm here. Read reviews from our clients here.

What Does our Firm Charge?

You pay nothing up front to hire McGee, Lerer & Associates. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means that the legal fees are paid for at the end of the case, out of the settlement or jury award. Our fee is a percentage of the money we collect for you. You never cut us a check. There is no fee whatsoever unless we recover money for you. And we guarantee that our lawyers fight for the best financial recovery we can obtain for our personal injury clients. Learn more about our No Fee Pledge here.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

You've recently been injured in a car crash, bike accident, dog attack, pedestrian accident, slip and fall, or as the result of any other injuring-producing event. Someone else was at fault. Should you hire a lawyer? Our recommendation: get a personal injury lawyer's opinion on whether you need legal representation. Personal injury attorneys provide free consultations so there is no reason not to call.

The more serious your injuries, the more likely you should retain a lawyer. If a loved one was killed in an accident, or you or a family member is facing permanent injuries, you absolutely need an accident attorney. Here's why: the more serious the injuries, the higher the value of the claim. The higher the stakes, the harder the insurance company will fight you. Insurance companies don't care about you or your injuries. Their goal is to part with as little money as possible. If an insurance company is looking at potentially having to pay out a significant amount of money, they would rather spend their money fighting your claim then paying you fair compensation. If your injuries may affect you for years to come, or potentially for the rest of your life, then you absolutely should have a lawyer on your side fighting for full compensation for your losses.

If you're not sure if your injuries are serious enough to warrant getting a lawyer, we still recommend calling and running it by us. We'll zero in on the most important issues so that we can point you in the right direction as to how to proceed, whether that's with a lawyer or without. Even if we're not going to represent you, we want to give you advice so that you don't get taken advantage of by the insurance company.

Who Pays for my Medical Treatment?

Do not wait around for the at-fault party's insurance carrier to refer you to a doctor. Nor should you expect that they will pay for your medical bills as you incur them. The negligent party's insurance company will only pay at the end of the case, after you sign a settlement release. If you are waiting for the insurance adjuster to line you up with a doctor's appointment, you are wasting precious time and hurting the value of your case because the adjuster will use your delay in getting treatment against you.

So how do you pay for your medical treatment? You can either treat through your health insurance or we can refer you to a medical provider who will treat you on a lien basis, which means that the doctor agrees to wait to be paid until the case resolves. Even if you have health insurance, you may not want to use your health insurance for medical treatment that is only necessary because of someone else's negligence, or the co-pays may be a hardship for you. If you want to treat on a lien, once we have discussed your injuries, we can refer you to the appropriate medical provider near you. That could mean an orthopedist, a neurologist, a pain management specialist, a chiropractor, a physical therapist, a plastic surgeon, or a psychologist. Based on our years of experience, our lawyers know the top medical providers in and around Long Beach. We can often arrange for same or next day visits. We can even arrange for transportation to and from the medical appointments.

How Do We Get Started?

If you choose to hire our firm, we can meet with you at our Long Beach office or your home, or, if it's more convenient for you, we can email you the retainer agreement to sign electronically. We immediately notify the insurance company that we are representing you, at which point they must go through us. If you were in an auto accident, we see to it that you are immediately compensated for your total loss, or that your vehicle is repaired, and we assist in arranging for a rental car. We get you in to see a doctor right away.

What's the Timeline?

The timeline is determined by your length of treatment. When you are done treating, we submit your medical records and bills, and lost wages documentation if you missed time from work, to the insurance adjuster. They respond with a settlement offer about 30 days later. We negotiate back and forth, getting them to their highest offer. Then you tell us whether you want to accept the settlement offer and settle, or reject the offer and file a lawsuit against the negligent party. If we file a lawsuit, the other side will take your deposition and may elect to have you examined by a doctor of their choosing. The case can still settle any time after a lawsuit is filed. If it doesn't settle, it eventually goes to trial and a jury will decide how much you get. Know that less than 2% of all personal injury cases go all the way to trial; 98% settle before trial.

What Compensation Am I Entitled To If I've Been Injured In An Accident?

If you've been injured in an accident, you are entitled to be paid for all harms you suffered, which may include:

Medical bills
Compensation for medical treatment you will need in the future as a result of the accident
Lost wages
Loss of future earning capacity if your injuries prevent you from returning to your prior job
Pain and suffering
Property damage
Diminution in value of your car, truck or motorcycle. If we also represent you on an injury claim, we waive our fee on any diminished value recovery.
Rental car or loss of use while your vehicle is being repaired. If we also represent you on an injury claim, we waive our fee on any loss of use recovery.
Loss of consortium (injury victim's spouse can make a claim for the harm suffered to the marital relationship as a result of the accident)
At McGee, Lerer & Associates, we demand that insurance companies pay our clients full compensation for all losses they have suffered.

What Types Of Cases Do We Handle?

We represent people who have been injured and families who have lost a loved one as the result of someone else's negligence. Our clients include victims of the following types of accidents:

Car accidents
Motorcycle accidents
Truck accidents
Bike accidents
Bus accidents
Pedestrian accidents
Dog bites
Slip and falls or trip and falls
While auto accidents may be the most common context for personal injury claims, a large and rapidly increasing percentage of our clients are Long Beach bicycle accident victims who have been car-doored, or struck by a car that was passing from behind or struck by a hit-and-run driver. We also represent clients who have been injured after being attacked by a dog, or as the result of a premises liability accident or swimming pool accident.

