Monday 24 July 2017

Massachusetts Drug And Alcohol Detoxification

Seeking sobriety and obtaining a long-lasting recovery are multi-step processes. Here, at Swift River, we’ve assembled the finest team of addiction professionals so that we can offer you, or your loved one, the epitome of good care. Our program has been created around one guiding force—providing you with the highest caliber of evidence-based drug and alcohol addiction treatment so that you can successfully obtain and maintain a drug-free life.

We recognize that recovery occurs on many levels. In order for a person to fully emerge from the vicious cycle of addiction and be protected against relapse, they must receive treatment that addresses their physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual health needs. To do this, we provide a broad spectrum of treatment modalities and best practices that work in conjunction with each other to give you holistic and individualized care.

The Dangers Of Unsupervised Detox

As a person progresses from substance abuse to addiction, the toxic overload on their body increases, likely creating in greater intensity and frequency a host of health troubles and side effects. Any addiction, whether it be to drugs or alcohol has the potential to be very dangerous, and in many cases, it can even prove fatal. For this reason, the sooner you stop using and begin progressing towards better health, the better. As soon as you become sober, you’re granting your body and mind a better platform on which to heal and build better health.

We never recommend that you or your loved one quit “cold turkey,” as this can be dangerous and even life-threatening, especially in the case of an alcohol addiction. Instead, we recommend a medically-supervised detox. Despite the prevalence of literature on the internet, or some opinions, detoxing without the supervision of a highly-trained addictions specialist is never a good idea. We implore you—let Swift River help you do this safely, with the aid of our expert and caring staff.

Detox Under Our Compassionate Care

Second to obtaining treatment, detoxing from the harmful substance you were addicted to is your first step towards sobriety. Our physician-supervised staff will stand by you through this trying time, 24/7, offering you compassionate support so that you progress through detox as comfortably, and as safely as possible. Our clinicians will also aid you in fighting off the cravings that can threaten your pursuits of a drug-free life. Detox not only places a burden on your body and brain, but on your emotional and mental standing as well; our staff will continuously monitor these states.

At times, you may feel very overwhelmed or experience anxiety, which is one reason why seeking a medically-supervised treatment is so essential. In addition to providing medical support, we have counselors standing by that can offer you distractions, provide you with companionship during this daunting time and address any worries you might have, while in turn, preparing you for the next step.

Sometimes, in the more severe of instances, and specifically with drugs like strong opioids and alcohol, certain medications may be used to help you better transition through the withdrawal period.

Medication-Assisted Therapies

Due to the strain that the chemical components of the drugs or alcohol placed on you, some of your body’s delicate systems are not processing correctly. When you use these substances, your body’s physiology and neurochemistry are altered. In the latter case, your brain’s very chemistry has changed. Certain neurotransmitters, important chemical messengers within your brain, have adapted to the influx of the drug within your system.

If you suddenly cease using the addictive substance, your body and brain will react harshly, as they have become dependent on the drug in some capacity to function, resulting in what can, at times, be very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Due to these reasons, our specialists may, in some situations, determine that a person be better helped through this period by the aid of a medication. We will skillfully and gradually taper you off of the addictive substance, that way your body can acclimate and progress towards stability, preparing you for the next steps of treatment.

In addition to prescription medications to treat withdrawal, and the accompanying agitation, anxiety and depression that might be present during this time, we may use a variety of non-addictive medications to further help you find an equilibrium and address any other health and medical issues that may stem from your withdrawal. We may also supplement your health with nutritive support to help give your body better protection and balance after the addiction’s devastating effects.

We treat a wide variety of addictions. Next, we will discuss two types of drug use in specific, and how we will help you to detox from them.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Our services can be especially important for an individual who is striving to overcome an alcohol addiction. Withdrawal from alcohol, especially for a person who has drank heavily over a prolonged period of time, can be very severe. If not handled properly, it could result in someone losing their life. This is yet another reason why choosing Swift River can be one of the most important decisions that you’ll ever make.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, hence, when the alcohol is removed from your system, an opposite effect occurs. According to a publication by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the autonomic nervous system, the portion of your nervous system that is responsible for dictating the processes of crucial systems related to your internal organs and “essential and involuntary bodily functions, such as respiration, blood pressure and heart rate, or digestion,” becomes compromised and basically goes into overdrive, which results in the host of withdrawal side effects that our medications could actually help to alleviate, or in some cases, cease.

Opioid Withdrawal

At Swift River, we specialize in treating opiate addictions, including those due to heroin, prescription narcotics, or other opioids. When a person stops using opioids, their body can experience a harsh and unpleasant reaction to the absence of the drug within their system. This is because opioids affect your brain’s chemistry, specifically, the drug attaches to opiate-sensitive neurons at the mu opioid receptor sites, affecting various neurotransmitters, the most notable being dopamine. These biochemical processes are responsible for eliciting feelings of reward and pleasure.

Eventually, the brain’s functioning becomes, in essence, dependent on these harsh chemicals, and cannot function normally without them, which in the case of withdrawal is why you experience symptoms when you stop using a drug. We utilize a medically supervised taper, which enables our staff to slowly wean you off the drug of abuse, so that you experience as minimal withdrawal symptoms as possible.

At Swift River, we utilize buprenorphine, a dynamic medication that allows us to temper the pain and uncomfortable nature of withdrawal, significantly alleviating, and in some instances, ceasing some withdrawal symptoms and the accompanying cravings. In addition, we may use other medications, at the discretion of your treatment team, to further help you find stability.

Addressing The Stigma Of Taking Medications During Recovery

What is most unfortunate, is that many people still adhere to the false and hazardous notion that using a medication within treatment is wrong, weak or dangerous. This all too frequent misconception can not only make detox more severe and intolerable, but could result in someone losing themselves to drugs as they return to using to circumvent these unpleasant symptoms, or literally losing their life, as they could die.

Using a medication to overcome an addiction does not make you weak, instead, you are being extremely strong as you face your addiction head-on and make the wisest, and most responsible decision possible. Used properly, under the guidance and expert direction of trained professionals as employed at Swift River, these medications may mean the difference between your success and a continued life of drug use.

Cleanse, Center And Build A Better Life

Detoxification is only the first step within rehab for building a strong recovery. During your time with us, we will also offer you an extensive array of therapies and modalities that are geared towards providing you with a thorough, holistically based treatment. These include behavioral adjustment techniques, psychosocial therapies, both in individual and group settings, family support and therapy, recreational treatment and adventure therapy activities.

We know that becoming sober and working within your recovery isn’t always easy, and can at times be very challenging. That’s why we employ powerful, and life-changing research-proven treatments. It is imperative for you health, and to protect your very life, that you begin this process as soon as you can. We also understand that this can be overwhelming—at Swift River, our compassionate and expert staff is standing by to help you better understand the information regarding detoxification and treatment, so that you can begin making wise and positive decisions. Contact us today.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism — Alcohol Dependence, Withdrawal, and Relapse
U.S. National Library of Medicine — The Neurobiology of Opioid Dependence: Implications for Treatment

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