These loans are provided by structured settlement companies and you make future loan repayments with the interest applied to the loan principal according to terms. You don’t have to risk your assets for the loan, you don’t have to concern yourself with background checks, employment and credit history or even how you’ll have to repay the loan because your settlement structure acts as the collateral. However, it must be taken into account that court approval must be obtained and when you apply for a pre-settlement lawsuit loan the lender company must review documents regarding your case and speak with your attorney so it may take about 90 days for the loan to be processed and funds distributed. Also lenders will provide the loan based on a percentage of the actual settlement and typically this will be somewhere between 70% and 90%.
Have a structured settlement and need a loan? We've put together a list of structured settlement loan companies.
Think you may sell your structured settlement payments? Consider these points?
Trying to find structured settlement companies that seem legitimate? Check out the list we've researched.
Learn more about the secondary structured settlement market.
This type of loan can even be obtained during a pending lawsuit and is known as Pre Settlement Funding, pre-settlement loan or lawsuit loan. The plaintiff can obtain the loan before the case is finally resolved and if he doesn’t win the lawsuit, he doesn’t have to repay the monies advanced. If he does win the lawsuit, he repays the original settlement loan amount together with fees assessed due to the lawsuit’s inherent risk.
Like any other type of loans structured settlement loans have their cons and pros too.
The main benefit of this loan is that you get your money right away to solve some urgent issues. Moreover, you are protected against future inflation, or you may even have enough money to invest into a business or stocks with possible solid returns. You will also have to pay comparatively low interest payments. But on the other hand you’ll get your money at a discount (minus a percentage, as lender companies give out loans to make a profit). Also, if you don’t manage your money reasonably and start “enjoying” the lump sum of money you have got in your hands, you may end up being broke.
So, if you need your money right away and are OK with these disadvantages, a structured settlement loan is possibly
Structured Settlement Loan Companies
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Selling a structured settlement? We explain how to sell, analyze factors to consider before selling, and list settlement buyers. Visit now!
Secondary Market Structured Settlements | Structured Settlements
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33 Structured Settlement Companies | Settlement Buyers
Structured settlement companies that buy settlement annuities in FLA, CA, GA, PA, NY, and more. Get the contact info you need to sell now!
About our Structured Settlement Loans page.
While we try to provide helpful information, the content on this site is not a substitute for individual legal advice regarding the strength of your claim, the likelihood you will win, when you may receive a settlement, the terms of a loan you are considering, or whether you should take a loan.
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