In the area of auto accidents, we have extensive experience prosecuting claims for compensation following accidents caused by anything from distracted drivers who were texting while driving, to the collateral damage caused by illegal street racing. We represent injury victims of rear-end collisions, hit and run accidents, drunk driving accidents. We represent motorists who have been injured in freeway accidents, by uninsured drivers, or in the Long Beach traffic circle.

Personal Injury is All We Do

Unlike some high-volume law firms that practice multiple areas of law, Long Beach personal injury lawyers Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer have focused their entire legal careers on representing solely accident injury victims and their families. McGee, Lerer & Associates has a level of expertise that is difficult to find elsewhere. We know what needs to be done to position a client's claim for top value. We vigorously fight any attempt by the other side's insurance company to get a discount on what is owed to our clients.

Millions in Settlements and Verdicts

We know that no amount of money will bring back your pre-accident health, or bring back your loved one who was killed in an accident, but we also know that compensation for your losses can make your pain easier to bear. We fight to receive the maximum compensation for each of our clients. Based on our success in achieving high-dollar verdicts and settlements, lawyers Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer have each been awarded lifetime membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Less than 1% of all U.S. lawyers are admitted as members to this organization, demonstrating our level of expertise and commitment to our clients.

Specializing in Serious Injury Accidents & Wrongful Death Claims

While all injury accidents are unfortunate occurrences, there are some that stand apart in terms of seriousness and impact on the victim's life and that of their family members. Serious injuries are those that have the potential to dramatically impair a person's quality of life, whether temporarily or permanently. Examples of such severe injuries include burns, amputations, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, vision loss, complex regional pain syndrome, annular tears, Lisfranc injuries, and degloving injuries. At McGee, Lerer & Associates, we apply the same amount of dedication and zealous advocacy to each case we take on, whether large or small. However, our accident attorneys specialize in handling serious injury and wrongful death claims. Knowing that the stakes are higher, we approach these cases with a determination to see that our clients and their families are provided with the best resolution and the maximum compensation they need and deserve in order to move forward.

The greatest injury that can result from negligence or wrongdoing is the total loss of life. In the field of personal injury law, negligence claims that involve the death of a victim are separated from others and known as wrongful death claims. Elements of proof, the pain caused by loss of a family member and the rebuttal of the defense are all escalated in wrongful death claims. As the most serious injury claims of all, we approach wrongful death claims with a sense of reverence of the lifetime of pain and loss that our clients will endure. Seeing their grief fuels our determination to hold the negligent parties fully accountable.

Importance of Medical Documentation of your Injuries Soon after an Accident

Unless there is medical documentation of treatment and injuries, an accident victim will never obtain the compensation to which they are entitled. Part of what our lawyers do to maximize the value of our clients' personal injury cases involves overseeing the medical treatment and making sure we have the best medical evidence to document all injuries suffered. It is of critical importance that an accident victim receives medical treatment as soon as possible after an accident. This protection is not only for their health, but also to strengthen their personal injury case. Any delays or gaps in getting treatment will be used against you by the insurance adjuster, who will contend that if you were really injured, you would have treated right away.

We can Come to You

Accident attorneys Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer are available 24/7 to provide a free consultation. We know that in the aftermath of an accident, the best time for you to talk with or meet with a lawyer may not be during regular business hours. So we make ourselves available afterhours and on weekends. We can meet with you at our Long Beach office, located in Bixby Knolls, or at your home or hospital room, or even at the scene of the accident.

5 Actions which can Reduce the Value of your Personal Injury Claim

Not seeking medical treatment soon after an accident
Allowing the other side's insurance adjuster to take your recorded statement
Providing the insurance adjuster with a signed medical authorization
Not telling your doctor about every accident-related injury - and seeing the doctor write it down
Inconsistent medical treatment, i.e., gaps between doctor visits
It is important to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident because the lawyer will protect you from making these five mistakes, as well as others that unrepresented injury victims commonly make. Without an attorney protecting you, your actions or inactions after an accident will likely decrease the value of your claim. We're not saying this to scare you into hiring a personal injury lawyer; we're saying this because it's the truth.

Preparing for your Initial Consultation with our Firm

In your initial telephone conversation or meeting with one of our attorneys, expect a lot of questions. Before you call us, you may find it helpful to know the questions we will ask you so that you can have the information at hand. It is not necessary that you have all of the information at the time of our initial conversation, but the sooner you provide this information to our firm, the sooner that we can begin moving towards resolution of your claim. Click on the link below to find out the information we need:

Information we need after a car accident or truck accident
Information we need after a motorcycle crash
Information we need after a bicycle accident
Information we need after a dog attack
Our clients come to us feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. They don't know whether they should trust the insurance adjuster. They don't know if they need an attorney, or which law firm to hire. They don't know what type of doctor to go to, and who will pay for the treatment. They are concerned about the extent of their injuries and whether the injuries will be chronic. If the pain will be with them the rest of their lives, they want to know if they will be compensated for that.

Clients hire McGee, Lerer & Associates because we give straight answers to their questions and we give priority to making sure our clients understand the process. Clients hire us because they want a firm that will step in and handle the situation, allowing them to focus on healing and getting back to their lives. Clients put their trust in our firm to protect them and guide them through this vulnerable time. We truly care about our clients and their families and feel lucky to do what we do.

Contact a Long Beach personal injury lawyer at McGee, Lerer & Associates for a free consultation. Let our family help yours.

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