Wednesday 19 April 2017

Representing cloud infrastructure providers in Europe

The nature of cloud infrastructure services and different cloud deployment models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) are often misunderstood. This lack of understanding is fuelling “one size fit all” policies that are out of touch with industry requirements – and underpin the need for a united voice to represent the views of European cloud infrastructure service providers.

Welcome to CISPE. Our membership currently includes companies operating 15 European countries – and we’re growing. Join us.

What we do

Strongly advocate cloud first public procurement policies
Promote coherent EU-wide security requirements and technical standards
Support comprehensive privacy requirements with a Code of Conduct
Work to keep the EU cloud infrastructure market open, competitive and free from lock-in
Prevent unjustified content monitoring obligations in the EU legal framework

CISPE Code of Conduct for Cloud Infrastructure Services

This data protection code anticipates enforcement of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It aligns with the strict requirements laid out in the GDPR framework to help cloud infrastructure providers comply and so avoid penalties while also offering a framework to help customers and end users to select cloud providers and trust their services.

The CISPE Code of Conduct :

An effective, easily accessed framework for complying with the EU’s GDPR
Excludes the re-use of customer data
Enables data storage and processing exclusively within the EU
Identifies cloud infrastructure services suitable for different types of data processing
Helps citizens to retain control of their personal and sensitive data

Public Register
Current list of services declared under the CISPE Code of Conduct

Declare a service
Declaring a service under the CISPE Code of Conduct

How to complain to the CISPE Data Protection Committee

cloud computing providers, cloud service providers, cloud service providers list

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